Is anyone else getting tired of this crap ?

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
The media also isn’t reporting how many officers are resigning. The good cops can’t get anywhere against the hardcore authoritarians in their ranks, so they’re leaving. That will objectively make those departments worse, not better.

I really wish they would report these numbers, but it just doesn't fit the narrative.

I suspect that a lot of the incidents you mentioned are acts of frustration at the whole situation also. I follow a guy who's now retired and it's been brewing slowly for years. He spent his career in the hood in SOCAL when the Bloods and Crips were a thing and warring with each other. He recently posted about one of his sargeants giving him his performance review, she was brand new and they didn't know each other well. She proceeded to get on him about traffic tickets and low level arrest numbers. He told her he didn’t care and didn’t play the “stat game” to get numbers and figured he'd get a crap eval which he never cared about. A few days later she called him back into her office to officially give him his evaluation. She said that she really listened to him and decided to go to crime analysis and look at a bunch of different criteria that was not normally calculated. She asked him “are you aware that you have a sub two minute response time to in progress violent felonies in your beat”. He told her it did not surprise him because he tried to stay in his beat and not get distracted from high crime or problem areas. She said "that explains why you have the highest number of actual in progress violent felony arrests of anyone in the department”. He simply told her he liked hunting real violent bad guys. He had multiple hundreds of these arrests. When he did get hurt in the incident that forced him out he had to pay for his own ambulance ride. They literally threw him out like a piece of garbage and were likely glad he was gone because he wasn't playing the game the way they wanted him to.

Remember the Seattle officer that posted up doing the right thing and follow the Constitution a couple of weeks ago that was just what almost all LEO officers feel and subsequently got fired for it? What he alluded to kind of dovetails real nicely with these "PD protests" now eh?

At this point I fully support the Minneapolis city council disbanding their entire PD like they are proposing. I fully support LA cutting $150,000,000 from the LAPD budget. I hope they do. When they get tired of what happens let them try to find a police officer to hire. It'll be fun to watch.
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Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
I've read that part of the get-rid-of-police plans being floated is replacing police with neighborhood militias made up of folks like BLM.
Liberal utopia, here we come.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Racism is real. But it ain’t systemic. Most of the racism I see comes from blacks, not whites. Why don’t you watch Candace Owens’ Facebook video she just made on George Floyd. She speaks the truth on it.

I get the sense that I could cite an entire body of research and it wouldn't make a difference because there's an opinion that people here like that says otherwise.

1:50ish - "We are the only community that caters to the bottom denominator of our society". I'd make a case that it's like the strength of a chain is limited to it's weakest link. We should care about the bottom of society, pull them up, help them. That is morally a better position than what? To subjugate them, cast them out? What
2:00ish - "Fight and scream and demand support and justice for those up to no good". What happened to liberty AND JUSTICE for ALL??
2:55ish - "I will not accept the narrative that this is the best the black community has to offer". Okay, true, but see the point above. It should't be about the best. It should be about how we treat our weakest.
3:25ish - "George Floyd was not an amazing person". Okay, so we should only treat amazing people with respect and not kill them. A lot of us who are not amazing should probably be worried --- most of us have our own severe faults.
4:00-5:30ish and beyond - Drugs are a helluva drug. Power is too...once the situation is contained, stop. Just stop. Stop with the knee. When the pulse is gone, stop with the knee. It doesn't matter who he was, what he was doing. She wants to make a point that he was a bad person, okay cool, he wasn't great. Does that mean he should die in that situation? She wants to make a point that he wasn't a hero or role model, okay cool, he wasn't a hero or a role model. Does that mean he should die in that situation? He would never have achieved the name recognition and notoriety if they guy had done his job and treated him as a human with even a teeninciest ounce of compassion.
5:40-8:00 - "Everyone deserves a second chance but...." No, no buts allowed here. You believe people can get better or you don't. It's like in AA when someone falls off the horse --- you don't cast them to doom, but rally around and try to get them sober again. That's how it should work broadly. Bonus points for saying basically that the record doesn't matter and then reading his record. Again, I'm not saying he was a good guy. But did he deserve to die? There was a guy a few years back that tried to break into my house drunk and on drugs and I could have shot him, but didn't --- he didn't deserve it, and it wasn't warranted. Crazy incident, but personally I'm glad I could control and deescalate it without lethal force. Drugs are a helluva thing and make people do bad stuff, no doubt. But the coverage I have seen has not portrayed him as a good dude either, it's mainly been focused on the "did he deserve to die question. That's ultimately what the defining thing is.

