Racism at OU

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Race-baiting doesn't exist and the narrative of the opressed white man is ******** made up by people afraid of the changing world around them and perpetuated by talk radio stars.

I am living, breathing, typing, Austrian-descended, lily-white, offensive, politically incorrect proof of it. Talk about a deluded victim mentality - it's anyone who believes in reverse racism or a double standard that favors minorities over whites.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Race-baiting doesn't exist and the narrative of the opressed white man is ******** made up by people afraid of the changing world around them and perpetuated by talk radio stars.

I am living, breathing, typing, Austrian-descended, lily-white, offensive, politically incorrect proof of it. Talk about a deluded victim mentality - it's anyone who believes in reverse racism or a double standard that favors minorities over whites.

I have to disagree with the bolded part. Vehemontly

The President of the US has more than once race baited by commenting on situations in the college professor, Zimmerman and Ferguson before he knew the facts.

In every case he was wrong. Jackson and Sharpton also raced to conclusions that have been found to be false, baiting the black populations to riot.

Just tonight the reporters on the street in Ferguson asked several black protesters if they agreed with the findings of the DOJ that Michael did NOT have his hands up and was NOT shot in the back, and they did not agree. They believe the co-criminal that was with Michael in the field at the shooting that said he had his hands up. It didn't happen. BTW the person with Michael was not arrested for stealing from that store.

Forensic evidence by the Black led Eric Holder DOJ couldn't find any evidence to support the OP yet the protesters continue to believe that narrative.

That's insane.

Tonight, a large percentage of protesters in Ferguson are wearing masks. Why is that?


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
I'm wondering if it's too late to pursue criminal charges against these guys. They're saying on TV right now that the University of Texas Chapter of this frat is singing the same song. Just how deep does this thing go? Conspiracy? Interstate conspiracy to sing this racist song? Root them out! Criminal charges. No, they're not kids, they're men, and they need to be locked-up for a very very long time. They should get out before they turn 60, they'll be sadder but wiser by then. I'm not a big believer in the death penalty but they'll spend all those *****-bereft years in solitary with plenty of time to think about it. I insist that this will be punishment enough.

OK. That worked: Leave the hyphen take the cannoli.
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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
I think the reaction both in the media, by the University, the national fraternity, and even on this forum has shown that racism can't flourish as is claimed here in 2015...

People "unfriend" people pretty quick and run away from racists so I do not buy the whole narrative that this country is so racist. We have a black president, black attorney general, black SCOTUS justice, countless black CEO's, millionaire sports figures, and NFL coaches, etc...I think malicious white racists (the lynchers or the 1920's, the Texas redneck sleigh-ride people, etc) are dwindled down to almost nothing, and the remaining racism is just bottled up emotion with no real bite. These kids obviously felt powerful to sing a nasty song about black people but in the grand scheme, if they went on to be a congressman or CEO and they didn't grow out of this non-sense, then they'd be ruined forever if their secret got out.

I have found white people that are afraid of being labeled as racists to be the ones so quick to over-react instead of being pragmatic. It used to be just white liberals, but now there is a trend of white conservatives jumping at opportunities like this to try and prove THEY themselves are not racists by going over the top on any hint of any bias by other whites. In some of these cases, the over-reactors turn out to have white guilt about being racists themselves...much like a guy who 1st smells a fart in the room and is actually the culprit. I am comfortable enough with my own convictions to discuss this on a more even keel because I know what is in my own heart. I do not buy the racism-for-profit garbage and I think that this even goes to show how hard it is to be a racist in America in 2015 and how those who would seek to profit from this type of thing with sympathy or financial gain WANT more stuff like this to happen to support their own personal agenda. These are people like Al Sharpton, etc...you know the ones. It is unfortunate there are still whites who fullfill the need for this type of trash, but at least we don't put up with it as in the past so hopefully honest black folks recognize that.

