A protective order has been requested against Oklahoma running back Rodney Anderson

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D. Hargrove

Jan 9, 2017
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Soooo much in the news about this type of thing lately. Rape, unwanted touching, inappropriate remarks, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and so on. Are we at a place n this Country where regardless of determined guilt we fire, suspend, resign or retire instead of allow due process to occur? Guess this old man is missing something... Me thinks back to the Duke Lacrosse team rape incident, the Sacred Cross Football rape and the Univ of Virginia debacle...


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It's not that way now. You only have to remember bits and pieces of an incident weeks or years later to get a person fired or publicly shamed.
Evidence presented in a court of law now has gone by the wayside. We can publicly lynch anybody we want with a he said she said sort of evidence.
The truth be damned, the spoken word on social media is now the truth in this country.
I said it in another thread, but if you don't like a co-worker, just say that person touched you, and they are gone. No proof, only your word.
We have reached a tipping point in the justice system in this country, and it hinges on this situation.
The media continues to brag on these brave women and men that were harassed, like in case of Harvey Weinstein. Every one of those women that went to his hotel room knew the casting couch was in there, but they were more concerned with their "careers" and what he could do for them than saying hell no I won't do that. Once they reached the "star" status, they were "outraged".
Then when one person speaks out, it's a mountain of women that come out with their own stories, not one of them had the ovaries to stand up before then because they were more concerned about their careers than doing what was right for themselves.
They should be ashamed for not standing up in the first place.
If it was wrong 10 years later, it was wrong at the time it took place.
I refuse to be politically correct about this, and I'm sure I'm going to be excoriated for my opinion but I don't care.
We need to get back to the rule of law where an accuser must have physical proof, or be ready to be sued for defamation of character.
I'm not picking political sides on this either, and we have a post earlier that points out opinions, (not proof) that some men were sexually harassed by women, or men in the case of Kevin Spacey.
If the glove doesn't fit.....you must acquit............


Special Hen
Sep 13, 2014
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This is a scary situation in society right now. Everyone is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. However, it appears all anyone has to do is accuse someone of something they deem inappropriate and the said "suspect" is immediately fired, shamed, or even arrested. Whether it's true or not the "suspect's" life is now changed forever. They will always be remembered for doing something wrong even if they didn't actually do it. I believe any person that brings false accusations against another person should be sentenced to the same extent as if they were the actual "suspect".


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Oct 12, 2017
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No matter how emotional, provocative, or the degree of public outrage an issue elicits, equating unproven allegations with fact makes a mockery of due process and justice. False accusations are now used by unscrupulous women as an effective tactical weapon both in the business world and in politics. Women donning a false disguise of innocence and purity are reeking havoc and vengeance on what they are now calling the ‘Toxic Masculinity’ permeating our society. The truth is that women really want everything changed to suit just them.

Men historically worked to provide for their families and naturally created a male centric environment. This shouldn’t require any defense. Women have pushed their way into this environment pretty much uninvited. Any men who invited women into the male workplace undoubtedly regrets it. Women who once asked to be let through the door now want to change the rules and environment in the workplace.

Women can be petty, emotional and vindictive by nature, and many women over the years have confided to me that they hate working for a woman. When women get in a group they act like a wolf pack and this present phenomenon of false accusations against men in our society is nothing less than a rabid pack of ***** wolves on a killing frenzy. If I established a private business tomorrow, I wouldn’t employ women.

Feminists that are driven by hate for men worked for years to undermine the foundations of our society, not only in the workplace, but in the home and even between the basic relationships that evolved between the sexes since our species was living in trees. The word ‘toxic’ does not come close to describing the true feelings and ill intent these women harbor towards men. Our society has lost its ethics and integrity or we wouldn’t see all this happening. Law and Justice these days are subordinated to Court of Popular Opinion with Angry Mobs screaming for ‘False Justice’ that can only be appeased by Sacrifice of a few (some of whom may well be entirely innocent).

