Why should you worry about the FEDERAL EXTREME RISK PROTECTION ORDERS H.R.2377.

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Special Hen
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
Tulsa Oklahoma
I have posted this before and think it should be given some more thought and some action by all forum readers.

Now is the time to be contacting all the Legislatre's that represent you, and ask them to vote against this H.R.2377.
If it gets passed and then gets to Joe Bidens desk it will become the law of the land.

And trust me it will be quickly used against many for just any reason and it does not have to be firearm related, it can be used against anyone for any reason.

Oklahoma does not yet have a “RED FLAG LAW” but if the above Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order H.R.2377 gets signed into law all States will then have a Red Flag Law.

What does this mean to all people in Oklahoma it means that anyone who may have a beef with you, has a reason to not like you, or just feels you need a lesson of some type.

They can without being identified at that time call any Federal Agency example the “US Marshal” or any other Federal Law Enforcement Office, and make a report of someone you feel is a threat to themselves or to others.

Not until the complaint reach’s a Judge will the complaining persons name be known, but many times when a Judge gets the complaint and he might not get a complaint at all because the complaint has been withdrawn or just dropped for some reason.

But when the complaint is first made the to the Federal Agency an officer or many officers, will arrive at your home and ask if you own any type of firearm and Ammo. If you answer yes they will find them and take them away, they also might take your computer and any other item they feel should be taken.

They also will take you this also is for your own protection to have a mental health check, then hold you again for your own protection, until a Judge make a decision if you should be moved ahead for a full Psychiatric Evaluation.

Even if this order of protection is deemed unneeded it’s then up to you to go though the legal process of trying to get you propriety returned.

Everything taken from you is now under control of our Federal Government’s rules and policies of the above Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order H.R.2377.

To understand what this means you need to fully read the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order H.R.2377.


Special Hen
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
Tulsa Oklahoma
Violates 4A and 6A blatantly right off the bat and probably 2A; could probably squeeze 8A and 9A in there too.

It's still in committee and will probably stay there for awhile.
Well anything we can do now is important, we can't just think it's going to stay in committe it's an item that is in no way correct will do nothing to make anyone safe and surly will cause a monster of trouble for many.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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I think it deserves attention. I try to pass things like this on to my kids and it's like other issues. "That'll never happen here".


Special Hen
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
Tulsa Oklahoma
I think it deserves attention. I try to pass things like this on to my kids and it's like other issues. "That'll never happen here".
I am glad more are replying to my post about HR 2377, i was thinking not many in this firearm forum cared, so was thinking of leaving the forum.
Thanks for your reply and support.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 25, 2014
Reaction score
I am glad more are replying to my post about HR 2377, i was thinking not many in this firearm forum cared, so was thinking of leaving the forum.
Thanks for your reply and support.
Lack of reply doesnt mean lack of care. Most of the posts like this trigger something else for me to dig into, get my mind wrapped around it if possible, and decide what I want to do. I just dont always reply back to the thread during or after that process.

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