Trump is a fascist

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Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
I like how everyone has this fabricated outrage and disgust about Trump like he is some circus freak outcast that doesn't represent any significant number of people.

He's your GOP. He's your voter base. He's your modern conservative. He's been doing pretty damn well for himself. If you're disgusted by Trump you need to change your voter registration. He's a majority of active voting Republicans in 2015. He is. If he loses steam it will be because some of his voters get to wondering if he's still viable. Not because they don't like him. He's not your RNC, but he's your GOP base. Big difference.

Also the motherfawker is still less crazy than Dr. Token Black McStabby, The Whispering Wonder.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

The problem is not Trump. He is just smart enough to know how to whip up the base. The real problem (ace is going to attempt vilify me on this one), is Obama. He has done such a great job of driving the wedge between the people of this country on so many different issues that they are rallying behind the polar opposite- trump.

Obama says "muslims are not the problem"
Trump- We gotta stop dem moslims frum killin us alllllllllll

Obama says "let me be clear, black live matter"
Trump- That guy deserved to get beat down for attendin' mah clan meetin'

that is the problem and we are in the for the long haul.

That's Trump perceiving, correctly, that the base of the party is so filled with revulsion from 8 years of Obama that they are seeking the ANTI-Obama.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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So who's your guy (or gal)? Hillary? Bernie? You damn sure don't have any other options outside those two!

Are there a lot of ignorant, stupid Republicans? Absolutely! You think the Democrats are any smarter? Seriously? You think the Lolbertarians aren't full of fruits and nuts?

Give us a better option if you're going to sit there and throw stones from your glass house pal.

I'm not your pal, bud. LOL

No, I think most Democrats are just as stupid and I've been largely turned away from lolbertariansism because of how delusional most are.

I became an active supporter of the Democratic party after the 2012 election season rhetoric and registered as a Democrat solely as small silent protest against Mary Fallin prior to the 2014 OK elections. Felt like a self-defense thing I needed to do.

Not that my presidential vote matters here, but I won't vote for Hillary Clinton. She's Mitt Romney with more grating voice and a worse haircut. Be a better fit for you probably.

Bernie Sanders has become our Ron Paul. His rabid fans are so fawking nuts with their conspiracies about why he's not viable and why Hillary is pulling ahead. I hate Hillary as much as the next guy but jeeze. Sanders fans sound just like Paultards explaining why he's "being shunned". Hillary is winning because she has money and she's not an old crazy Jew with wild hair and a Brooklyn accent that calls himself a socialist in Post-Obama America.

Sorry I don't have a better option for you. It likely wouldn't align with you even if it existed so I'm not sure what the point of this question was.

What am I gonna do? I'm gonna sit here in my glass house and talk **** about the GOP and its supporters. Like always. I never claimed to have moral high ground. I just like talking **** about fawktards.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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How many people have been killed this year by Muslims who immigrated here as adults compared to those killed by natural born americans?

Or are we forgetting our own feigned outrage over the number of dead in Chicago? We love to rub Obama's nose in those stats don't we? Does it not apply here?

How many did McVeigh kill? Or Roof, Kehoe, Lanza, Hennard, Huberty, Whitman and Sherrill? Did we round up white guys after those attacks? Restrict their travel?

What happened to targeting and criminalizing behaviour not objects and people?

Most of those (not Roof, of course) were whites killing whites. We ignore that, just like we ignore blacks killing blacks.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Trump won't win the nomination. He has strong appeal in the GOP electorate, but it has a hard ceiling. The only reason he has stayed ahead of the pack is that because the majority of GOPers who are not Trump supporters are divided between so many other candidates. The most he may do is cause a nomination fight at the National Convention. Or more likely, the field will be winnowed by the primary process to the point that one of the others captures a majority of delegates. Either way there is no way Trump will capture a majority of the delegates.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Trump won't win the nomination. He has strong appeal in the GOP electorate, but it has a hard ceiling. The only reason he has stayed ahead of the pack is that because the majority of GOPers who are not Trump supporters are divided between so many other candidates. The most he may do is cause a nomination fight at the National Convention. Or more likely, the field will be winnowed by the primary process to the point that one of the others captures a majority of delegates.

You may be right, but it would be awfully fun to watch Trump teabag Hillary in the debates.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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Is having horrible ideas better than no ideas? Bomb the families of terrorist? (if a terrorist hides among his family-HE is the one that brings the danger to them by using them like a shield) Track citizens and monitor places of worship?( it would be naive if you don't think they are ALREADY doing that) Have Mexico pay for building a wall? (we could hope JMO) Turn national parks into Trump golf resorts?*( Better than shutting them down like a few have been in California because of the trash and squatters and drug rings-refer to Ann Coulters book, Adios America)

*Just seeing if you're paying attention.

I try. Not perfect. but i try.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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You may be right, but it would be awfully fun to watch Trump teabag Hillary in the debates.

I have a feeling Trump is going to slip up and call Hillary a c*nt on TV soon. I used to think that would end it for him, but it might clench it the way things are going.

I hate Hillary with a passion but she would walk all over Trump or Carson...oh God especially a debate.

Cruz is the only one left that can hold his own on the debate floor with Hilldog. Cruz is not a bad politician at all. Well Rubio can hold his own but I'm counting him out at this point. Cruz still might rally.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Since it's all just a bunch of sociopaths vying for control, I'd stick to Trump. If you're gonna have a dictator, might as well be one that will defend our borders.

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