This nonsense has to end. Those making life destroying allegations must be confronted in the Courts. Libel should elicit civil penalties and false charges should result in criminal penalties and unproven charges should be treated as false charges. Watching the parade of men being dragged down and disgraced in the name of this ‘so called’ Social Justice reminds me of the atrocities against many decent people that occurred after the French Revolution. But the strangest situation of all is the vague definition for ‘Sexual Harassment’ that is often being used. Apparently, it is entirely related to how a woman feels about things that are said or done. It’s one of those Millennial things like a need for a place where they can ‘feel’ safe. For example- a British Minister of Defense (Michael Fallon) was recently dismissed because a Journalist (Julia Hartley-Brewer) accused him of placing his hand on her knee in 2002. WOW! That was just TERRIBLE! Or, maybe it was just harmless and friendly.

I know I’m fed up with a his New Age tripe. If I am called to serve on Jury Duty, it is going to take proof (not a plea for sympathy, or emotions) to get a guilty vote from me on one of these cases.
Semper Fi

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It’s one of those Millennial things like a need for a place where they can ‘feel’ safe.
It's not Millennials. This went on in the mid 80's to early 90's in my work place. Conoco Oil Company at the time. Just complimenting a woman on her appearance was ground for dismissal. You could tell a guy, nice suit, great tie, and when did you change your hairstyle, I like it was acceptable.
Say the same to a female, and your job just went out the door. You were gawking at her and making her uncomfortable.
I will say I have seen blatant and unwarranted sexual discrimination in the workplace that had no business happening, and in one case helped get the perv fired.
Well, he didn't really get fired, he was allowed to stay on, but work from home. Software developer.
Another example, in another business I work at later, Smith Tool, there was a young lady that worked in the tool crib issuing items needed in a machine shop. She always wore very tight low cut tops, and always leaned over the counter for all to see the girls.
When some made comments, (which she recorded some), a really good settlement came her way, and she got a lifetime job in a satellite company where she didn't have to show up for work.
There is a WHOLE lot of wrong things in the workplace regarding sexual harassment that need to be resolved, but there is also a lot of abuse by potential "accusers" looking to gain.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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It's not Millennials. This went on in the mid 80's to early 90's in my work place. Conoco Oil Company at the time. Just complimenting a woman on her appearance was ground for dismissal. You could tell a guy, nice suit, great tie, and when did you change your hairstyle, I like it was acceptable.
Say the same to a female, and your job just went out the door. You were gawking at her and making her uncomfortable.
I will say I have seen blatant and unwarranted sexual discrimination in the workplace that had no business happening, and in one case helped get the perv fired.
Well, he didn't really get fired, he was allowed to stay on, but work from home. Software developer.
Another example, in another business I work at later, Smith Tool, there was a young lady that worked in the tool crib issuing items needed in a machine shop. She always wore very tight low cut tops, and always leaned over the counter for all to see the girls.
When some made comments, (which she recorded some), a really good settlement came her way, and she got a lifetime job in a satellite company where she didn't have to show up for work.
There is a WHOLE lot of wrong things in the workplace regarding sexual harassment that need to be resolved, but there is also a lot of abuse by potential "accusers" looking to gain.

During my management career, I was required to undergo yearly ongoing education on corporate compliance, ethics, labor law and sexual harassment etc. After a brutal, threatening course on sexual harassment, I asked some of the Nursing Managers just what a man could say or ask a woman? The group started laughing after one of them said, “Well, it depends on who you are!”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
During my management career, I was required to undergo yearly ongoing education on corporate compliance, ethics, labor law and sexual harassment etc. After a brutal, threatening course on sexual harassment, I asked some of the Nursing Managers just what a man could say or ask a woman? The group started laughing after one of them said, “Well, it depends on who you are!”

Thats correct. It depends on who you are. The higher up the food chain you are, the more you can get away with until your star starts to grow dim.
Then the ones that used you come to eat you.

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