So next time something like this happens, look at how many white folks won't put up with it and then look at who is running our nation and let go of your white guilt because this is a great country and you are a part of what makes it great and do not owe anyone an apology for who you are. We will continue to call out bad behavior but we will not feel responsible for what someone else does (whether involving race, guns, etc.) when we know that good people (black, white, brown, etc.) can do well in this nation if they just take some personal responsibility and be good to others along the way. And based on my theory that in some cases, this type of deal is related to bottled up racism that is in response to all the black crime stories and gangsta rap these boys grew up inundated with as children, I encourage black people to work to break free from those negative stereotypes, police their own communities, improve their lives and eliminate some of the reasons the nay-sayers may use to scrutinize them.

Another theory is that things like this could be a rebellion against 20yrs of hard-core political correctness that these boys grew up with; whereas, they vent it out in a private setting because the nation has gone over the top with political correctness so they want to prove they can still say whatever they want in a setting where they think there is nobody to offend (like a sealed bus full of upper-middle class white people). I think many people agree with that theory despite the fact they'd would not partake in such a hateful chant.

As for the 1st theory mentioned,

I recall Rick Santorum and Neel Boortz both citing 3 things that can greatly reduce your chances of poverty. I think there were other versions so I'm adding on a 4th step: http://www.wsbradio.com/weblogs/nealz-nuze/2012/jan/17/poverty-matter-choice/

1.) Stay in school.
2.) Don’t get pregnant until married
3.) When you get out of school get a job. Any job. And keep that job until you can find one that pays more.
4.) Don't use drugs

God loves all His children and I know he hates how the establishment has divided us. I am thankful my IQ affords me the opportunity not to buy into blanket narratives and will continue to take things case by case just like MLK said we should
Your posts are lengthy and boring. Jazz it up if you must prattle on. Do you really expect people to read all that shi+?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Welp.... looks like SAE is going to sue. Don't really get it because nationals pulled the charter before Boren kicked them off and OU owns the land.


The language coming from the kid's apology from what I've seen makes me believe they will sue too. Stupid IMO but I think it's gonna happen.

I think it's absolutely insane to think there's no double standard. I don't believe myself to be a victim of anything, but there's no doubt in my mind that any criticism towards the black community or even any real racism is treated and highlighted differently..... even relative to other sorts of prejudice..... like towards the homosexual, Hispanic, etc.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
McClain County
For the reasons outlined in the linked articles, I respectfully disagree with Ridge and Cards. I'll copy paste a few passages, but I won't paste the entirety of the articles because that would make for a ridiculously long post.


"But Title VI is addressed to literal discrimination, and statements by students in a private setting do not come near to violating it, said Geoffrey R. Stone, a professor of law at the University of Chicago. A university could discipline students for disrupting classes with irrelevant or uncivil speech, Mr. Stone said, or otherwise disrupting the operations of the school."

“But it’s hard to make that case here,” he said of the Oklahoma situation. “The statements were made in the innocuous setting of a bus, and any disruption came from the showing of the video, not from the students’ speech,” Mr. Stone said."


Likewise, if SAE members are expelled based on conduct for which people who didn’t engage in SAE’s speech would generally just be mildly reprimanded, the expulsion would be based on the speech, not the members’ punishable conduct, which would just be pretext for punishing students for the ideas they were expressing to each other.

Under the First Amendment, though, the government — including the University of Oklahoma — generally cannot add to this price, whether the offensive speech is racist, religiously bigoted, pro-revolutionary, or expressive of any other viewpoint, however repugnant it might be.

"Whether the Saturday night chant amounted to such a violation, legal experts said, the code could not take precedence over First Amendment rights."


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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For the reasons outlined in the linked articles, I respectfully disagree with Ridge and Cards. I'll copy paste a few passages, but I won't paste the entirety of the articles because that would make for a ridiculously long post.


"But Title VI is addressed to literal discrimination, and statements by students in a private setting do not come near to violating it, said Geoffrey R. Stone, a professor of law at the University of Chicago. A university could discipline students for disrupting classes with irrelevant or uncivil speech, Mr. Stone said, or otherwise disrupting the operations of the school."

“But it’s hard to make that case here,” he said of the Oklahoma situation. “The statements were made in the innocuous setting of a bus, and any disruption came from the showing of the video, not from the students’ speech,” Mr. Stone said."