I could go on, but I've got family responsibilities this evening, and I don't think that my points doing play by play are going to be much different in the second half of the video, nor will they change any hearts or minds.

That's it, we should put fast food workers out on the front lines to control protesters and rioters.
Surely you're smart enough to see a huge difference there.

How would you and your fast food friends handle these people?

I think my point was missed, that we expect the folks in those roles to maintain control, why can't we expect the same control from highly trained officers?


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Oct 27, 2012
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The OKC police chief was on TV last night apologizing for the way his officers have conducted themselves protecting things from he unruly crowds and said that rubber bullets and tear gas is not the way things should be done for crowd control. How in the heck are the police supposed to control a crowd if they don't use nonlethal means?
Black Lives Matter Leaders Issue Demands At Oklahoma City ...


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Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
@Rez Exelon Candace Owens said several times that he should not have been killed, should not have died in that situation.

I think my point was missed, that we expect the folks in those roles to maintain control, why can't we expect the same control from highly trained officers?

Because the people the fast food workers deal with aren't wearing t-shirts that say "kill a fast food worker, save a life".


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Jun 1, 2020
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Stonewall, Ok
A black person dies while being detained, yes that is awful.
But to categorize all cops are bad or killers of black people is just wrong, like categorizing all black people as bad when a WHITE person is killed by a black person, that dose not make all black people bad.
You that know me know that I'm a retired police officer. I never killed a black person in all my years in law enforcement. So do I or Glockemdown or any other police officer deserve to be labeled bad or a killer of black people and should be killed? You all have heard the chants at the protest..kill the cops..FK the cops..kill pigs. To listen to any main stream media that makes it sound like police are killing blacks like flies is just a flat out lie and they are pushing a narrative to make people think that's gospel. It's Not.
The numbers prove otherwise.
Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race
Published by Statista Research Department, Jun 5, 2020
2017 2018 2019 2020*
White 457 399 370 172
Black 223 209 235 88
Hispanic 179 148 158 57
Other 44 36 39 14
Unknown 84 204 202 98
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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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A black person dies while being detained, yes that is awful.
But to categorize all cops are bad or killers of black people is just wrong, like categorizing all black people as bad when a WHITE person is killed by a black person, that dose not make all black people bad.
You that know me know that I'm a retired police officer. I never killed a black person in all my years in law enforcement. So do I or Glockemdown deserve to be labeled bad or a killer of black people and should be killed? You all have heard the chants at the protest..kill the cops..FK the cops..kill pigs. To listen to any main stream media that makes it sound like police are killing blacks like flies is just a flat out lie and they are pushing a narrative to make people think that's gospel. It's Not.
The numbers prove otherwise.
Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race
Published by Statista Research Department, Jun 5, 2020
2017 2018 2019 2020*
White 457 399 370 172
Black 223 209 235 88
Hispanic 179 148 158 57
Other 44 36 39 14
Unknown 84 204 202 98

I don't think anybody is arguing that all cops are bad... Just that there are some bad cops, and that the many don't deserve to be defined by the few. The argument is how does that sentiment not apply to both sides.

