President Obama will be here Sunday.

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Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
hmmmm....let's see, setting idly by while Americans in Benghazi were being killed, using the IRS to beat down his political opponents, directing the DOJ to violate the 1st Amendment rights of journalist, attempting to limit the 2nd Amendment rights of American citizens, arming Mexican Drug Cartels, arming the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. Yeah, Obama bleeds red, white, & blue.

I hate to break it to you, but Obama only found out about all of these things when he seen them on tv......

Except for killing Bin Laden. He was large and in charge on that one.:wink2:

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Wow.....this thread has gone sad & pathetic.

Can someone tell me when Obama said he hates America? Or the evidence of such?

For all of those that can't help but wish hate & disrespect upon others, what president did you respect?

Aren't some of the things being said in here the exact same crap we all condemn the WBC for doing?

One, What a man says means nothing compared to what he does.

Two, only a tiny minority of people wish hate and disrespect on others without cause. There is a clinical name for that, although it escapes me at the moment.

Three, no, it is not the same as WBC.
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
We were stranded at 19th and Broadway at the shopping center while all the roads were shut down. Wife made me get out and watch, so I videoed the motorcade driving by. Dudes in those suv's were armed to the teeth. They sure were driving fast too. I felt like it was cool to see a presidential motorcade, but at the same time I didn't want to be there. It would be nice to actually be one of those people that were all excited to see their president. :blush:

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Special Hen
Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score
Moore, OK
Let's get a few things straight...I'm not defending the wrongful actions of a president or any other political official, but breeding hate for the sake of hate and wishing death upon him in a plane crash is ridiculous. Not my choice for president but when the Republican party can't put together a ticket to beat someone so clearly should send up some serious red flags about how in touch the GOP is with the common man. What on Earth makes you think that a group so clearly bent on their own agenda will represent the people of this country any better than what we have?

Aren't you late for your vaccination? all my shots, thank you. Are you off your meds?

hmmmm....let's see, setting idly by while Americans in Benghazi were being killed, using the IRS to beat down his political opponents, directing the DOJ to violate the 1st Amendment rights of journalist, attempting to limit the 2nd Amendment rights of American citizens, arming Mexican Drug Cartels, arming the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. Yeah, Obama bleeds red, white, & blue. verbal admittance of hating America. As far as the rest, if you're saying he's far from being the best president we've ever had...then I'm happy to agree with you but find me a president that didn't have a screw up or 2 that affected a good percentage of the American population adversely.

One, What a man says means nothing compared to what he does.

Two, only a tiny minority of people wish hate and disrespect on others without cause. There is a clinical name for that, although it escapes me at the moment.

Three, no, it is not the same as WBC.
1 - If a man's actions are all that matter, then why are people so insistent on hearing the truth. Words & deeds are equal when a man has the character to support them...don't discount one for the other when it suits the cause.
2 - I'm still waiting on the name of a president that a person who wishes a plane crash on somebody would respect.
3 - To openly promote hate and wish death on another simply for the fact that you don't like them...or don't agree with their politics...makes you no better than a person that would boycott the death of a soldier or child and blame it on someone's sexual preference.

Flame away - IBTL.

*** many people did he bring? I've seen shorter trains. Anybody know the typical # of persons in a presidential entourage? That seemed a bit much.***


Special Hen
Apr 2, 2011
Reaction score
No matter what you think of the President, no matter if you did not vote for him, no mater if you think he does not or does deserve our respect. His is the President Of These United States and when he comes to visit our state we should show him the respect all Presidents deserve no matter if we support him or not. By not doing so, it reflects badly on the state of Oklahoma. This is just mine and many others opinion.

well said


Special Hen
Apr 2, 2011
Reaction score
Wow.....this thread has gone sad & pathetic.

Can someone tell me when Obama said he hates America? Or the evidence of such?

For all of those that can't help but wish hate & disrespect upon others, what president did you respect?

Aren't some of the things being said in here the exact same crap we all condemn the WBC for doing?

many would say reagan. the guy who sold weapons to our enemies. the guy who spent money like it was going out of style. the guy who backed and supported the bradey bill. the guy who passed gun control.


Special Hen
Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
you mean chan 6 9 23 2 8 and all the other local news stations in okc isnt local enough? lol

They were allowed to air his speech, that was all. They were not allowed near him any other time. All the other shots were from a distance with tower cams. You sure are acting butt hurt, guessing you voted for this dictator? Respect is earned, he has not earned **** from me. Did you just watch and not listen when the local media said they were not allowed to follow and film him? The said it multiple times, only his people were allowed.

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