this idiot made a bad decision and paid for it

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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Cops have shot soldiers, but I can't arm up and retaliate.
Huh? You mean the maggot in arizona that was shot around 60 times while his wife and kid were in another room, and everyone on this board was crying about because he was a former marine? Yea, after the knee jerk smoke cleared turns out he was slinging large amounts of dope with other dealers. He also brought an AR15 to meet the SWAT team, that announced their presence. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Was that it, or were you talking about someone else?


Special Hen
Jun 21, 2011
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SBD " HOWEVER...I feel that the response was excessive. If it had been a blind "citizen", his wife and his seeing eye dog that got robbed and shot multiple times we would not have seen the vehemence with which that department doled out justice to the dirt bag. I think it is the disparity of response (again not talking about force on force here) that disturbs me. Granted someone willing to shoot a cop is likely a serious threat to everyone but why not treat all heinous crimes of that sort the same?"

Law enforcment officers are held to a higher standard and should be, but when someone is brazen enough to attack and kill a police officer in a situation such as this a quick and severe response in needed in my opinion otherwise officers in general are in more danger as they loose what little respect and fear the bad guys have for them. No excuses LEO dealt with it in swift and decisive mannor as they should have. Unless you have or are willing to walk a mile in their shoes reserve you judgment of these fine men and women to yourself. End of my rant. Ricky


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May 30, 2008
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Oklahoma City
I just love all of the "...walk a mile in their shoes..." statements. Sorry folks but I don't see where that changes a thing. I would have done the exact thing the SWAT team did. However, it seems the statements made by the sheriff were a bit over the top. In this particular instance the shots were reasonably justified. Although, that mentality does not allow for an alternate ending in such a scenario where the bad guy wants to give himself up etc etc. That is why we have the system, flawed or not, that we do.

Sidebar: I would hate to look at the jackass that killed my fellow officer on the stand and think of him going to his cell that night and enjoying the ball game or whatever the hell they served for dinner that night at the local jail! Just sayin...


Special Hen
Nov 9, 2009
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Perhaps I shouldn't have lumped your post in with the other one. If so, my apologies. This board has had a checkered history of attacks on law enforcement, some justifiable, most not. Threads like this tend to wind up locked as a result. There are a significant number of members here who are in law enforcement, related to LEO's or friends with LEO's. It's a tough job and a small but vocal minority here simply don't care about that fact. In this case, the facts simply don't line up with the perception, regardless of words spoken after the fact. It's already tough for the LE community to weather the storm when a LEO commits a bad faith act. When they act in good faith and come under fire, the chords are already struck.

Again, my apologies for the short tempered post.

Thank you and I am not upset. I try not to generalize and at times don't express myself clearly despite my best effort. I know it is very difficult for the the constabulary to reign in the insanity day in an day out. Aside from the serious nut jobs and plain wicked people there are the generally irritating and foolish inDUHviduals that they must deal with - every day. Not shortage of idiots in the world. Again I didn't take issue with the outcome. That joker probably would have done more damage later on if they hadn't caught up with him and then it likely would have involved civilians. I have seen the posts slamming LEOs, military and government employees. They are disrespectful, hurtful and rarely based on fact. Lord knows there are morons in every profession and unfortunately those that show up in public trust positions do their fellows a major disservice. If as a group they loose public trust then it gets even more difficult for them to deal with things. You are correct about the "small but vocal minority". That dynamic plays out everyday - all over the world. One only has to look at the news...although the media tends to inflate the importance of the noisy minority thus lending them legitimacy and power. I work with and have worked with several former military men/women and they have all said the same thing. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan it is a small subset of the population that is the source of most of the problems. In general the population welcomes the help but there are a few that really screw things up and make everyone else look bad...again the media is to blame for a portion of it. It is a jacked up world and it is getting worse by the day. Stay safe my friend.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 30, 2008
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Oklahoma City
JB Books said:
Well you know, being the Richie Rich guy that I am, those shoes have to be Zelli, a.testoni or Lucchese or I won't deign to put my precious feet in them.

Fancy shoes there sir! I like Bruno Mali myself.
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