Welcome to OSA.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I'm having issues with this "systemic racism" issue and the push for equality among the black community.
In the last 30 years, we have a black Supreme Court Justice, 1/2 black President, Senators and Congress people that are black and other minorities. BET TV, Black congressional caucus, and black Miss America. Whites need not apply.
From what I'm seeing on TV a lot of states have black Governors, Black mayors, black chiefs of police and the police forces have to be the most diverse of any occupation I've ever seen outside of the military.
How much equality is needed when your 17% of the population?
Meanwhile most of this violence is coming from dimocratic states ran by dimocrats. The same dimocrat party that has promised to end the racism and make things equal since the Equal Rights Ammendment was added to the Constitution in 1972.
The same dimocrat party under President Johnson's great new deal to build housing for the miorities and allow them to deteriate by not funding them that caused them to become ghetto's.
What has the dimocrat party done to create equality? Anyone? I'll make it easier. How much did obama do to make things better for the black community? Did he create jobs for them to go to work or did he increase welfare and handouts?
The dimocrat cities like Baltimore ran by blacks have not improved the lives of their citizens nor has any other city I'm aware of improved the quality of life for the black community that have black community leaders. They don't even help their own.
Why is that?
What will help the black community have a sense of self worth and feel a need to belong to a community instead of feeling like a piece of trash thrown into the gutter?
It's Jobs. It's work. It's the ability to have a paycheck and hold your head up.
What kind of jobs have the dimocrats brought forward? Fast food?
The 1/2 black president said get used to those types of jobs because manufacturing wasn't coming back. Ever.
He sold his soul and this country to China.
Before this Pandemic the black community was enjoying the benefits of the Republican party that was bringing back jobs from China, Mexico, Canada and the European socialist union.
The lowest unemployment in history for blacks, hispanics, asians, and women. Crime was down, shootings of unarmed black men was less than half of when the 1/2 black president was in office. Why is that? What happened to cause that? Was it becase more were working at a job and not out on the streets? I don't have a clue if that's it, but that is a significant number that really happened.
The economy was roaring ahead then the virus hit. The liberal cities locking down and some remaining so to this day. Social distancing!! You must social distance or you will go to jail!! You can't go to a funeral, you can't go fishing, you can't go to a park, YOUR WILL GO TO JAIL!! YOU WILL COMPLY TO MY COMMANDS! The government must pay our state for our past fiscal mistakes!!
These same city's are now encouraging people to join the protests. No social distancing or mask wearing required. The lock em down tight governor of Michigan violated her own social distancing rule by joining a protest.
What are we seeing here? Somebody help me out.
Dimocrat media screaming chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine will cause you to die and will not help with the virus and cause heart attacks for months after Trump started taking it has now been debunked. The drug has been safely used since the 40's but the American public was too stupid to look it up and the left media ran with it.
HMMMM it was political reporting by the dimocrats that might have caused lives lost so they could continue their narrative of taking Trump down by making this virus his fault.
Studies have been resumed.
I'm not going to get into a debate about which side is wrong. Cops have committed crimes, Citizens and cops have been murdered/beaten by protestors.
Its silly to post some videos and say that the way it is and this side is wrong. The problem is far above a youtube video or a collage of them to make a point.
Nothing will be gained by it.
We have to look at the root of the problem and its the dimocratic party and the media in collusion with them to maintain a voting class that depends on the government to support them because there are no jobs available.
Open borders are another issue the dims want to gain another minority class that relies on government handouts. Gives them a permanent position in leadership of this country.
When is the last time you heard a liberal complain about building the wall? Zero! The construction is ongoing and progressing.

Joe Biden (bless his demented mind) just commented today on TV that 15% of Americans are not good people. Kind of like Hitlery's deplorable moment. Good God he gives great talking points that will be brought out before the election! There will be millions spent on that comment!
That's my opinion and although I wanted to jump in on some comments in this thread that were way out of line, just decided to post an opinion and put my thoughts into it.
We have too much division going on right now and like the OP posted, I'm tired of it.
Lets get this economy going again, vote for who is going to make this country great again a second time and give these folks a sense of equality because they have jobs.
Edited because I'm mad:
When did Biden do anything to help blacks? By signing the 1994 crime bill that incarcerated thousands of blacks that he brags about ruining families and creating more poverty?
Or did Trump help the blacks by giving them jobs along with an economy and signing the executive order order that released thousands of blacks from prison with the Criminal Justice Reform?
Who is the champion of blacks?
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