Refuse 2 Enroll!

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Fact remains folks...signing up for insurance thru your employer is still enrolling in O-BS-Care ACA!

That's not true either. It MIGHT be true in 2015 only IF your employer is not GF'ed in and/or chooses a new group plan, which aren't even available at this moment. Also, any company would go through carrier sites, not the .gov site as they are not looking for a subsidy. Basically what I'm saying is that for large companies buying insurance, the logistics aren't changing..... as of right now.

Only 3 ways NOT to enroll and join the Communistic databases:
1) get a private policy
2) claim one of the 9 exemptions
3) do nothing and pay the tax

Again.... (1) All ACA policies are private policies. The only way you join the "communistic database" is if you apply for a subsidy. If someone knows they don't want a subsidy OR doesn't want the .gov to get their info, they can go to the insurance carrier website of their choice and get an off exchange plan instead of going to the healthcare website.

The best thing this country could do is flat out refuse to enroll. Young, old, black, white, purple, Dem, Rep, Lib, Ind, gay, straight - EVERYONE.
Period. No more sheep.

True. As I said earlier, even if you have an off exchange plan you are still contributing to the insurance pool.


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
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You don't have to explain to me how you THINK this will work. I'm asking for definitive proof of your statements. This reaching interpretation compromises a ton of Federal and State laws in place, so can provide anyone that's credible (not Infowars) that has come to this conclusion also and how it would fly under current laws. Especially since they are so specific and this opinion of the law is so vague?

Now I KNOW you're completely talking from the wrong end. You DO realize that Obamacare has nothing to do with the elderly right? Considering Medicare has changed very little with this law and again.... there's several laws in place that compromise this theory.... I'd love to hear some foundation.

Agreed. However, the tin foil stuff only does him a service. Stick to the real world aspects of the law, there are plenty.

Can you please leave Alex Jones and Infowars out of this. I have in the past listened to him occasionally but personally I think that he is a drama queen and is a scapegoat for those who dismiss serious issues.

The administration themselves have stated many of the things I listed as concerns. I didnt mean to be interpreted as saying that the government was going to review each case and determine if they will approve of the treatment. My point is when they start issuing industry standards, as Jay Carney and many others have stated, is that those standards will come between the doctor patient relationship. If you really want me to dig up all the things that led me to my conclusions then I will. I am not going to write you out a list of names when you can use Google and find the doctors who support my claims as well as ones that dont. The part about Obamacare effecting the elderly unfairly is strait from David Axelrod. Medicare hasnt changed? Really? Go to your local pharmacy and ask them what happen to the cost of medication. All of them will tell you that the price skyrocketed. I was at my pharmacy right after parts of the law took effect. The old lady in front of me was distraught when she learned that the medication she use to pay $4 had gone up to $3xx and she had decide which medications she was going to get that day. Also, to help fund Obamacare, they had to cut billions from Medicare.

The bigger issue is that this whole argument is based on the law as we know it know. The ACA gave the administration so much power to change the law there is no way to know what we will actually end up with. Ideally, I would say that is not a bad thing since with a bill so large you need to be able to adjust it to make it work but there is not way we can trust our government to give them that kind of power. They cant even handle what they have on their plate now and we expect them to succeed in one of the largest industries in the country. Unlike most right wing people, I dont think Obama is a bad person. I think he started off with good intentions but soon realized that the President doesnt have the capabilities he thought it had and doing what he promised to his supporters wouldnt be as easy as he thought.

The other thing is you seem to believe that conspiracy theory implies that the theory is wrong. Just because Alex Jones or Savage bring up an issue does not mean that they dont have a point. That doesnt mean they are right all the time either. The only thing we can do is listen to everyone and research for ourselves. Our history filled with conspiracies but for some reason people believe that they dont exist in the present. They blew up one of our own ships to get us into Vietnam, that is insane. That is just one that happen years ago and somehow folks believe that out government is more trustworthy today than it was then. Nixon was impeached for spying on the opposition. This administration is spying on everyone, the head of the program lied about it on national TV, and not so much as one person gets fired. They sell guns to Mexican cartels to then use the violence committed with those weapons to push gun control. The big banks get caught rigging LIBOR, one the most important markets in the world, and no one does anything. And you ask me how I reach my conclusions and to talk about real world aspects of the law? If the law is written in a way that allows it to be abused then it will, no matter the intention.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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I'm not going to enroll either. I'll keep my employer provided inasurance.

By enrolling in your employer's insurance plan, you are enrolling. The whole gist of the ACA the individual mandate; that is, the requirement that every person have some sort of health care insurance plan.

The Exchanges, as hosted on the now infamous website, are still private companies selling individual insurance plans. They were just doing so through a government-hosted marketplace. It's not much different in principle than calling up community care of BCBS and enrolling in an individual plane


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Medicare hasnt changed? Really? Go to your local pharmacy and ask them what happen to the cost of medication. All of them will tell you that the price skyrocketed. I was at my pharmacy right after parts of the law took effect. The old lady in front of me was distraught when she learned that the medication she use to pay $4 had gone up to $3xx and she had decide which medications she was going to get that day. Also, to help fund Obamacare, they had to cut billions from Medicare.

You basically have no understanding on how medicare honestly works and especially part D if you came to this conclusion with this anecdote. Part D covers drugs..... and the ACA had nothing to do with cutting benefits of part D nor Medicare for that matter. All of the standardized medicare plans have remained exactly the same EXCEPT for addition of certain benefits. There are several reasons someone's drug out of pocket could have changed, happens all the time. The ACA just isn't one of them.

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