Potus will speak

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 12, 2008
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Lincoln Co.
Nailed it

I predict the following points will be made:

  • Terrorism is generic and definitely not a problem of Islam
  • Guns are a problem which we must control - probably the no-fly list should be used to prohibit gun purchases
  • "We are better than this" (I find this highly offensive since "we" are not the problem)

He will not dwell on or perhaps even touch on climate change because his handlers will have convinced him that this is not a winning talking point.

If there is a Republican response I fear it will not be strongly pro Second Amendment.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I'm going to put this out there. Because we have our constitution and abide by it, we cannot rid ourselves of the muslim faith nor can we deter them from practicing it. I also don't hate muslims as a whole. It DOES concern me very much that they seem to be working on taking over by increasing their sheer numbers....that seems to be the MO of the "movement". So yes i'm concerned about some of their ideals....
I said i don't hate Muslims as a whole...what i DO hate with a passion is ANYONE who tries to attack our country, our people, our families and our way of life that generations of Americans have fought to keep. The same Americans that fought and many died to help INSURE they ( muslims) could practice their religion without fear of harm because of their beliefs. If those people that want to harm us happen to be muslim, then it's on them, not me. If someone or someone(s) want to attack us, and you are rejoicing because of that or are rejoicing because someone HAS harmed or killed Americans...YOU are in the same box as the assholes that did the attacking and YOU also need to be taken out of the mix. If you are in a group that plans to attack us or harm us or DOES...then YOU need to be taken out, regardless of your religion. To keep it right...religion has NOTHING to do with it....IDEALS do. Muslim's have a spleen and lungs just like Christians or Jews or anyone else...not like they are from mars or anything, they are still human beings...so it doesn't have to be about what religion they are....just about their IDEALS. We don't insure freedom of IDEALS.

Some will get where i'm going with all that....some won't : )

Agreed. On a slightly lower scale, I also dislike those who try to draw a false moral equivalency between radical Islamic terrorists and the domestic hate groups we have here and now.

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