Sarah Palin gives us a history lesson a la Archie Bunker...

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Dude, she couldn't even hold her own against Katie Couric in an interview...and Katie is 37 and 1/2 times dumber than Obama. At least. Anyone with any shred of confidence in their "positions" could have wiped that smug smile of Katie's face. There is a reason Palin has that upward inflection and tone off uncertainty with everything she says, and it's a result of talking out of her ass 24/7. To be honest I think what Palin displays may not be sheer may be her conscience making it difficult for her to keep up the BS act she has been perpetrating through her entire political career. That's especially apparent in interviews.


Politics is just entertainment to me. I kinda hope she sticks around because she makes me laugh. I was bored of her until this Paul Revere thing.

I think you are selling her short, but that's just me. My point kind of agrees with you. She doesn't have a degree from Princeton, Columbia or Harvard. So yes she is "dumb" by the "elitist" standard. A teetotalling retard actually, just like the rest of us. I'll bet you a sixpack that she cleans Nobama's clock in a debate if she gets in. The odds are in your favor. She could really be mentally inferior and it's also possible that she "McCains out on us" and goes to playing all nice and doesn't call him out on anything. Don't think she will do that but anything is possible.

Agreed on hoping she sticks around. Because it's pure hilarity to see them and the MSM go after her. She's playing them like a fiddle. She had a bobble here, but I don't care, she won't get elected if she jumps in anyway. But she will make it interesting and entertaining. I still say she'd be great as head of the DOE or DOI. Prez? Prolly not, just not ready, but would still be better than what we have now.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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An example of what I was talking about. Mitt Romney officially announced this week that he was running and the left had several attack pieces lined up to hit him on Romneycare, etc. So what is the main news paper stories in his home state? Palin's bus tour.

View attachment 17118


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
An example of what I was talking about. Mitt Romney officially announced this week that he was running and the left had several attack pieces lined up to hit him on Romneycare, etc. So what is the main news paper stories in his home state? Palin's bus tour.

View attachment 17118
Well Mitt Romney is an absolute shoein for the nomination with Sarah running interference for him. :laugh6:

A twisted contortion like that is likely to hurt your back. :laugh6:


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I don't know who to pity more; her or her admirers.

Gotta give her credit for cashing in...."you betcha!" She's not totally stupid. She figured out how to make a buck off her celebrity.

And none of us would do the same thing if in her place?

Smarter than a fox in my opinion.

OK, who on the republican side would be better?
Romney= Lib
Mike Huckabee, backed out
Newt Gingrich, old time career politician that nobody wants.
Michelle Bachmann, she can't keep her facts straight
Herman Cain, I'm giving a maybe for this guy. No political record in his past is a great plus for me.
Ron Paul, I like him, but he is only going to give the election to obama if he runs.
Chris Christie, already said he is out.
Tim Pawlenty, nobody knows him yet, maybe.
and a host of others that will do nothing but muddy the waters.

My pick, and he is not an announced candidate, that has the only chance to beat obama BESIDES Palin, is..........

Rick Perry, the Govenor of Texas.

Ok, now y'all beat this up.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Rick Perry, the Govenor of Texas.

In January 2001, Perry proposed the Trans-Texas Corridor, a $145+ billion-dollar project that would build multi-lane highways, rail lines and data lines from Oklahoma to Mexico, and from east to west in southern Texas. Instead of paying for the project with taxes, Perry proposed that it be partially financed, partially built and wholly operated by private contractors who, in exchange for a multi-billion dollar investment, would receive all toll proceeds, notably Cintra, a Spanish-owned company, and its minority partner, San Antonio-based Zachry Construction Corporation, one of Texas' largest road construction companies. Some of the more controversial aspects of the project include tolls, private operation of toll collections (at rates set by local municipalities), and extensive use of eminent domain (or the option for landowners to maintain a lucrative equity stake in the project) to acquire property.

Opponents portrayed the proposal as a "land grab", and criticized Perry for opposing the public release of the actual terms of the 50-year deal with Cintra to the public for fear they would chill the possibility of the company's investment; Perry's former liaison to the legislature, former State Senator Dan Shelly, returned to his consulting/lobbying work with Cintra after securing the TTC deal while on the state payroll. All of Perry's gubernatorial opponents opposed the corridor project, as did the 2006 state party platforms of both the Democratic and Republicans parties. After much contentious debate between supporters and opponents, an official decision of "no action" was issued by the Federal Highway Administration on July 20, 2010, formally ending the project.

On February 2, 2007, Perry issued an executive order mandating that Texas girls receive HPV vaccine that protects against some strains of the human papilloma virus, a cause of cervical cancer. The order provided vaccination free of charge to those who were not covered by insurance. The order included an opt-out provision for parents. At the time of the order, Gardasil, a newly approved drug manufactured by Merck was the only FDA approved HPV vaccine. The move made national headlines, and apparent financial connections between Merck and Perry were reported by news outlets, such as a $6,000 campaign contribution and Merck's hiring of former Perry Chief of Staff Mike Toomey to handle its Texas lobbying work.

Perry's decision has been criticized by some social conservatives and parents due to concerns about possible moral implications of the vaccine and safety concerns. On February 22, 2007, a group of families sued in an attempt to block Perry's executive order. Perry's order has also been criticized for the price of the vaccine: approximately $360 in Texas.

I could go on but Perry isn't going to beat anybody. He isn't even going to run.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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She doesn't have a degree from Princeton, Columbia or Harvard. So yes she is "dumb" by the "elitist" standard.

C'mon. RidgeHunter is as undereducated as the next Okie, but he could tell you Paul Revere didn't warn the British on his midnight ride, and he could also name a newspaper. So could his 10 year old niece. We often bash people on OSA for not knowing anything about America...this woman was a hair's breath away from being VP and she doesn't know one of the most widely recognizable pieces of American history. It's hilarious.

Like I say, Palin's thing may not be so much that she is "dumb"...more like she is just playing a fake role and her conscience has a hard time going a long with it. She's trying to be something she's not. More honest answers would be "What's a newspaper?" and "Wasn't Paul Revere the QB for the New England Patriots?"

I got bored with all the poking fun of her that goes on, and couldn't figure out why she is still talked about, but I realized I was being a grump. She's funny. Here she is humbly owning up to her errant account:


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Well Mitt Romney is an absolute shoein for the nomination with Sarah running interference for him. :laugh6:

A twisted contortion like that is likely to hurt your back. :laugh6:

I never said he would get the nomination and pray to God he does not, but the point is while the left is so focused on Palin, the others are getting a chance to get their feet under them before the attacks really start.

And I agree with the shoddy one, of the current batch talking about it, I like Perry best.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
He hasn't done anything worse than some of the front runners, far less by the way. You've only picked out a couple of issues you have issues with and not looked at his total package, and he is likely to announce according to some of the pundits.

So who is your pic? Romney?
the social lib that passed and promoted the first obama care package? He finally took off his suit jacket the other day, and got out into the wind where his hair finally moved.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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So who is your pic? Romney?
the social lib that passed and promoted the first obama care package? He finally took off his suit jacket the other day, and got out into the wind where his hair finally moved.

And said he believes in man made global warming.

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