Trump for Pres?

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Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
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Florida former Okie.
Thing is, you are essentially electing the same guy, regardless of who you vote for. I still vote, but know good and well it is all a big game, as the two opponents aren't really opponents at all. Our system has degenerated into a system that allows the masses to feel good about "their guy winning", while "their guy" or the opponent will pretty much keep the same overall direction ongoing, while distracting the voters with lesser, contentious social issues. Well, that is they distract those who care enough to even pay attention to any of it.

I'll vote, but I won't vote for anyone. Never have in my 23 years of voting. We are a failed system where we vote for the opponent of the (disconnected) guy we like least out of the two (disconnected) candidates....who aren't about to change what's really wrong with our nation. It sucks, but the nation "for the people, by the people" died a long, long time ago. Let's not kid ourselves.

I generally agree with you and at the same time I try to be realistic. I don't think that at any time, any place in human history there was a government, a leader that truly represented the people and not his interests or the interests of certain powerful people.
Take the man in your signature for example. Did he ask the British people whether they wanted to embark in another world war for the sake of Poland? Perhaps it was the right thing to do, or not, regardless, he took the Great Empire to a war and after it was all done, he was left with an island. Some consider him a great statesman.
What does all this mean? In my opinion it means that when you put people in charge, they are in charge not you and you can only hope to influence things a little bit.
That's reality.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Cthulhu is from H.P. Lovecraft's books.


I'm a little confused on this one as well. Too lazy to google.


Special Hen
Jan 28, 2011
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OKC Metro
If you manage to re-elect him in 2012, and he then starts working against our 2nd amendments, it will be too late for you to change your vote. Heed what Biggsly said. Obama, as much as I wish he were, aint no dummy. He is reserving the stuff that would cause him to loose a 2nd term till after he is elected for a 2nd term. Mark my words. He has steered clear of the 2nd amendment. He has even gone so far as to act like he supports the 2nd amendment. But if you really dig into his words on this issue, they are always carefully crafted to leave room for him to attach assault rifles and handguns. By that I mean, whenever I've heard him say or quoted for anything that appears to be 2nd amendment supportive, it really talks about rifles and shotguns. You know the stuff most hunters go hunting with.

You're right. But I'm betting he won't infringe. No matter what though, I'm still going to get me some of that Van's BBQ in Moore. It's the best there is this side of Kansas City.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I've thought about the Trump run, and have mixed thoughts.
He does know how the economy works, and how to make businesses work(he has busted a few times, but most big business people have too)

I don't think he is a wuss, and would not bow to foreign leaders that we can defeat in a day or two if a conflict came about.

Similar to Regan (we all know he wasn't the best for us in gun rights) that said "We need star wars" to preempt a nuke strike, even if the major powers did away with their arsenal.
That scared the heck out of the Ruskies, but they waited and watched.

When Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers, during their union strike, the Ruskies caved, and the wall fell in Berlin. They saw that as a President that was willing to take action if it became necessary.

The Cold War was an immense deception on both sides of how many arms either had, and how many troops, conventional weapons, nukes were available to be used.

As I said, Regan proposed the Star wars program, back in the 80's. We still don't have it, but the Ruskies thought we did.


Special Hen
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
You're right. But I'm betting he won't infringe. No matter what though, I'm still going to get me some of that Van's BBQ in Moore. It's the best there is this side of Kansas City.

Thanks Man! Trump was just on Fox News. I need to go back and watch it again cause I was in the other room. I did have one thought though.

Many folks both on her and in the news media are saying the isn't serious, not really a contender, just doing it for his ego, etc. Trump is a business man, he has to have a really good exit stragety for this if he isn't for real. I personally think he is really going to run. AND.... I believe that if he can run and stick to the financial state of the union, he will kick barry's arse in 2012. I'd love for him to go in saying, I'm running to fix this country's financial house. Anything else that comes up along the way, I'll deal with, but my only agenda is to get the country on track to financial success. If he runs that campaign, he wins, America WINS!!! TRUMP 2012!

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