Re: Starbucks or "Slapping an Ally in the Face"

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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I still say if you wanna be a cop apply for the job.

^^THIS^^ Awesome Idea! Because having training and a badge makes me a responsible gun owner, unlikely to have an "incident".
Maybe we should start a thread about non-LEO open carriers shooting dogs?
Perhaps compare the numbers of lawful OCers to LEOs, and compare "bad shootings" for each? I have no idea what the numbers are, but it'd be interesting...


Special Hen
Sep 28, 2008
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^^THIS^^ Awesome Idea! Because having training and a badge makes me a responsible gun owner, unlikely to have an "incident".
Maybe we should start a thread about non-LEO open carriers shooting dogs?
Perhaps compare the numbers of lawful OCers to LEOs, and compare "bad shootings" for each? I have no idea what the numbers are, but it'd be interesting...

I think there's even a thread about a LEO shooting a five year-old in the head with a .357. I might have imagined it though since I eat late at night....

english kanigit

Special Hen
Oct 5, 2008
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Where ever I work.../Edmond
I think there's even a thread about a LEO shooting a five year-old in the head with a .357. I might have imagined it though since I eat late at night....

Thread drift:

Aaaaaaand back on track: personally, I think open carry does make you into more of a target. That's part of the individual assessment regarding risk/benefit a person needs to make prior to commencing with carrying a loaded firearm in any fashion.

"What??!? You mean I have to think? Don't trample on my rights 1!!1!! :soapbox:"

Yes, Virginia. If you are going to carry a loaded firearm in public with the expectation of having it available for the application of Deadly Physical Force then I would bloody damn well expect an adult to think some of these things through.

If you haven't then please leave your blaster in the safe or, better yet, at the dealer and carry the aforementioned Lagomorpha's lower appendage. It will surely serve you better and wont potentially attract somebody willing to feed it to you by force.

If open carry meets your needed criteria then by all means carry on. Do try to do so in such a fashion that isn't going to attract an excess of negative attention to yourself and, more importantly, to the gun community as a whole. Often times we are our own worst enemies.



Special Hen
Jan 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Aaaaaaand back on track: personally, I think open carry does make you into more of a target. That's part of the individual assessment regarding risk/benefit a person needs to make prior to commencing with carrying a loaded firearm in any fashion.


EK, facts speak otherwise! Criminals are predators. Predators prey on the weak.

"Professors James D. Wright and Peter Rossi surveyed 2,000 felons incarcerated in state prisons across the United States. Wright and Rossi reported that 34% of the felons said they personally had been “scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim”; 69% said that they knew at least one other criminal who had also; 34% said that when thinking about committing a crime they either “often” or “regularly” worried that they “[m]ight get shot at by the victim”; and 57% agreed with the statement, “Most criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police.” James D. Wright & Peter H. Rossi, Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms [1986]. See Guns and Public Health: Epidemic of Violence or Pandemic of Propaganda? by Don B. Kates, et. al. Originally published as 61 Tenn. L. Rev. 513-596 [1994]."

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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I'm not a fan of open carry for myself. I think it's logical to assume if you were in situation where someone were going to do something bad, for example rob a bank, and they noticed you had a firearm , you'd be at greater risk to become a target. Additionally, since I am a sneaky, scheming, plotting type, I'd prefer to have the element of surprise.

However, I have noticed a lot of people doing it, especially when I go to "redneck heaven" aka Bass Pro Shop. Doesn't bother me, I just don't care to do it myself.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not a fan of open carry for myself. I think it's logical to assume if you were in situation where someone were going to do something bad, for example rob a bank, and they noticed you had a firearm , you'd be at greater risk to become a target. Additionally, since I am a sneaky, scheming, plotting type, I'd prefer to have the element of surprise.

However, I have noticed a lot of people doing it, especially when I go to "redneck heaven" aka Bass Pro Shop. Doesn't bother me, I just don't care to do it myself.

A visibly armed citizen is a deterent not a target.

An openly armed citizen represents the possibility of resistance, effective resistance; strength. It is not typical predator behavior to attack those that can effectively resist. It's in their safety manual. When on the job don't mess with those that can fight back.


A criminal or two or three walk into a bank. They intend to rob it. They see an armed citizen.

1) They choose to shoot the armed citizen. Teller takes a half second to press the button to call police. Silent alarm or bells ringing - makes no difference the LAW is on the way. Criminals take 2 to 3 minutes or more to clean out the registers (lets not talk vault - the criminals are on the clock - get in get out). The cops will show up to an active bank robbery in progress alarm within 2 to 3 minutes easily - high priority crime and all. End result - criminals are caught or killed. Criminals want in and out fast and with no fuss. The time served for bank robbery is way less than for murder - especially in OK. Criminals know this.


2) The criminal(s) choose to turn around, leave the bank and find one where there are no armed citizens to interfere and they can control the situation to a much greater and safer degree.

But wait you say. Criminals are stupid and cowardly. I say go on believing that right up to the point that your mugger walks up to one of you guys with a concealed weapon and points his gun right at your face. Go ahead! Pull yur piece. Good Luck. Your're gonna need it. So much for not annoying the sheep (think many will show up to your funeral?) And so much for the ccw'rs vaunted tactical surprise.

As Pak-40 said "Predators prey on the weak". They don't mess around with those that can mess around right back at them. They don't unnecessarily put their lives at risk. Just because they are criminals who live outside the law doesn't make them stupid nor does it make them cowards.

Do the research - look up predator psychology and behavior. Get back to me when you do.

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