Sarah Palin Was Right - More Dems Ditch Death Panels!

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Ouch!!! :pms2: :pms2:

ObamaCare: Some Democrats are signing on to bills repealing the powers of the Independent Payment Advisory Board to effectively ration health care for seniors. So Sarah Palin was right about those death panels after all?

Palin was mocked by liberals when at a Tea Party rally in Reno, Nev., in late 2010, shortly before the GOP retook the House of Representatives, she told attendees: "Don't be thinking that we've got victory for America in the bag yet. ... We can't party like it's 1773."

Leftist know-it-alls insisted that 1776 was the correct year, when in fact Palin was right: The Boston Tea Party she referred to — a protest of British oppressive taxation — happened on Dec. 16, 1773.

Palin was right as well, and also took a lot of heat, when she referred to ObamaCare's Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) as a death panel whose decisions would result in health care rationing.

(Under ObamaCare, IPAB's board of 15 presidentially appointed "experts" will be empowered to make arbitrary Medicare spending-cut decisions with virtually no congressional oversight or control.)

Dr. Donald Berwick, who headed the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, admitted as much when he opined: "The decision is not whether or not we will ration care — the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open."

Berwick also said: "We can make a sensible social decision and say, 'Well, at this point, to have access to a particular additional benefit (new drug or medical intervention) is so expensive that our taxpayers have better use for those funds.'"

In an op-ed last month in the Wall Street Journal that Palin could have written, Howard Dean, former head of the Democratic National Committee, called IPAB "essentially a health care rationing body" and said he believes it will fail.

"The IPAB will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them," wrote Dean, who is also a physician. "Getting rid of the IPAB is something Democrats and Republicans ought to agree on."

Indeed, a growing number of Democrats — many of whom face tough re-election bids next year — agree.

Read the rest here,


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Howard Dean.
I know this guy doesn't have a lot of credibility anymore, but he is exactly correct.

"In an op-ed last month in the Wall Street Journal that Palin could have written, Howard Dean, former head of the Democratic National Committee, called IPAB "essentially a health care rationing body" and said he believes it will fail".

Its bad out there right now getting care for aging parents. I don't know how much of obama care has kicked in, but I do know that all of the folks that are involved in senior care are running scared right now.

Trust me on this. I'm in the middle of it. First hand.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Whoa there...Palin is still stupid. She's so dumb she thought General Motors was in the army. There are no death panels for frick's sake---and let's be honest, the system is broken and someone has to fix it. The republicans just ignored it for their entire term except for passing one law that gave insurance companies even more power to deny claims.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Daily I'm seeing wrong I was.

I believe most folks opinions evolve from the news that they watch.

We see the news, and trust what they say because we think when they are in that position, they should only report the truth. In reality, they are just news readers, not journalists. They read what their bosses give them.

I watch/listen to Fox, NPR, CNN, Fox Radio commentators, and try to make an educated statement from what I see.

I see flat out lies from all sides, but the majority comes from the left. The president is the worlds worst, saying 80% or so of Americans want "sensible gun regulations" in response to Sandy Hook. It was a flat out lie. Lie long enough, often enough and it becomes truth.

I see fox news commentators that don't know the front end of a rifle from the back commenting on how they should be banned or regulated.

I see MSNBC flat out lying about global warming. Guess what? IT'S not happening! Well, let us just change the venacular and call it "climate change", and proceed with our agenda of failed alternative energy initiatives that only cost US, the taxpayer.

I don't know what to believe any more.

I don't know where this country is headed, but it not going to be good the way we are going. Our president bows in submission before third world country dictators, and follows their path.

Our congress is in total dissarray, and deadlocked. The morals of this country continue to degrade, and we are citizen against citizen in our broken city's.

Seriously, WTF do we do? There is no citizen organization out there right now to take back our country without being called a terrorist organization by the current administration.

We only have people taking to the streets to protest bogus causes like treyvon because the organizers tell them to attend and its not what our country needs.

WTF do we do?

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