American Airlines Tulsa

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Special Hen
Apr 1, 2009
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FEMA Reigion 6 Broken Arrow
There are dead A$$es at EVERY company, AA has a lot but, they have alot of people (for now). Per capita I would say they are on par with every other company union or not.

I have been with AA since November '95 and have been a loyal asset to them the entire time. Yes there are bad people in the union and we do not police our own like we should 100% of the time, but the as a whole the vast majority of co-workers I know earn their keep. For those that think AA employees are overpaid then you are definitely speaking out of your element. Not everyone there makes $27/ hour which is actually a little less than the national average for a licensed AMT. Many union employees make less. No one starts at AA making top out pay. It takes several years to get there and sometimes over a decade. I started out making $6 an hour and worked my way up the scale over a 16 year period and for what I do I earn it.

Shootin' - you are right that people should not live above their means, I do not. I have no large debt and as a shop steward I have been preaching to people about being finacially fit for years. That being said It will hurt when I am laid off, it will not devastate me but It will hurt. I wish I could say that for all my fellow employees but I know that is not true. You said that someone is overpaid if they cannot find another job that pays them the same. True in a perfect world in a city that was not already hemoraging with people with the same skill set and if every company paid for experience. Sadly this is not the case.

If anyone in northeast Oklahoma not directly related to the aerospace industry thinks this will have adverse effects on them in some way they are sadly confused. AA and their employees imput a lot of economic life into this part of the state and in a couple of years when AA is entirely out of the maintenance business, the Tulsa base is closed down and AA is preferring to reward foreign slave labor over Americans; there will be blood so to speak. If you're in the food industry, automotive industry, housing market, retail industry, If you own a small industrial shop that contracts with joe blow, who contracts with jim bob that contracts with AA.....YOU WILL BE AFFECTED!

We can blame unions and management. But coming from someone that works at AA and does not make business decisions, I know I take no blame. I gave them their money's worth in production and I know all the guys in my crew do as well. I cannot say they same for executives that do make business decisions and that took bonuses and other rewards while not sharing the sacrifice of concessions in 2003. Ill never understand rewarding an executive during non profitable years that did not do anything anymore innovative than his predecessor.

I will find a new source of income. It may not be right away, but it will happen. Thanks in advance for those that pay taxes because I may soak up some government entitlements for a while ;D

You will do well!!


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
I have a source in HR and he told me his estimated seniority cut date will go back to 1992. Im about 99% sure im getting cut. I hope they have a change of heart but the writing is on the wall and my prediction is that this the the first round in outsourcing all maintenance entirely. I personally believe that in a few years the only AA employees in Tulsa will be the ones you see at the Airport.

Wow... I never would have guessed that it would take 20 years of seniority to make this cut. The news said they're estimating this is 1/3 of the force here? Is that correct? They are also saying that due to the "bump" factor that the union negotiated that it's possible workers from Ft. Worth who have seniority will be able to move to Tulsa and bump down someone here too?

I also wondered to myself if since this is all part of a Bankruptcy proceedings if there was any wiggle room to not follow those negotiated formats. Seems to me that as a business, I'd want to ensure I was retaining my best employees and not just using seniority as the sole factor.

Anyway... again I feel for you guys. Even those who retain employment it's going to be tough and stressful.


Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2006
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I'm in the same boat as Mr. Cue. I'm honestly heart broken over the whole thing. I know the overwhelming majority did every thing we could to make AA work. I'm young enough to start over but after 15 years it's going to be tough. I will keep every one affected in my prayers.


Mostly good luck to everyone and your families.

To everyone else who is a new aviation expert. Please check your facts before spouting off here. These are peoples lives your being flippant about.

If you're jealous about a groups pay, then apply. If you don't meet the minimum hiring requirements, or are inferior to the average new hire. Then maybe you'll get it on why they can command that wage.

It is the first time American has filled for bankruptcy.

Every company gets the union they deserve.

The Value jet crash was not a maintenance issue. It was cargo.

American is a legacy carrier not a major.

reddog if this is truly how you feel then please let me know who you are so I can take my business elsewhere. If your joking, it was the wrong time.
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