Snowflakes exist, even in Oklahoma.

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Folks, quit worrying over what the ATF is doing with the forms. Just how would they attempt to use that information to confiscate any weapons? Try to imagine just how many guns have traded hands on this forum alone. And thousands of gun shows, etc.

I was contacted once, several years ago, about a Sig I had purchased and then sometime later sold at a gun show. It had been found at a crime scene. An agent called, and politely asked me about it. I told them that I had sold it at the show, to an individual and could only guess as to the date. They thanked me, and that was the last I ever heard about it.

There are truly bigger issues to worry about.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
Caddo County
I am an FFL holder also and I will add to what James and David said.

When a gun is used in a crime the ATF will start a trace on it from the manufacturer to the dealer who sold it and that dealer will be asked who it was sold to and when. I then assume they’ll contact the person who bought it from the dealer.

Over the last 28 years I’ve been in business this has happened to me 3 times I believe.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
Folks, quit worrying over what the ATF is doing with the forms. Just how would they attempt to use that information to confiscate any weapons? Try to imagine just how many guns have traded hands on this forum alone. And thousands of gun shows, etc.

I was contacted once, several years ago, about a Sig I had purchased and then sometime later sold at a gun show. It had been found at a crime scene. An agent called, and politely asked me about it. I told them that I had sold it at the show, to an individual and could only guess as to the date. They thanked me, and that was the last I ever heard about it.

There are truly bigger issues to worry about.
The concern is not about mass confiscation of firearms which would be impossible, logistically speaking, to accomplish.
The concern is more about individual confiscation of firearms under 'Red Flag' or some other excuse in order to temporarily* remove ones firearms.

*Temporarily here means that one would have to file an expensive lawsuit in order to get the firearms returned or lose them for good.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 7, 2021
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Several months ago I was hanging out with my best friend,,,
We get together once a week for a few hours of beer and BS.

He has a Daughter who just turned 16 years old,,,
The age when her parents agreed she could start dating.

Well, my Bud has a sense of humor,,,
When her date showed up to their door,,,
He was invited in to meet my friend/her father.

So there he was in the den,,,
Purposefully displaying/cleaning several of his guns.

The Daughter groaned, the Mom sighed, the Boy recognized the joke,,,
Unfortunately the Boy's parents did not.

The next day he got a call at work from his wife,,,
Two uniformed officers were at their home wanting to speak with him.

The Boy's parents were so freaked out that they called the cops,,,
And tried to get them to arrest my Bud on "menacing with a firearm" charge.

The cops had no choice but to investigate the situation,,,
Apparently the Boys parents greatly exaggerated the whole thing to them.

So, he takes off from work to clear this up,,,
According to him one cop was reasonable and sympathetic,,,
But the other cop was more on the Boy's parents side rather than theirs.

Fortunately for them the Mom had taken several pictures of the Young couple and the Dad,,,
The guns in the pictures were visible on the table but none were in his hand,,,
The Boy was grinning/smiling with my Bud and in no distress at all.

The cops eventually wrote it up as a non-threatening event and left.

Later on he found out that the Boy's parents would not allow him to talk to the cops,,,
They made the complaint themselves and claimed the Boy was "too traumatized" to make a statement.

In a sane society my Bud would be able to sue them for making a false charge.


Ive always laughed at dads who do the whole “cleaning guns” joke or whatever one may call it. But on a real note, I always said anyone who felt the need to do that, wasnt that dangerous of a man anyway. But yep, people, even in this state are cry babies, weak minded, and live a lifestyle of complacency. When I see guns in a house, I feel warm and fuzzy on the inside! We will pray for their emotionally traumatized selfs to heal up and toughen up!


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 8, 2022
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Edmond, OK 73034
They are out there! I thank the good Lord for providing me with good children, son-in-law and daughter-in-laws. I have always told them they have the right to believe or debate me any time and we all hunt, fish and have wonderful holidays and birthdays.

Lewis F Jones

Special Hen
Oct 19, 2009
Reaction score
Sapulpa, Ok
Several months ago I was hanging out with my best friend,,,
We get together once a week for a few hours of beer and BS.

He has a Daughter who just turned 16 years old,,,
The age when her parents agreed she could start dating.

Well, my Bud has a sense of humor,,,
When her date showed up to their door,,,
He was invited in to meet my friend/her father.

So there he was in the den,,,
Purposefully displaying/cleaning several of his guns.

The Daughter groaned, the Mom sighed, the Boy recognized the joke,,,
Unfortunately the Boy's parents did not.

The next day he got a call at work from his wife,,,
Two uniformed officers were at their home wanting to speak with him.

The Boy's parents were so freaked out that they called the cops,,,
And tried to get them to arrest my Bud on "menacing with a firearm" charge.

The cops had no choice but to investigate the situation,,,
Apparently the Boys parents greatly exaggerated the whole thing to them.

So, he takes off from work to clear this up,,,
According to him one cop was reasonable and sympathetic,,,
But the other cop was more on the Boy's parents side rather than theirs.

Fortunately for them the Mom had taken several pictures of the Young couple and the Dad,,,
The guns in the pictures were visible on the table but none were in his hand,,,
The Boy was grinning/smiling with my Bud and in no distress at all.

The cops eventually wrote it up as a non-threatening event and left.

Later on he found out that the Boy's parents would not allow him to talk to the cops,,,
They made the complaint themselves and claimed the Boy was "too traumatized" to make a statement.

In a sane society my Bud would be able to sue them for making a false charge.


Several years ago, my daughters Sunday School class was over to the house for a pool party and Hot dog roast. During the intro, me to the class, one slightly smart alecky young man in front of the entire group asked since I had a "shotgun" what would I do to him if he stepped out of line with My Daughter. My reply had no display of any weapon. I simply removed my glasses, waited until the two of us had eye contact and said, "son, If you step out of line with my daughter, I can promise you will wish I had used a shotgun on you" There was a collective "OOOOOOOOOH" from the group and that was it. The mom contacted me later and asked If I meant what I had told her son and my reply to her was just, Well, ma'am I was being a dad. And yes, I meant it. That was it and we as families became good friends.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Google how to sue these people. Pay the minimum cost of filing. Make sure it goes to court or through settlement. Get several people to say that you feel so threatened that you are afraid to take your guns out of the safe. Won't hunt or even take part it shooting at targets because they think their 2n amendment rights could be taken away from them. Have some councilor say they may have ptsd from the cops showing up on this complaint. State they knew the parents intended this to happen
All of the above you can get done free with people that support 2a. Sue for a million bucks. If you lose, so what. Rep yourself unless you have a friend that will do it for free.
They on the other hand will have to pay for a lawyer.
Hit them in the pocket.

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