They call us “The Elderly”.

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AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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I liked the part where boomers are incompetent, and not tech savvy.
Now I will admit readily that I'm not a tech guy! But I can still do calculus on paper, I know how to add, subtract, and a myriad of other math related function, and how to use a slide rule. When the power out here goes out, or the computers get glitchy, I become one of the most valuable people on the rig...... It's seems all these high tech super computer savvy guys usefulness runs out about the same time the power does. I have found most the newer engineers are great as long as aided by tech, but lack an understanding of how things really work and really can't deal with real time problems without tech.
Slide rule. Used to have one with a cool leather belt case. Back when men were men and nerds were nerds.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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Kids need their parents and my kids are proof (at least as far as I am concerned) that one parent, no matter how hard they try, is not enough.
That's one of Thomas Sowell's constant refrains--the number one predictor of success is growing up in a stable two-parent family. He says, IIRC, that the median income for black households is lower than for white households, but black families with two parents actually have a higher median income than their white counterparts.

That's not to say that it's the sole factor, or that kids should be taken from single parents, but single parenthood is not the optimum environment for raising children to become successful adults. Parenting is a tough row to hoe, and doing it alone is much harder.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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The loan on my first house was 17.0%. And, it was a VA loan!

I keep pointing that out to my daughter who gripes about how high her interest rate is and she got in when it was 4.0. I keep telling her that historically rates on mtgs run around 6.5% going way back to about 1900'ish.

I sat her down with an amortization statement and showed her how paying extra principal each month saves you big $$$$$$$ in the end, so you aren't really paying that high rate if you are disciplined about it.

They used to teach this stuff in school. That, and not having to face true hardship for several generations (ours included) is where a lot of our youth's "problems" come from these days. I'm of the opinion that some good old fashioned hardship would go a long way to righting the ship.
Yeah, bring back rationing for gas, sugar, foodstuffs, tires, etc. This woke crap will at least slow down a bit.
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 10, 2021
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Yep. The economy in the 80s was much like it is now. I had a co-worker who got married. She and her new husband took on a mortgage loan that was 24%. Yep, you read that right -- 24%.

I was a wild woman but used protection -- took the Pill. Some times that **** doesn't work. 😳 I could have gotten an abortion I suppose but I'm not cut that way. So ... I had a baby and proceeded to work 2 jobs until he was 3 and I married. Back down to one job. Alas ... My taste in men back then was atrocious. My ex- turned out to be an alcoholic (nope, love is blind -- I really didn't realize it until I had another). The day I accepted a job offer from a hotel in Dallas I also found out I was pregnant with my third. 🤦 Back then if you were pregnant and looking for a job you were SOL.

I wound up single, unemployed, on welfare, with 2 and 1/2 kids and cooking, in a single-wide trailer I paid $75.00/month to rent. Oh yeah, no heat or air. Those were GLORIOUS times.

I have heard it all -- I am:

a heathen (yes),
a whore (if I'm honest, yes, but if I'm supporting myself what I do in my off time shouldn't be anybody else's business but mine. That's how it works for men. You guys couldn't "be boys" if it weren't for women like me willing to do the deed without strings. 🤷),
not good enough to keep a man (see above),
a bad mother (see above),
a bad daughter (because I chose to shelter my kids from the physical abuse I suffered as a child)
a ***** (usually because I stood up for myself but sometimes, yeah, I was a *****)
gonna die old and alone (Grumpy asked me to marry him in 2000 -- WELL after my prime and with 3 teenagers in the house. Of course if I hadn't been controlling him with sex (his ex-'s take on things) or pregnant (also his ex- but I had a hysterectomy in '86 so THAT would have been a feat in and of itself),
homeless (I bought my house when I was 40?? 41?? I'd have to go back and look)

I mean the list goes on and on and on. I didn't get the things I have from family money, or because I was smarter than the average bear (quite the contrary), or because I married well when I was young.

