The liberals are eating their own, now Biden since he’s leading the pack

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Apr 14, 2009
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Union Plans Picket Of Joe Biden Fundraiser Hosted By Kaiser Board Member
The National Union of Healthcare Workers is battling the health care provider over mental health staffing.
By Dave Jamieson
05/07/2019 02:47 PM ET

Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden won’t get a warm welcome from a California union this week. The National Union of Healthcare Workers plans to picket a Biden fundraiser.

Former Vice President Joe Biden may consider himself a “union man,” but one California union won’t be giving him a warm welcome this week.

The National Union of Healthcare Workers plans to hold an informational picket line outside a Biden fundraiser slated for Wednesday in Los Angeles, according to Sal Rosselli, the union’s president. The fundraiser is to be held at the home of a director of the Kaiser Foundation, which operates hospitals as a subsidiary of Kaiser Permanente.

NUHW is locked in a bitter, yearslong fight with Kaiser over mental health staffing levels in the health care provider’s California facilities. Therapists waged a statewide five-day strike in December, and a one-day work stoppage in Pasadena last month.

Rosselli told HuffPost his union first reached out to Biden last week about the fundraiser to be hosted by Dr. Cynthia Telles, a UCLA School of Medicine faculty member who sits on Kaiser’s board. According to an invitation, contribution levels for the event range from $250 per person to $2,800, which is the maximum contribution for the presidential primary allowed under election law.

Rosselli said the union has not heard back from the campaign.

“He should take our side in this dispute,” Rosselli said. “I think he should walk. He should cancel it.”

Neither the Biden camp nor Telles immediately responded to requests for comment.

The NUHW represents 3,500 psychologists and other workers at Kaiser facilities. The union has long alleged that Kaiser understaffs its mental health clinics, leading to long waits for vulnerable patients. The union has demanded that Kaiser hire more therapists and put pay and benefits on par with other employees in medical care.

How will Trump's administration impact you?
“It doesn’t matter what [a patient’s] situation is,” one therapist told USC Annenberg Media in April. “They could be struggling with parenting, they could be going through bereavement, they could have a bipolar disorder. They’re still gonna have to wait three months.”

The tiff over the California fundraiser is another sign of the trouble Biden may run into with the progressive left as he works his donor network.

The former veep kicked off his campaign with a show of union support last week, winning the endorsement of the International Association of Fire Fighters and speaking at a Teamsters hall in Pennsylvania. But as HuffPost reported, the early Democratic front-runner is bound to have a harder time rounding up the support of progressive unions uneasy with his centrist track record and corporate ties.

Some of his top opponents are already using that line of attack. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) criticized Biden last week, describing him as a friend to credit card companies. Meanwhile, the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took a shot at Biden for holding a fundraiser at the home of a Comcast executive.

Rosselli, whose union endorsed Sanders in the 2016 election, argued that Biden shouldn’t take money from Kaiser executives or board members until the health care provider resolves the dispute with the union amicably.

“I think he should step up and get a commitment,” Rosselli said.


Special Hen
Aug 6, 2017
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Biden calls himself a “union man” but, I have a question. How many union workers has Biden employed in 50 years? How many union workers has Trump employed in 50 years? I don’t know what construction projects Biden has built but, Trump has built a lot of buildings using mostly union workers.

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Biden is the biggest joke, but he got a huge bump because the democratic party is really not in favor of the progressive's.

He is the party's only hope since he is the one that "thinks" he can reach the union workers and the middle class. The rest of the democratic party is fighting to see how far left/progressive they can outpace each other and it's not working with the base of the dims.
We spent the winter in Tx with three couples from Chicago that were retired union workers and they are now Trump Champions.
One of the guys dad worked for Jimmy Hoffa. He said back in that day, every democrat had a job, made big money with the unions, and life was good. (my personal thought not related to them was that a lot of people died to make it that way, but I kept my mouth shut)
Now, you can't get a job and they don't pay squat. Crime is rampant.
They can see now how the oppression of the dimocrats to force jobs by unions doesn't work. Companies need incentive to CREATE jobs.
Biden doesn't see that need to create jobs with the same eye that Trump does. When Obama was in office, companies ran away, putting money into offshore accounts.
Trump has incentivised them to bring that money back into the economy with the results being the lowest unemployment since 1949.
How in the heck can the dims run against that track record?


