SS Disability Fund Almost Broke

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JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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I appreciate JB's perspective. I really do. From where I sit though, I see several people each week who are in no way visibly disabled who are on full disability. Young people. And I know there are disabilities that aren't outwardly obvious. But I'm talking about people who walk in with no limp, have no dysfunction of their upper extremities and upon questioning, admit that they are avid bow hunters or they go fishing or snagging all the time. Blatantly admitting that they regularly engage in strenuous activities. So, I have a hard time believing that they should be classified as 100% disabled.

That's the kind of stuff I hate to hear. They just screw everyone else.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Looking to some internet sources, it appears that yearly social security disability spending is about 100 Billion.

The total amount of yearly federal spending is 3.8 Trillion so foreign aid at 1% of the budget is about 38 Billion.

As the chart in my earlier post shows, people grossly over estimate the amount the US spends of foreign aid.

That brings up another *****, the size of the budget. Start cutting a billion her and 38 billion there and pretty soon you're talking real money.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Disability fraud is just one tiny part of the corruption weakening our country. "Free money" isn't free. Sooner or later those new Soyalent Green factories in those empty WalMarts will come on line.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Take heart fellas... if something can't go on forever, it won't.


I, too, see tons of people every single day who are on disability who have little to no reason to be. In my opinion, disability should be for those who CAN'T do a job. Not because you're fat, not because you have Type II Diabee-tus, not because you have social anxiety, not because you have a bad back, unless you're fooking bedbound.

All of the people mentioned above can do a job. It may not be easy, it may not be comfortable, it may not be what they want. But you know what? I don't want to do what I do, but I fecking HAVE TO. I have to work, I have to pay bills, I have to support my family. My back hurts constantly. After having to do a task the other night that took me something like 30 minutes of standing still, somewhat hunched over and concentrating, I thought when I started moving again that I had injured myself somehow - my knees hurt so bad it took 10-15 minutes of normal activity (which is alot of walking on my job) to get them limbered up again. It frigging HURT. But I sucked it up. I moved on. Today, I am so drained and sore and feel like an old man - from 4 straight nights of work, it takes a full 24 hours for me to recover. Maybe I'm a p***y, I dunno, all I know is that I ain't a young pup anymore - but I GET UP AND GO TO FRIGGING WORK!

You can sit at a desk and do data entry with no legs. You can answer a phone and work a computer with a bad back. You can be a computer guy in a basement if you have social anxiety. GET THE F*** OUT THERE AND GET A JOB! DO something to contribute to society and the economy! I am sorry that you ruined your back digging ditches by hand for 20 years. Now you get to learn to do something that you don't need to use your back for, right? We need to take some of these billions and retrain people, give them a short time and say, "Get to work or get to dyin', we ain't supportin' you for the rest of your life."

It's a feckin' safety net, NOT A HAMMOCK, A-HOLES.

Some people - if you CAN'T work, if you can't do ANYTHING at ALL, then ok. But that means you can't drive your butt to WalMart, you can't get out and go fishin', you can't go huntin', can't sit a tractor and mow your fields, can't sit on the computer all day - all those are skills, things you can DO to get a JOB. To earn MONEY and SUPPORT yourself and your FAMILY and your 5 or 6 dirty nasty frigging kids, too!

Oh... did I mention don't get me started on this disability thing? lol


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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As someone on disability who would much rather work, I feel you guys pain. There is a whole lot of fraud in the disability system and every other government program. That is a given. Even before I ended up on it I was complaining about the fraud and now it really ticks me off, but I also realize that I can not do any of the jobs I have training for and at my age retraining is pretty much a joke because nobody wants to hire an older worker that falls down a lot.

Some days you may see me walking without my cane, other days I do not walk very much at all, and never without pain. You do not see me drag myself out of bed to my walker to try and work the pain from my legs when they hurt to much to sleep. You do not see me fall out of the shower when my legs take a vacation without me. You do not see me taking a dozen pills a day just to function.

Hate the fraud and waste in government but know what the hell you are talking about before opening your mouth because I used to be just like you and it bit me in the butt. It might you some day too.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
Yea I got my butt up and got down there, whew that was close...
But I'm on the payroll now just waiting on the first deposits.....
Haters gonna hate....what ya gonna do.....Rollin......
I figure 35 years in "the work force"... I deserve a ride
Heck I payed my share , time to start collecting.....yep
I can walk, hunt, shoot, bow hut, pickup games at the boys club, I just can't do it for very long at a time
It's pretty common, heck everyone's doing it, don't miss out

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