I got where I am (comfortable) because I worked hard and I got lucky. No ****. I had NO ILLUSIONS about what was gonna happen to me. I was gonna work until the day I died. I knew that.

Why? Because the only person I could rely on was ME. Grumpy was a surprise. Nothing I could have ever planned prepared me for him. And that is both good and bad. But honestly mostly good. I don't know why he stays but then he will say the same about me. We are a match made in heaven I guess. 🤷😂

My point is ... Things aren't that much different than when we (Boomers) started out. Well except we didn't look for someone to blame for our problems. It NEVER occurred to us to be professional victims.

Y'all want something?? Then stop looking for someone to blame about how hard life is and get to work. Work as many jobs and have as many roommates as you have to to get enough money in the bank and then go get the things you want.

I was a single mom, collecting NO child support, with 3 kids, working 3 jobs when I bought my house. EVERYBODY except my realtor said I was wasting my time and my money. It has turned out to be the single smartest thing I have EVER done in my life -- right after cutting my entire family off (should have done that WAY sooner than I did) and marrying Grumpy. I still have NO idea why he thought that was a good idea but I'm glad he did.)

I hope when you are my age you can look back and smile like I can. Was it hard? Well it wasn't a lot of fun sometimes but we live in the greatest country in the world. No where (especially if you are a woman) do you have the freedom to live your life like you want to. Thing is that's a double-edged sword. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not, but either way, at least I had a choice a lot of people do not. Same for you guys. Y'all have choices other folks around the world dream of. :soapbox::soapbox::soapbox::oops3::sorry4::anyone:

Ooops ... Sorry ...
You are a true American Hero - single mom trying your best to do what you got to do, to make a better life for you and your kids. Hats off to @THAT Gurl !!!

Wish you and the Grumpster all the best.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Yes, best cars, best music and girls wore skirts and dresses. Looked and smelled like girls. The guy always paid when on dates. Hummmm wonder why marriage’s are down in opposite sexes and up in same sex. Maybe they can’t tell the difference. Again, wonderful time back when. Making out in the drive in. Now folks get high have sex and (oops kids) then leave. Wonder why the kids are screwed up. Yes we had sex back then, and yes some oops, but we married and accepted our responsibilities. Times are different now… anyone know how to restore a 1956 Chevy with an electric motor?
Ibetcha @swampratt and I could tackle that.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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I was a garbage man for the final 10 years of my working career which proved to be very profitable. No I wasn't cool and didn't ride around on the back of the truck but the waste industry is like liquor stores and funeral homes.

red dirt shootist

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 15, 2023
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the median income for black households is lower than for white households, but black families with two parents actually have a higher median income than their white counterparts.

That's not to say that it's the sole factor,
I'd say that it is the soul factor

red dirt shootist

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 15, 2023
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Good write! You made it through it and you know who you are, most go through their whole life trying to figure out who they are, and sadly most just copy their lives from someone else!

The man that raised us taught us to “Say what you mean, mean what you say“! As well as “Own your Life, walk with your head up”! You done good Lady! You survived.

Your a mirror image to my momma, red headed, 4 boys, 3 different daddys, wild as the wind, and walked a hard hard road till she met a mean ass Cowboy to settle down with! Oh the stories I have being raised by a wild ass red headed crazy woman who thought she could tumble the world. She had to be, didn’t know anything different, she was raised by one that was twice everything she was
I remember a cartoon when I was a kid, and you just reminded me of it, don't remember the name, had a little guy that was dressed as a wizard. At the end of the episode he would come on and say "Always be what you is, and not what you ain't." That's good enough to be a life lesson.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 2, 2014
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I remember a cartoon when I was a kid, and you just reminded me of it, don't remember the name, had a little guy that was dressed as a wizard. At the end of the episode he would come on and say "Always be what you is, and not what you ain't." That's good enough to be a life lesson.

Ahhh ****, now I have to remember this one! That’s a great way to explain it!

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