Rise of the Warrior Cop

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Special Hen
Sep 17, 2012
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That is a scary thought to wake up to people storming in ur house even if the anounce that its the police I could see how someone in a sleepy state might not realize it or even hear it. That would suck.

But I agree it did sound like that guy put in some serious work with the beretta! That's one hell of an exchange inside of a dwelling.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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That is a scary thought to wake up to people storming in ur house even if the anounce that its the police I could see how someone in a sleepy state might not realize it or even hear it. That would suck.

But I agree it did sound like that guy put in some serious work with the beretta! That's one hell of an exchange inside of a dwelling.

Or even worse...

Robbers impersonate police to invade home, beat Miramar man

Wearing what appeared to be bulletproof vests with law enforcement insignia, the three men came knocking in the dead of night claiming to be police...


Robbers Pose As Police: Men in SWAT Gear Terrorize Family

six masked men – dressed in black SWAT gear labeled "police" and armed with what appeared to be high-powered assault rifles and handguns – yelled as they swarmed into a small welding business that also doubles as the home of Camilo Rodea, his wife and two small sons...


Weren't there some police impersonation robberies in Tulsa last year?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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My kids and I watch Andy Griffith every night ( yes I know it's a show ) but watch a few of them and note the way police were portrayed then and how they are now. I don't expect them to bring me groceries when I am sick, but a little serve and protect would be nice. When the last time you saw a police officer pull over and help someone w/ a flat? I was in a accident recently and had a trooper help me with a ride home out of his way, one bad thing about him is he's retiring in three months. He even told me how shocked he was at the younger guys and how different they are.

Two days ago. It didn't look lie an officer ready to retire. We just had a thread where a younger officer does an awesome job interacting with a couple of guys who were trolling for a negative LEO encounter.

Despite what some would have you believe, there are still plenty of officers out there who recognize that their 1st duty is service to their community. I too disagree with the prevalence and zealous application of night time raids on occupied dwelling, but we can't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Or people could just take care of themselves and their community instead of depending on a militarized police force where certain members think they are god

If I can't have those toys why should they?

In Oklahoma, you can. :)

Protip #1: If you have a warrant, you can search the place when no one's home.

Protip #2: If you can't figure out some other way that he's doing something illegal, you shouldn't be able to get a warrant to assault a family dwelling.

Do the real police work, for once, instead of skipping straight to the use of deadly force.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks!

One more point. Every one of those 250 rounds expended has a liability attached to it. Even one innocent citizen getting wounded isn't worth it for a 16 plant bust. Many of these raids occur when there are small children present. Even if not physically injured, the emotional trauma can scar them for life. Use a little fieldcraft and make a smarter bust, not a harsher one.


Special Hen
Jan 30, 2013
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This kind of crap, and the court decisions that allow it, are all due to the war on drugs. Making the mere possession of a substance illegal requires more aggressive policing and more governmental power to enforce than just laws that prohibit people from initiating force against each other.

The war on drugs if a failing one. But because it's often unenforced. Small piddly fines for illegal substances, deferred sentencing, plea bargains for intel... Harsher penalties might better curve drug use, demand, and the violence it does in fact create. Should they legalize weed? Sure, but it won't make the border regions or state/national park grow sights, or the trade of the drug any safer until it becomes as available as a pack of smokes.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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hate to say it ... but based on the massive number of drug seizure auctions. really puts into question motivation of some of these warrants are to bust someone or seize assets?

correct me if I'm wrong... those 16 small pot plants gives right to arresting cops to seize assets .. which could include real estate pot plants were seized at. never mind that he had a medical reason (PTSD) for needing pot as a result from serving our country.



Special Hen
Feb 9, 2013
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Oklahoma City
By-in-large LEO's have a huge chip on their shoulders probably a partial result to dealing on a daily basis with the dregs of society and partially due to the nature of personality of the individual attracted to the LEO profession. It's a tuff job for tuff people but the ego needs to be held in check for socity's sake.


Special Hen
Feb 26, 2007
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For every bad raid like the one discussed here, LEO do a thousand great things every day. No one wants to be involved in a shooting. No one wants to be shot at.

Here are some hints to avoid his type of situation:
1. Don't grow illegal substances.
2. Don't piss off anyone who knows about your illegal activities.
3. If you are committing a felony in your home, don't be surprised when someone kicks down your door and do not shoot at those people. At that point you have pretty much nullified your right to defend the castle.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Wait, you mean to tell me they used a swat team to serve a warrant on someone cultivating an illegal substance, who was armed and obviously willing to shoot? How dare they

ALL BASED ON THE WORD OF AN EX-GF, not on any HARD evidence from investigation.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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For every bad raid like the one discussed here, LEO do a thousand great things every day. No one wants to be involved in a shooting. No one wants to be shot at.

Here are some hints to avoid his type of situation:
1. Don't grow illegal substances.
2. Don't piss off anyone who knows about your illegal activities.
3. If you are committing a felony in your home, don't be surprised when someone kicks down your door and do not shoot at those people. At that point you have pretty much nullified your right to defend the castle.

don't think it's quite that simple

1. pot has long recognized for medical treatments, including PTSD.
2. that growing pot plants is a felony to treat a medical issue resulting from service to our country is just not right. never mind that in several states pot is already legal
3. totally disagree treating a medical condition nullifies your right to defend your castle
4. home invasions are a national scourge, in the heat of the moment if someone is shooting at you. what if a raid happened to you by mistake? a wrong address .. most 2A folks are well armed and trained to shoot.
5. person in question would have easily been busted en route on a trip to grocery store. but that would not end up with as much drug seizure $$$$. So a full blown raid is more effective for raising drug seizure $$$ and justifies use of spending $$$$ on all the tactical equipment and training??


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
don't think it's quite that simple

1. pot has long recognized for medical treatments, including PTSD.
2. that growing pot plants is a felony to treat a medical issue resulting from service to our country is just not right. never mind that in several states pot is already legal
3. totally disagree treating a medical condition nullifies your right to defend your castle
4. home invasions are a national scourge, in the heat of the moment if someone is shooting at you. what if a raid happened to you by mistake? a wrong address .. most 2A folks are well armed and trained to shoot.
5. person in question would have easily been busted en route on a trip to grocery store. but that would not end up with as much drug seizure $$$$. So a full blown raid is more effective for raising drug seizure $$$ and justifies use of spending $$$$ on all the tactical equipment and training??

If you take out the bolded part, I would not disagree with anything you have posted ...
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