Thunder VS Miami (and the refs)

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Several ESPN analysts have mentioned how poor the officiating was in the finals. It's not just bias.


Special Hen
Nov 29, 2009
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broken arrow
They should put a handle on the ball and outlaw dribbling.Since when did palming/turning the ball over in your hand on the dribble no longer become traveling? And is it 5 or 6+ steps now before traveling is called? Pro Basketball is a joke.
??? carrying??? i only see two steps before its called traveling.


Special Hen
Oct 27, 2006
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Oklahoma City
I actually read an article on Yahoo! the other day with regards to the ref who published a book about refs rigging games and making/not making calls based the certain players. It's been very obvious since the playoffs the Thunder were up against the refs and these finals are the nail in the coffin. After Game 1 I stated the Thunder will lose the finals because you can't beat the refs. After last night's blatant officiating it's apparent the Thunder will not win. I love the Thunder and support them 100% but they cannot beat the Heat and the refs.


Special Hen
Feb 25, 2010
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Miami's big 3!
Miami's Big 3.jpg


Special Hen
Jan 11, 2010
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Interesting article

2012 NBA Finals: Breaking Down the Officiating, Are the Refs Favoring Miami?By Sam Quinn(Featured Columnist) on June 20, 2012 6,716 reads

The world's hatred for LeBron James and the Miami Heat has led many fans to blame the refs for all of their big wins. I'm obviously guilty of this, and while sometimes it's wrong, lately, it seems like the Heat are getting more and more preferential treatment.

So far in the series, the Heat are shooting 2.5 more free throws per game than the Thunder, not a massive disparity. It seems a bit odd that Miami would have the edge, considering Oklahoma City shot an average of 1.1 more free throws per game during the regular season, but that is understandable.

What seems fishy is where those fouls are being called.

Let's start with Kevin Durant. By now, you've all seen the infamous non-call on LeBron on Durant's game tying attempt. The general consensus is that it was a foul. If you need video evidence, check out this video. Nobody has posted a very clear angle on the foul, but you can see contact if you pause it at around the 26-27-second mark.

Then there are the fouls being called on Durant. He isn't a particularly physical defender, and he's very disciplined on offense, so it makes sense that during the regular season he only average 2 personal fouls per game.

In the finals, that number has shot up to 3.75. He spent good portions of Games 2 and 3 on the bench in foul trouble. This doesn't make any sense. While he has spent some time guarding LeBron, Durant has guarded physical players before and his numbers don't change so dramatically.

This isn't a trend either. He averaged 2.08 fouls per game in the three preceding rounds of the playoffs. He has never averaged more than 2.09 fouls per game over the course of a season and had reached five fouls only twice in his last 23 games before having it happen in back-to-back finals games.

You can't even argue that defending LeBron James is causing these extra fouls. In nine head to head match ups before these finals, Durant actually only averaged 1.8 fouls per game, less than his career average of 1.89.

In other words, there is no statistical reason that Kevin Durant is getting called for so many fouls. It's a complete statistical anomaly.

Russell Westbrook is getting similarly odd treatment on the other end. So far in the series, he is averaging 5.25 free throw attempts per game, less than his season average of 6.3.

That in itself is not a massive disparity, but consider his total shot attempts. In the regular season, he averaged 19.2 field goal attempts per game, but in the finals that number has jumped to 25.

His total shot attempts have jumped by almost 25 percent, but his free throw attempts have dropped by nearly 17 percent. Doesn't that seem odd?

Let's examine Westbrook's excellent Game 4 performance. Despite taking 32 shots from the field, Westbrook only shot a grand total of three free throws. Westbrook wasn't just shooting jumpers; according to his shot chart, 15 of his 32 attempts were within 10 feet of the basket. He was driving to the hoop at a pretty normal rate.

The only similar performance that I can think of to judge this against—in terms of shot attempts—is Dwyane Wade in the 2006 Finals. Wade took no less than 19 shots in each game, yet despite never topping Westbrook's 32, he never shot less than 10 free throws in any single game. In Game 5, he took 28 field goals and 25 free throws.

