Off duty officer assault to become felony?

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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
I think it only applies if your specifically targeting off duty police. We've had a steep raise of cops being targeted off work in the last couple years.

Not trolling but rather quite serious - please define, or link to something that explains, "steep rise" in absolute and percentage terms. I mean going from 2 to 3 is a 50% rise and sounds dramatic but may in fact be a fairly limited problem. I just don't know the scale of what you are discussing.


Special Hen
Jan 18, 2013
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I don't have percentages for you. I doubt any type of official statistical tracking has been done.
I receive emails about police officers being assaulted off duty, their homes being target and their families being harassed every day.
The rise of cop block idiots and other psycho paths has sky rocketed.
I've personally been followed home once this year already, and have a prowler in my backyard this year.
The guy following me was multi felon drug dealer who got to go back to jail, and the prowler was also a felon.
Both admitted to knowing I was law enforcement, and specially targeted me.
Other Co-workers have had the same things done to them.
One co-workers family (kids) were harassed at public ball field just because their father was a police officer.
The guy had no reason to be at the field, he had no children, and had been seen hanging around watching the kids.
It was determined he was specially targeting the kids of police and public officials'.

These are just a few examples from a small town in southern Oklahoma.
I've heard of hundreds of stories of police being targeted.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
we live in a police state...having to give biometric data to the government just to have the "privilege" of driving should have made this obvious even before more and more laws like this one are passed by the republican totalitarians in Oklahoma. You are either in the club or not.

And I'm not for people targeting cops but I'm also not for cops targeting people either.
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Special Hen
Jan 8, 2010
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MW City
So as a retired cop, would that law apply to me?
Instill bounce into folk I set to the noose gou 25 or more years ago.
An I been retired since 98.
Truthfully if the cops active are pushing this one I am concerned.
Old days some one jacked with you off duty there was some serious arse whipping that was expected and no one cared.
Ain't that right Benito ..........


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
What, are some cops afraid that their mouth might write a check on the side of the road that their ass can't cash off duty on a more even playing field, like an empty parking lot or behind a bar?


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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
I can't support a special case of assault against a police officer but I could see some other charge being added since, if an officer is being targeted because he is an officer of the law, then the offender clearly has intent to interfere with the effective administration of justice or some such.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I don't support "hate crime" legislation....all crimes are hateful despite the motivation...I know of opinions from cops on "hate crimes" protecting certain groups...they disagree with it in those cases. If someone targets a cop, they should get the same penalty as everyone else in my this nation, only gov't officials, LEO's & illegals have elevated citizenship...the avg middle class tax payer is considered just a blood bank to finance the whatever level of tyranny that rules them; in other words, a chump.

Meanwhile...the police routinely seize property & money from people...
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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If an off-duty LEO or their family are intentionally targeted due to the LE status, I could see having a stalking charge available, along with any other applicable criminal statute. I'm not for modifying the basic assault charge to felony status for special categories of people.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
I dont think giving extra protection to law enforcement personnel when off duty from being harrassed, stalked, assaulted, etc is a form of giving them extra powers or making them untouchable. Things are weird these days and these people are doing a job not many would want to do. Seems with all of what is going on with law enforcement and the public in recent incidents it has them thinking of the vengeance seekers, stalkers, etc. Ethics though would seem to weigh their actions when off duty same as any citizen. If as the OP states the off duty LEO grabbed his wifes arse and he beaned him on the nose that would seem to weigh differently on the DAs opinion of how to charge the wifes husband for assault than if an officer had been assaulted by a stranger for no reason or someone actually stalked and assaulted them over a beef or whatever. The husband might get a pass, might not.

You just dont pop someone in the jaw these days like you could back in the day especially over something like someone touching or grabbing the wifes booty. Legally if she has proof of it then she needs to make an official complaint about him sexually asaulting her to the authorities and let them deal with him- call 911, etc. Being chivalrous is all fine and good with relations with the wife but you didnt protect your woman you committed an assault as you had no reason to assault this person as you were not defending yourself from this person physically, you were 100% the aggressor. I may have it all wrong, but I police myself different than some for a reason. Some will say what man doesnt protect his wifes respect or whatever? Me. Unless someone is getting overly physical with her then my wife can handle herself, she doesnt need me to step in, I feel for the person who wrongs that woman. Ive never been in any type of law enforcement related employment, etc. Ive been more on the other side, a tattoo artist, a former boxer and martial artist who still lifts weights and boxes for my health at 46.

These days I wouldnt just punch anyone for most anything ever unless it was in defense of myself. We live in such a highly litigious society nowadays, just knowing the trouble it would bring me no matter who it was I punched, an off duty cop or a bus driver, means cooler heads just have to prevail. I have alot to lose today financially and otherwise vs when I was a broke little punk in my 20s, and I do not like sitting in jail. My 2 over nighters in the county sobering up the required 6 hours or whatever have been enough of that for me. Back in the day it was normal for people to take care of things a little differently like out back in the alley or wherever. I was in a lot of fights when I was younger. F that today. There are just too many more ways for people to twist things on you with what seems like cameras coming out of every where any more to catch you doing something you shouldnt be. My son is an up and coming boxer and martial artist with MMA goals down the line and we have had many discussions about what he can and cannot do same as if someone just got their CCW permit. Just because you have the power doesnt mean you have to use it, thats just your ego speaking, you better have a gd good reason and you better be in defense of yourself if you throw that punch or point that weapon at someone.

Just my .02 which doesnt mean a damn thing...

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