So I found 4 small bunnies on my patio....

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Special Hen
Aug 23, 2021
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I see they’re using a pot/planter as cover. Their nest might have been in the pot. There have been several nests in our planters and pots that have had a top layer of mulch. Those bunnies you have still have the white streak between their eyes, they’re pretty young. After they grow out of the white streak, they’re a heckuva lot harder to catch and have a lot higher survival chance. I’ve had zero luck trying to feed them anything from my kitchen or even rabbit pellets/hay. They only things I’ve personally seen them eat are flower petals and young grass.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
When I was a kid on the farm, I got to work on the tractor all day. One of the little joys I had was stopping the tractor and chasing down little cotton tails and jacks. I rode them in the tractor in a special box I had made just for them. At the end of the day, since I had destroyed their home, I took all of them home, fed them or bottle fed them if they were really young.

Then when they grew up, I let them all go around the farm. The funny thing about it was they were all named Herkimer. Don't ask me why but that was the only name I could think of for a rabbit that our dogs or cats were not named. I had Herkimer I, II, III, etc.

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