Likewise, if SAE members are expelled based on conduct for which people who didn’t engage in SAE’s speech would generally just be mildly reprimanded, the expulsion would be based on the speech, not the members’ punishable conduct, which would just be pretext for punishing students for the ideas they were expressing to each other.

Under the First Amendment, though, the government - including the University of Oklahoma - generally cannot add to this price, whether the offensive speech is racist, religiously bigoted, pro-revolutionary, or expressive of any other viewpoint, however repugnant it might be.

"Whether the Saturday night chant amounted to such a violation, legal experts said, the code could not take precedence over First Amendment rights."

Wow, interesting............... "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I have to disagree with the bolded part. Vehemontly

The President of the US has more than once race baited by commenting on situations in the college professor, Zimmerman and Ferguson before he knew the facts.

In every case he was wrong. Jackson and Sharpton also raced to conclusions that have been found to be false, baiting the black populations to riot.

Just tonight the reporters on the street in Ferguson asked several black protesters if they agreed with the findings of the DOJ that Michael did NOT have his hands up and was NOT shot in the back, and they did not agree. They believe the co-criminal that was with Michael in the field at the shooting that said he had his hands up. It didn't happen. BTW the person with Michael was not arrested for stealing from that store.

Forensic evidence by the Black led Eric Holder DOJ couldn't find any evidence to support the OP yet the protesters continue to believe that narrative.

That's insane.

Tonight, a large percentage of protesters in Ferguson are wearing masks. Why is that?

Well said Dennis

I'm wondering if it's too late to pursue criminal charges against these guys. They're saying on TV right now that the University of Texas Chapter of this frat is singing the same song. Just how deep does this thing go? Conspiracy? Interstate conspiracy to sing this racist song? Root them out! Criminal charges. No, they're not kids, they're men, and they need to be locked-up for a very very long time. They should get out before they turn 60, they'll be sadder but wiser by then. I'm not a big believer in the death penalty but they'll spend all those *****-bereft years in solitary with plenty of time to think about it. I insist that this will be punishment enough.

OK. That worked: Leave the hyphen take the cannoli.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are trying to be funny...if you really felt that way, you are either have "angry black man syndrome" or are a fan of fascism...

Your posts are lengthy and boring. Jazz it up if you must prattle on. Do you really expect people to read all that shi+?

nahh...but I also can't be too controversial or ignerntbend might call for my arrest LOL. I do appreciate your opinion though.

I think it's absolutely insane to think there's no double standard. I don't believe myself to be a victim of anything, but there's no doubt in my mind that any criticism towards the black community or even any real racism is treated and highlighted differently..... even relative to other sorts of prejudice..... like towards the homosexual, Hispanic, etc.

Ahhh a healthy dose of logic & truth

Wow, interesting............... "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

even though I agree with the quote you cited to spawn your comment, I have to say Okie, that is some funny chit!
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Special Hen
Mar 7, 2015
Reaction score
the patch
Welp.... looks like SAE is going to sue. Don't really get it because nationals pulled the charter before Boren kicked them off and OU owns the land.


The language coming from the kid's apology from what I've seen makes me believe they will sue too. Stupid IMO but I think it's gonna happen.

I think it's absolutely insane to think there's no double standard. I don't believe myself to be a victim of anything, but there's no doubt in my mind that any criticism towards the black community or even any real racism is treated and highlighted differently..... even relative to other sorts of prejudice..... like towards the homosexual, Hispanic, etc.

Or football.... Guy slugs a girl in the face, gets banned from football for awhile. Guy sexually assaults a girl, gets suspended a year.

Boren wants to talk about creating a safe environment. Sounds to me that doesn't get extended to women. Further more, it sounds like you are pretty much exempt from meaningful punishment as long as you can run the ball, make a block or tackle.

*Up until this point, my little rant has been devoid of any reference to race.

Additionally, if you think Stoops is just a good guy and some sort of pulsating beacon of hope for his arm locked silent protest... pbbbbth. For him its about losing prospected. It's already happened once over this SAE crap.

There is a double standard, and I'm not talking white vs black. I am talking whether you are on the football team, or you're anyone else.
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