For the series, Wade averaged 23.6 field goal attempts per game and 16.2 free throw attempts per game. Neither are close to Westbrook's 32 and three. Considering the similarity between the two players, it seems odd that Wade wouldn't have one game in that series similar to Westbrook's Game 4.

One argument people have made as to why the Thunder aren't drawing as many fouls is that the Heat are a very disciplined defensive team. That is just not true. They were seventh in the league this season in personal fouls. This implies that the Thunder should be shooting more free throws than they normally do during this series.

There are some smaller oddities in the officiating we need to look at as well. Both LeBron and Wade are averaging at least a full free throw per game more in the finals than they did in the regular season (LeBron is up from 8.1 to 9.75; Wade is up from 6.1 to 7.75). If Wade is injured, as many fans claim, then his free throw attempts should be down, as he would be driving less.

This is the case for Shane Battier, who is up from .6 attempts per game to 1.75. The only Heat regular to see a significant drop in their free throw attempts is Chris Bosh, but that can be explained by his overall drop in shot attempts due to recovery from injury.

The Thunder are not blameless for being behind in this series. They've blown three winnable games by turning the ball over and making bad decisions.

However, stats don't lie. Whether you think the league is actually trying to affect the outcome of the series or you simply believe the refs are doing a horrible job is up to you, but what the numbers show is that this series has not been officiated equally. The Heat have taken advantage of that fact, and considering how close these games have been, it may have changed the outcome of the series.


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Aug 13, 2012
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I think the NBA made a deal with the officials that they get a championship ring too if Miami wins.

The Thunder could be doing better if they played to their full potential, but they are sure getting some bad calls/no calls.

Overall, I haven't watched the NBA since Jordan played, and I don't think I have missed much.


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2012
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I gave up on the NBA shortly after the end of the Jordan/Bulls era myself. I got sucked back in the past few years with the Thunder, but I think I'm done again after the playoffs as a whole. Last night I turned off the game in the third because I just couldn't enjoy the game anymore with the blind eye toward, Lebron. There were plenty of poor calls through the Spurs series as well, but they generally balance out over time. I've tried to blame the bias on the fact that more experienced/star players have always gotten favoritism with calls. I can live with calling it senority or maybe even a skill. I even thought Lebron might be that much better than I have seen him in the past, but that just isn't what is going on. Westbrook is a wild out of control player that I love to watch, but I can understand the occasional accidental foul call that he gets. Durant is a skilled player that doesn't foul hardly ever. His ability to play has been seriously effected by the Refs. From what I've seen he is much better than Lebron, but until he changes favor with the refs he isnt going to get a fair game. As long as I keep watching, I'm condoning and contributing to the continuation of this atrocity. I miss basketball and can't wait for the college season to start again because NBA just isn't basketball anymore.


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
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I am one of the guys that didn't stop watching pro-ball after MJ retired. I have been rooting for my Bulls all along, though some brutally tough years. And I have really grown to enjoy pulling for OKC too, I can't root for them against my Bulls but any other day of the week I'll Thunder Up. Anyway, I have watched a ton of basketball over the years & I can honestly say I have NEVER seen a player protected by officals like Lebron James... at least not since Michael. And that to me is RIDICULOUS, because Lebron is no where near Michael's level. In addition to that MJ was the face of the league, EVERYONE wanted to see him win & play well, that is not Lebron. People all over the country despise the guy, he isn't particularly well spoken even compared to other NBA athletes and his unjustified arrogance really alienates him from fans & fellow players alike. I don't know why the league continues to pull for his success. If he wins 10 rings the VAST majority of the world will still know he was an inferior player. As much as I despise him even Kobe was a far better gamer than Lebron is. I just wish the media & the league would stop trying to prop him up as something he's not. The guy is PLENTY gifted let him EARN it.

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