float tube queston

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Deer Slayer I don't have a tube, yet. I have fished a couple of times out of a friends. I liked the kickers that strapped on your feet and you just kicked like you were walking. They folded back going forward and folding out when going back.

Those are the kickers that I use. Very effective.

I fish the wind in a tube. Try to get to the far end of a pond early in the am, and when the wind comes up, make sure its in the direction that will assist me back to the truck.

I had an occasion when a BIG water snake came across a pond, right at me. When it got in close, I whacked it with my rod. It disappeared, and all of a sudden it came up IN MY TUBE!!!
Grabbed it by the head, and got to the bank where I let it go, and I got out and shat myself......

Later on, I was relating this story to a group of fishers at the tulsa boat show that had a booth set up.
They sponsored tube only bass tourny's. The guy told me that I made the snake scared by whacking it with the rod, and it wanted out of the water. Closest place was my tube.

He said use the rod tip to gently guide the snake away from the tube and there will be no problem.

I believe his reasoning, and trust his advise.

BUT! I have a derringer with snake shot in my tube now.

Deer Slayer

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Dennis - LOL, I can relate. I had a similar incident in college when I was tubing a pond. I spotted a big snake cruising the shoreline. I paddled over to the edge and retrieved a single shot 12 ga. and a handful of shells. "OK Sucker, where art thou". He was 3-4 feet long and soooo happpy to see me that he came towards me and lost his head. I got out of the pond later that morning and looked around and found a second big one who promptly had a bad morning too. A second incident West of Stillwater in a pond happened when a friend was crappie fishing with minnows and a slip cork. We were joking around and I was in my tube fishing when he throws the slip cork towards my tube. I laughed when it plopped near me, shortly the cork goes down and the battle was on. I watch with increasing interest while he fights the fish which was acting funny. Hmmmm, what is this? A catfish? Soon a snapping turtle the size of a washtub is slowly pulled to the bank. Funny I never fished that pond again. I don't know why.

DEER 24/7

Dec 28, 2010
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lol deerslayer about the turtle,one time my buddie stopped by my house and got my tube but forgot my flippers so i just went in my bare feet what a mistake that turn out to be.i was fishing around some dead cedar trees just sitting there moving my feet just enough to stay there when all of a sudden something grab my foot and went to shaking it about crap my pants i stuck my feet up in the air and started to paddling with my hands well you get the idea and my buddie said what the heck are you doing.after seeing a blood blister in the shape of a v arcoss the whole top and bottom of my foot i asumed it was a very big snapping turtle that got a hold of me i never tube fish anymore without something on my feet


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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these stories are making me rethink buying a tube. I did get an email back from the state and you guys were right. As long as I stay within 50' of the shore line a tube would not be considered a vessel and void of boat rules.

DEER 24/7

Dec 28, 2010
Reaction score
bobed get one there is no better way to fish small ponds.and it is a blast to catch and big ole bass in a tube.and it also works good for catfish also but it sucks haver them on a stringer right beside you though

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