911 Intruder

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Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
Blanchard, America
I've met Justin Martin personally. He helped me and my dad build fence on my dad's land out in blanchard this past summer. He worked on a ranch in the blanchard area. This young mother was living in what was supposed to be a vacant trailer house that was on the land that Justin worked on. The owner of the land had told Justin that he thought he had seen some traffic in the area going to and from the old trailer house, and had told Justin to go check it out. He was trying to gain entry to a trailer that he had the authority to enter. I don't know all of the details, but I think the news is chiming in a little to early, and the story is a little off. I'm not gonna go all out and say the woman was wrong, but there are more details here that are missing.

I don't know where you got your info, but most of it is false.

These guys were a couple of meth heads, known meth heads here in town.

One of them grew up around the section from me, with hard working, honest as the day is long parents.

These guys were probably both great guys when they were younger, they took a different path as they grew older.

The girl is a high school drop out, came from a rough background, and has a pretty rough future in front of her.

They went there to steal narcotics, and it's believed it wasn't the first time they had done things like this. Time will tell if they are guilty of any other break-in's here or not. One thing is for certain, they won't be guilty of any future break-ins.

They got what they had coming. To paint this any other way is simply wrong headed.


Neal Boortz did a great radio piece on this. I heard it at 4:15 today on my way home. He gave all the details and at the end gave big atta girl to her.



Special Hen
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
oklahoma city
He got what he deserved period. I dont care where im at or what im doing if you try to hurt me while I have my kid with me I will make sure my kid is safe no matter what the situation is. Thats exactly what she did and im glad she did it. This is the kind of news thats makes me sick to know we live in a world where this could happen to any of us

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