Anyone got any natural sleep remedies?

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Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
You'd think being my own boss would give me that freedom. Maybe I need to hire a personal assistant to take care of the business operations and a salesperson to take care of sales calls and a support tech to take care of support calls and supplement development work... Now that I think about it, that would free up some time to get more work done... I'd considered having my accountant handle payables and receivables, but I've got all of that automated now. I've always been on a natural cycle somewhere between 30 and 36 hours, and I've always been more focused at night... but all these business folks want you available 9-5... such illogical social conventions...

Im sailing the same ship you are being on my own hours and self employed. I have no set hours to do anything, totally wide open. I work a couple of my own small businesses plus I co-own several other bigger businesses with partners. Luckily in my own businesses theyre not really daytime types of businesses anyways and my customers know me and my schedule and know I will get to them when I can, no problems. The businesses I have partners with I do what I can when Im there which gladly happen to be based in 2 other states so Im only there about 3 weeks or so out of every quarter.

Any family function or really anything I have to do early morning though is challenging. People in my family have had a few medical procedures the last few years and getting to the hospital early A.M. and then the waiting room has really messed me up a few times but you just do it and go on, part of life.

For me hiring assistants to help me with my stuff was a real blessing and totally worth the money. I recommend it to any busy self employed person, if you can justify the expense.

Natural sleep remedies. I know more about chemical helpers than I do natural remedies even though I realize that alcohol or drugs are not the answers. Something natural to me would mean something that helps me relax my mind and body enough to enduce sleep. Meditation maybe, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, resistance workouts, tryptophan loaded foods, etc. The best thing that works for me is just old skool hard work. I have to be just totally exhausted at the end of my day, night, whatever. My lifelong moto has been that I dont fall asleep, I pass out, and I dont wake up, I come to. I have terrible sleep anxiety. Have had it my entire life. I cant wake to an alarm because I cant get to sleep if I know I am going to have to wake up at a specific time. My brain just cant deal with it. Simple and old fashioned, I just push myself when I am awake in my work or whatever I am doing to about as far as I physically can and then at the end of my version of a workday I just go to the nth hour and when I get tired I dont just get sleepy I go down like a 10ton brick. On really lazy days I go crazy if I dont have something to do, I cant just sit to the TV for hours like my kids do.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Good thread Veggie.

I've been thinking about getting on Ambien again, but it's habit forming....I'd like something more natural.

Travelling for work makes a mess of my sleep schedule. Even a 1-hour time change screws me up for a week. I don't have trouble going to sleep, but staying asleep...


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
For those recommending alcohol... it doesn't have that drowsiness effect on me. In fact, if I am tired and needing to push a couple of more hours to meet a deadline, I find that a glass of scotch (~4 shots+/-) can push me over that edge and keep me going for about 3-4 hours - probably because some of the tiredness is taken away with the stress. 4 Nyquil gelcaps do work, but that's not natural and yields 4-5 hours of sleep and a nasty hangover feeling like nothing I've felt in years...

Got some good ideas, though. Exercise is something I definitely need to do more of.

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