Colonoscopy Part II......All Went Well!!!

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Special Hen
Oct 3, 2007
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Part time Vegas, Galveston, Oklahoma

Let me be the first to assure anyone out there that if they're even half way hesitant.............Just Do IT!!!!!!!!

**This part is for anyone who's hesitant, doesn't care, or wants to put it off for any reason**

My Experience:

Let me start and mention that I have been extremely fortunate with any type of illness, sickness, or medical need for myself. I drink lots of beer and Bourbon, smoke Cuban and Non-Cuban cigars, not much exercise any more since I've become an urban cowboy.

Growing up in the country up until I was in my late 30's, about the only time I went to a Doctor on a regular basis was the Dentist. I had a few checkups and my old Country Doctor would compliment me on how healthy I was. Really any reason to see my Doctor was for a few stitches, a broken bone and nose, and maybe the flu the 2 times I have ever got it.

I still get compliments from my City Doctor and problems(a few cavities) and not on any medications at 51 years of age...even though I haven't really taken care of myself........just luck I guess.

It wasn't until I got married that (persistence, love, and care of my wife) I went for routine check ups and back to a regular dentist visit. Really, I have always felt that unless I'm sick.........I just don't go to the doctor. I know, yes I know, that isn't wise.......especially from a person who has a few Science College Degrees!!!???

The Experience Itself:

I went because my caring wife wanted me to get checked at 50....which I procrastinated a year to 51.

I chose Sunday to drink the prep so I could be close to a toilet and wasn't sure if the mixture would make me a little sick. Saturday and Saturday Night I did not eat meat and my last meal was lite........chips, dip, tortillas.

Sunday: Wife bought me chicken noodle soup and strained the food out so for breakfast and was only broth. Had a few Jello cups and some 7-UP

2:00 in the afternoon....NO MORE FOOD OR DRINK.......time for that Oh So Yummy mixture and two glasses of water. 15-30, minutes later "it began". Not bad......jut kind of a miniature geyser.

11x.....yep, you read that correctly, 11 trips to the restroom, then it stopped. Being at home I could watch tv, play on the computer, clean my pellet smoker...and go to the RR when needed.


5:00...........Next batch.......Holy Mother of God, it tastes like cough syrup mixed with mustard and just a shot turpentine. Only five more times to the RR.

The kicker.......from 2:00pm in the afternoon on Sunday to 10:00am on Monday.........nothing, nada, don't even think of food or water.


I get to my appointment, fill out a few papers, and get escorted to a room. Strip down to just my sox and put on a gown. My wife packed up my clothes and shoes and went to the waiting room. Nurse came in and put and IV into my hand vein. She told me she'll inject some drugs into the IV in the "operating" room.

Get wheeled into the operating room, placed on my left side, knees up to my stomach area, stick my butt out a little. Nurse and Doctor told me they weren't going to fully sedate me and told me the procedure would be 15-20 minutes long. I asked if I could do without sedation and the doctor told me I could AND watch the screen........but he didn't recommend it.

They pump air into your colon to open it up so the camera can see better.......might be a little discomforting.

I told them okay and the nurse injected the anesthesia......I looked at the clock in the operating room. Woke up in the 1st room I was in with my wife setting next to me. No hang over, I do remember everything up to the sedation part. No sore bottom, no nothing.

Put my clothes on and had a light brunch and now I'm back home for the day. I could run around OKC, but I feel a little tired so I'll rest. My wife was told I had one very tiny polyp and that was it..........:naughty:


For me the only hard part was no caffeine . I drink waaaaaaaaaaay to much coffee and ice tea...every day......all the time. By 3:00pm yesterday afternoon I was having a few wonderful headaches but you can't drink anything nor take aspirin. By 2:00am in the morning I had a hell-of-a withdraw from caffeine headache. Tobacco doesn't do this to me but lack of caffeine.........kills me!!! :coffee:

The Reason for This Review:

If I can do it, so can you. If there's anyone hesitant, scared, or whatever..........please do or woman. Everyone in that hospital today kept telling me this is one of the few procedures to catch, remove, detect, and diagnose cancer at an early stage. Read my first post about this procedure......I really didn't want to do this but I did and I'm glad I is my loving wife, proud that I did this.

It wasn't that bad..............really the worst part for me was no coffee or ice tea.....and trust me, I'll gladly give it up for another colonoscopy when I need to be rescheduled.

Three Words:

Just Do It!!!!!!!

and yes.........I'm slowing weaning myself off of cigars!!!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I'm 46 and thinking I should go. At what age do they recommend you really need to do it and not wait any longer? My parents have never had colon cancer but mom has had breast cancer and her mother died from colon cancer.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Guys...this is the BEST procedure you can have to detect cancers which are usually very treatable when detected early. I had my first one in 2001. The found some polyps and took them out. Been back twice and need to go this year. So far, so good. If any of you have ever experienced a cancer scare (I Have twice), this is a simple procedure that can give you piece of mind.

CHenry, typically about 45 is when you start.


Special Hen
Apr 10, 2013
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OK Chitty
I got my first one when I was 22 or 23 due to some gut issues. Went down both ends on me. Found some polyps, ended up being pre-cancerous. I have to have them every 2 years (going on 30 now). Don't fret.... sometimes you get lucky and get real gassy afterwards, and your wife can't ***** about the constant farting :)

The whole prep thing...not the best experience in the world, but you'll lose some weight in the process ;)


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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Had it done when I was 21, had a cancer scare. Didn't turn up anything, and regular medical doctors never figured out what was wrong with me. Have a friend who was just starting his Chiropractic practice, and offered to treat me for free. He got me fixed up. Anyway, it's not really a big deal, and it could save your life.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Under your bed
Yeah I guess I need to seek out a good Dr. Mom had this done 3 years ago so I'll find out who she used and see if her experience with him was a good one. I have always been afraid of any medical invasive procedure but I'm getting better. I do know a guy who died durring a botched Colonoscopy but i'm sure thats rare. Not sure what happened but I heard they punctured something. Anyway, his last meal was the colon blow drink.

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