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2008
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Douglass, KS
Biden is the biggest joke, but he got a huge bump because the democratic party is really not in favor of the progressive's.

He is the party's only hope since he is the one that "thinks" he can reach the union workers and the middle class. The rest of the democratic party is fighting to see how far left/progressive they can outpace each other and it's not working with the base of the dims.
We spent the winter in Tx with three couples from Chicago that were retired union workers and they are now Trump Champions.
One of the guys dad worked for Jimmy Hoffa. He said back in that day, every democrat had a job, made big money with the unions, and life was good. (my personal thought not related to them was that a lot of people died to make it that way, but I kept my mouth shut)
Now, you can't get a job and they don't pay squat. Crime is rampant.
They can see now how the oppression of the dimocrats to force jobs by unions doesn't work. Companies need incentive to CREATE jobs.
Biden doesn't see that need to create jobs with the same eye that Trump does. When Obama was in office, companies ran away, putting money into offshore accounts.
Trump has incentivised them to bring that money back into the economy with the results being the lowest unemployment since 1949.
How in the heck can the dims run against that track record?
Easy: they ignore it.


Some of his top opponents are already using that line of attack. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) criticized Biden last week, describing him as a friend to credit card companies. Meanwhile, the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took a shot at Biden for holding a fundraiser at the home of a Comcast executive.

Rosselli, whose union endorsed Sanders in the 2016 election, argued that Biden shouldn’t take money from Kaiser executives or board members until the health care provider resolves the dispute with the union amicably.

“I think he should step up and get a commitment,” Rosselli said.
Isn't it strange that almost no questions were asked about Obama's similar association with Bill Ayres?

Ayres, for those who might not remember, was the head of the Weather Undeground terrorist group in the late 1960's and the early 1970's.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 22, 2009
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Broken Arrow
Biden is the biggest joke, but he got a huge bump because the democratic party is really not in favor of the progressive's.

He is the party's only hope since he is the one that "thinks" he can reach the union workers and the middle class. The rest of the democratic party is fighting to see how far left/progressive they can outpace each other and it's not working with the base of the dims.
We spent the winter in Tx with three couples from Chicago that were retired union workers and they are now Trump Champions.
One of the guys dad worked for Jimmy Hoffa. He said back in that day, every democrat had a job, made big money with the unions, and life was good. (my personal thought not related to them was that a lot of people died to make it that way, but I kept my mouth shut)
Now, you can't get a job and they don't pay squat. Crime is rampant.
They can see now how the oppression of the dimocrats to force jobs by unions doesn't work. Companies need incentive to CREATE jobs.
Biden doesn't see that need to create jobs with the same eye that Trump does. When Obama was in office, companies ran away, putting money into offshore accounts.
Trump has incentivised them to bring that money back into the economy with the results being the lowest unemployment since 1949.
How in the heck can the dims run against that track record?
They will just do what they always do. Lie, cheat, & steal.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 26, 2014
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Isn't it strange that almost no questions were asked about Obama's similar association with Bill Ayres?

Ayres, for those who might not remember, was the head of the Weather Undeground terrorist group in the late 1960's and the early 1970's.
Oh, a lots question was asked but only by Fox news, the rest of the news venues didn't want anything to do with it. You know the messiah OB couldn't do no wrong.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Biden is a scum bag. He don’t give a crap about unions or the workers. He is the typical democrat that will lie and say whatever to get votes. He don’t have a prayer against Trump. Actually none of them do. What are they going to hit Trump on? Taxes? Jobs? Unemployment? Good luck. He will rip them to shreds.

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