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In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
I see, the rules are "sealed." People are doing that a lot these days

@John6185...Nah, the rules are readily available. They are under "Site News and Feedback" at the beginning of the forums. Here they are.

But, I am going to suggest that the owner, @Okuma, put them in their own section...called "Forum Rules" at the very top of the page so they jump right out at somebody.

The rules are few and simple, but we have to have them or else the place turns into a free for all bar brawl full of illegal activity and rife with immorality and wanton crime and sin.

Here's some suggestions:
- Read and heed.
- Try using SEARCH if you don't know how to access something or find something.
- Send a PM to a Mod with your question if you can't find something or would just rather have him do the work for you.
- If you disagree with something, like you got a warning point and you don't think you should have, submit your case under the "Help" Section; you'll find a spot there for a private conversation between you and the can basically like...appeal, and the other guys will beat up on and harangue the bad Mod perhaps and get your raw deal overturned…or not. But if you don't ask that the issue be looked at, it probably won't be. Simply posting notice that you got a warning won't get ya squat.
- If you don't like the way the Mods do their job, send the site owner a PM and justify yourself. Don't just say "So and So is mean to me..."
- If you think you can do a better job as a Mod, apply for the position.
- The rules for auctions are there for a reason. We all know that private sales are under the microscope, we have to be careful not to do something illegal, that can even begin to look that way, or that might bring unwanted attention from unwanted eyes on to OSA. As long as the site insists that the membership adhere to the rules, and that includes all applicable laws, we are good. If we allow something like say, a slight personal insult to slide by, like somebody calling another guy "dumb" or something, well, that's one thing. But if we allow firearm sales to take place outside the rules, that's a whole 'nother can of worms that could very well cause trouble for not just OSA, but those members involved.

One more thing: It was mentioned above that somebody got snitched on. Happens all the time folks. I've even had members copy and paste derogatory comments that were made about me in a personal PM sent to them by someone who I thought was my friend. But it turns out that my so-called friend was a back-stabber and a snitch who seems to like to stir the pot and spread rumors, and say bad things about not just me, but others as well, rather than contribute to the forum. It's also funny that the person they sent the derogatory PM to, who they thought was their friend, would then in turn betray their confidence and snitch on them right back to me! Remember: a PM is a Private Message. But it's only private until it's not. It might be worth considering that you shouldn't say something online, in a public forum, in a PM, open message, email, chatroom, etc. that you wouldn't want to see posted for the world to see. Electronic words are like bullets; can't call 'em back.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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I posted that with tongue-in-cheek, a semi-joke to get a conversation started and apparently it worked!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 18, 2010
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Why don't we scold the whining members? You can only only act like adults not kids on play ground.
Just my thoughts.


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
I posted that with tongue-in-cheek, a semi-joke to get a conversation started and apparently it worked!

I thought you did. Good for ya. But it did make me realize we probably need to have those rules more prominently displayed eh? I hope @Okuma will respond positively to that suggestion; he's a good guy and should be able to take care of it fairly easily.

Why don't we scold the whining members? You can only only act like adults not kids on play ground.
Just my thoughts.

We do. There is a system in place for reminders and warnings. Oh sure, a lot of it depends on the actual violation itself and the judgment of the Moderator handling the issue at the time. But that's why the Moderators get paid so much.
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