Spent two hours with a Deputy today

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Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Yea, I saw the picture also..I'm betting my friend Dennis had a better night then some in the photo..Looks like he sure screwed up some plans...

I'm thinking there were some crying mama's last night.............their babies got busted lol. Hopefully the parents stepped up and didn't just try to make excueses...........common around here when they get busted it seems like.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Long evening, short night, early morning for me.
Went on one of the patrols to the farm, and stopped by the front gate which is a cable they've been lifting and going under. The day before, I put a scratch in the mud with a stick across the muddy road. Wife decided to ride along so we could go by the cemetery at Pond Creek and put some flowers out.
At 5pm the scratch was still there. We put the flowers out and ate calf fries at Greasy Steve's. Went back by at 7:45, and saw tire tracks across the scratch, so I got out, slipped around the corner, and spotted a pickup and tents!
Backed out, called the Sheriff dept. Deputy was 30 miles away and needed fuel, so we staked the place out from some high ground a mile away.
Deputy showed up an hour later right at dark. After filling him in, he said he was going to go in. Told him I'd be coming and produced my CC license, told him I had a pistol, and he said it worked for him.
As we pulled up to the gate, there were two girls in a pickup that just went under the cable that had a no trespassing sign on it, as well as the other 4 no trespassing signs nailed to trees, and visible.
Had them stay in their truck as the cruiser had it blocked. We walked down to the tents with flashlights, no moon, pitch black. We checked the tents, and saw 4, 4 wheelers, a dirt bike, two 20' tandem trailers, 5 tents, and a big bonfire in the making in the center. 5 big pallets surrounding a square bale of hay, ready to light.
All in my wheat field where they had knocked down the wheat to set up camp.

They had made a trail into the woods that I had walked the day before. I saw fresh tracks in the mud, so we went into the woods. Really dark. I covered left he covered right. The trail ends on a 25' high bank over the river, so figured we had them. Sure enough, we find 4 girls. All decked out in abbreviated Daisy Dukes that would have made Daisy blush, cowboy boots, and different tops. Asked them if they knew where they were. They said they had permission to be there. We got a good chuckle out of that. :D Figuring the boys were scattering in the woods he questioned them pretty hard. They said that the boys left them at the camp and were going to town to get food.

This is in a pretty low spot below a hill that put the hill between us and his cruiser. He got on the radio, and tried to contact dispatch for some extra help, as he figured the crowd was getting ready to get real big when the boys got back.
Naturally the girls were burning up the keys on their phones, so the deputy told them to put them up. He was having problems connecting to dispatch, so not all of the conversation was getting through. He started taking their info, etc, when we saw more flashing lights reflected in the trees. He asked if I would go guide the help to the camp.

This is where The fun and excitement begins.

About 50 yds from the road, I hear three bolts slam shut. Its pitch black, I see bodies coming at me, so I turned on my flash light, pointed it at myself, and stood there with my hands up. Soon as they saw that, they lit me up with a zillion lumens. Two OHP with AR's, and two Sheriff deputy's, one with an AR, other pistol, all pointed at me.

Told them that I was the farmer and OP, that the girls were at the camp, blah, blah. They chilled, we went to the camp.

What happened is that the complete conversation didn't make it to dispatch because the signal from his hand held wasn't repeating through the cruiser.
Dispatch and others on that frequency only heard garble and made out a few words.
"officer in the woods with 6 subjects, need help.

We all know what happens then. They made it there pronto, pumped with adrenalin thinking something big was going down.

To make a long story short, they had everybody go back up to the road, and had the girls call the boys (like they didn't already know what happened) and tell them to get back.
Started calling parents, and taking statements. One of the girls kept giving wrong phone numbers for her mom, so the deputy asked for her phone, looked at the phone contacts, and said now use this one that says "mom". Girls were 15 and 16, with one 18.

Meanwhile the boys started filtering in two and three in each vehicle. they lined them up and started the same routine All 15-17 yrs old. Then a dad showed up without being called. Had a GPS tracker app hidden in his sons phone and wondered why he was 25 miles away from where he was supposed to be.
Other parents show up. People are wanting to get their equipment out of the field as storms were approaching, etc.
Two of the boys were lying out their teeth, so the OHP troopers gave them the in-the-face drill sergeant routine.

One of the dads objected, then a verbal started with the dad and OHP. Dad said you wouldn't talk to me like that with out that gun, so the trooper told him if that's what he wanted, that gun belt comes off in about 10 seconds. Dad cooled, off and kid started telling the truth.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to be reimbursed for damage and talk to the Lead Deputy and OHP off to the side.
Come to find out, since that was criminal trespass with damage, and malicious vandalism, it could be a felony.
Also found out that in Oklahoma, the land owner or lesee could confiscate any property until damage was reimbursed or repaired. If I wanted it towed, it would be at the cost of the kids parents.
It was dark, and I had no idea how much more damage had been done in other parts of the field, so I told the parents, I was keeping it until daylight and I could assess any further damage.
At the same time the Lead Deputy told the parents that a report was going to be taken listing the charges. If they didn't share in reimbursing me reasonable costs for damages, he would file the report in 30 days resulting in a felony for their child.

Parents were all very apologetic, and angry at their kids. I think every one of them had their kid come over and apologize. Couple of the dads said when I needed some cheap/free help this summer doing something, he knew a couple of volunteers. :D

Couple of other parents said their kids would be paying for it with their summer jobs.
12:30am, we leave. Dropped off my wife's uncle that rode down with me, and picked up my wife who wasn't happy about her Friday night.

Went back this morning, and found another pickup under the cable stuck in the mud. Nobody inside, so I hooked up the Toyota, and drug it to the road with the back wheels locked up, covering it in mud all the way out.
Then the parents showed up, we looked everything over, agreed on reimbursement, so they went in and got their equipment and tents.


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