Anyone ever seen a UFO?

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Back in the early 60's the family was outside for the evening as it was too hot inside. We didn't have AC and spent most of the evenings under shade trees where we might catch a breeze during summers. When it got dark, we watched a red light traveling from South to North at about airplane speed, but never saw any navigation lights. When it got due East of us, it turned a 90 degree angle, accelerated, came overhead and disappeared within seconds to the West behind a row of trees at a speed no aircraft to this day could achieve much less turn at a 90 degree angle.
That was my one and only sighting.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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I have seen a few. Most on radar but one with my eyes. I was a kid down in Kemah, TX and we were all sitting out in the back yard keeping cook. My father pointed out a weird light in the sky that was not moving at all. We thought it was a satellite or something until it suddenly took off at very high speed. Faster than most aircraft could at that time.


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Nov 23, 2019
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While I was stationed in Germany at Ramstein in 1990 we had something fly near the flight line one night. Wasn't anything we could I.D. and we had people that came off of the stealth programs and they said it wasn't anything they knew of. It was during the Belgian UFO wave and we were close to Belgium. It was at night, lighted up mainly yellow and white lights, and move slowly and not quite right. We had A-10's down the road at Sembach AB and it wasn't them. People called the air control tower to ask what it was, they said they had nothing on the radar. A lot of people saw this thing, 50+ but there is nothing on the net about it, I guess we all just keep our mouths shut about it. I don't know what it was, but we figured it was a black project we didn't know about and kept quiet about it. Still wonder about it today.



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Dec 19, 2012
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When I was about 7 or 8, a looong time ago, I was sitting on the front porch blowing bubbles. Of course I was always trying to blow the biggest bubble possible so when I looked up in the sky and saw a transparent bubble, I thought I had achieved something outstanding. It was very high up but clearly visible. I ran to get my mom to see it and she was shocked, but not that it was a bubble. She called a neighbor and asked them to step outside to see if they could see it, and possibly identify it because their house seemed to be closer. Indeed, they saw it. Like me, they described it as “a clear, perfectly spherical bubble. It was a summer day and breezy, but the bubble never moved. It was in the same place for about an hour. My dad was in the army and called his CO who verified there to be no weather balloons flying in the area. They called the local airport and nothing showed up on radar. We were all watching it, as were our neighbors and many others at that point, then it disappeared. Just vanished. It didn’t fade, drift away or anything. Just vanished. Like a bubble that popped. At my age, I didn’t care what everyone was saying…I was convinced it was one of my bubbles. As I got older, I realized how unrealistic that was. What it actually was, I have no idea.

Glock 'em down

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May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
I can remember the summer of 1979. My folks took me, my 2 brothers and his sister and her 2 kids (my cousins) fishing at lake Keystone.

When we were leaving (it was about dark) we all saw "something" in the sky. None of us new exactly what it was. But I remember when we got home, my cousin and I hid under the dining room table, scared to death!

To this day, she and I still talk about that night and laugh about it. It's funny today, but we were truly scared shitless that night.


Special Hen
Jul 5, 2021
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st Louis
Last day of 2022 deer season....NOV 22, post-dusk fully dark locally, faint light line along horizon of setting sun, after cleaning out/loading up blind, coming out onto state road/stopped/opened gate/turned back to drive Jeep through. Looked up seeing 8-10 pairs of very bright lights, joined by dimmer illuminated lines forming 7-9 illuminated perfectly square boxes. No surfaces noted, only points/connecting lines. Closest to above shape Angular USA 1961...7-9 in a row, only single lines. Impression of great altitude, very large size, significant sky arc. Moved SW to NE from low in sky to directly overhead size increasing with advancement at fast steady rate....for maybe 15 seconds. When directly overhead.....POOF GONE....clear, cloudless sky, stationary stars highly visible. At first awareness, I called to buddy in his truck behind me to look up, but he didn't realize what I was calling to his attention, didn't look up until after the POOF....never saw anything.

Back at the lodge, related to others, they scoffed it off as being the ISS. I've observed the ISS, this was not the ISS, but I forgot about it as was busy shutting down lodge, heading home. Never pursued further other than mentioning in conversation a few times since, always laughed at. Have occasionally pondered consulting with local planetarium staff to see if they might be able to relate to known activity at that specific time.


Special Hen
Jul 13, 2016
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Outside of Slaughterville, OK
Back in 1979, I was outside one night with some friends. It was overcast and foggy.
All of a sudden there was this object up in the fog that was lighting up. It looked to be a couple hundred feet long. Could only see the light pulsing from left to right up in the fog. It was dead quiet, and we were freaking out. After a few minutes the fog cleared and we were able to interpret the message being sent and could clearly see the long cigar shaped craft.

The lights were repeatedly flashing GOODYEAR.

We were scared out of our head by the freaking Goodyear Blimp on a foggy summer night.


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Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
People during the 1970's where my Dad worked made UFO's!!! My Dad worked for major auto company at the time and his employer was working furiously to comply with EPA emission standards. The company had engineers and techs working 24/7 although the late night shift was very slow. One of the things that automotive emissions labs use is lots of bottled gasses, and one they were using at the time was Hydrogen. The techs would fill garbage bags with Hydrogen, tie a string with a smoldering cigarette to the end (the strings had an accelerant on them as well) and let them go outside. The bags would float skyward, when the cigarette burned to the string, the whole bag would burst into flames and disappear. Eventually management caught on to what was happening and the unofficial project was brought to a halt. There were many reports of UFO's in the area, some were caught on radar...

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