Walmart Receipt Checker Has a Voice

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Good morning, I came across this post this morning. This was posted in a Muskogee forum, but it certainly applies to all of us. These folks are employees, and very likely would have a very difficult time finding employment elsewhere. Just be Polite, the world has enough jerks.

I would like to make a gentle Public Service Announcement.

I know personally, every single person that works the front doors at WalMart in Muskogee, and I want to explain some things, and why we're checking receipts.

1. If there is anything outside of a bag, we are supposed to check the receipt for it.

2. No one cares if you're white, brown, black, pink, polka dotted, or a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater, we have to see your receipt to verify neither your or the cashier missed something in your cart.

3. Water is the BIGGEST loss simply due to it being at the bottom of the cart and often missed.

4. It's extremely important that you acknowledge where we live. No one is suspecting you of stealing anything, but in this town, theft is EXTREMELY common. If it weren't, I wouldn't have a job.

I don't care, nor do any of the co workers care what is in your cart, where you checked out, what you look like or who you are, we that we don't get in trouble for not doing our job.

Also, we don't catch every single person, and if the person in front of you was waved through and happened to have some soda in their cart, it's possible that person was already there and went back for something, or there is someone coming right behind you guys with a large amount of stuff and we're prioritizing time to keep the line moving, OR they checked out in self check out at one of three that I and most of us can see from the front door and we observed them scan everything. I do that a lot to save time if I can.

I'm not trying to make you mad, and it REALLY hurts my feelings and my co workers' feelings when you guys snap at us or make a scene, or refuse to show your receipt putting us in an impossible position. It takes two seconds to stop and let us verify. They do it at Sam's Club and y'all don't care, why do you care about it at WalMart?

Please, Muskogee people, be nice to us door greeters. We're not trying to make you mad, and absolutely not racist.

We're in danger of being hurt and get cussed at and yelled at and threatened daily.

It costs nothing to be nice.

I love you all, and I am not mad. I just believe we're all capable of better.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 6, 2009
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Yukon, OK
Receipt checking at the door is not a good policy IMO. The very last experience in their store is being asked: "Are you a thief?" That doesn't seem like a great message, but I think they are past caring about what their customers think. I do feel for the door people at Walmart that are asked to do this.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
It used to really grind my gears a little, but that was when they would ask for it when everything was bagged. I'd just say "have a nice day" and continue on my way. Then I decided, WTF, they're working, and they're just doing what they've been told to do by their employer. If it ain't in a bag, I'll let the little old lady check my receipt. If I'm gonna get my nose pushed outa shape over that, then I gotta figure I don't have all that much to be pissed about. Kinda like some waitress asking for my ID when I don't have a brown hair on my head anymore. They're just doing their job, and at least they're working. My 92 yo mother got asked for her ID the last time she ordered a glass of wine with dinner. Thankfully she didn't get all torqued outa shape and make a scene, but then again, she was never much of a snowflake either.

It doesn't happen all that much anyway, I bet I've not been in a walmart more than a handful of times in the last 5-6 years. Sometimes for cleaning supplies if my locally owned stores don't have something.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 6, 2009
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Yukon, OK
The optics on the policy at Sam's isn't great either, but at least there is some possibility they'd get lucky and catch someone. Both are more about deterrent than catching anyone, obviously. But, at Sam's most items are in your cart, not bagged and they scan an item or two with the receipt. So, theoretically they could find an item in the cart that wasn't paid for. Walmart, at least in my limited experience, just eyeballs the receipt and your cart - which probably contains bagged/hidden items anyway.

Either way they send everyone out with a 'are you a thief' message.

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