Range on Banner Road

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Special Hen
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
They did not ask me .
They went over the range rules with me and you need eye and ear protection if no eye protection they will rent you eye protection You do not get the rent back but you do give the glases back.

There is a range officer and you are assigned to a specific lane. It has a number on the lane and you wear a badge around your neck with lane number on it.
If you change lanes you get another badge and must go back inside the building to do so.
Flags will be issued toi you for sticking in the chamber when the firing range is cold.

The range officer calls all cold and all hot.. he stays out there most of the time.

If you shoot semi auto and your brass hits the ground I heard from a buddy they told him if it hits the ground it stays on the ground as it is now theirs.

It cost me about $14.50 to shoot there and i did not need but 1 target and no glasses or anything.

You sign your name to a paper with some information on it and they take your drivers license the entire time you are there.
You turn in the badge at the end of your trip there and get your drivers license back.

No Thanks. I went 1 time and will not go back.
It is safe and organized That is a fact and clean also.
But I am a tight wad and I like brass.
I only needed to to sight in my scope I had just stuck on my 308. Took 5 shots and last 2 were on the money. Then i left.

I took some new to guns friends there. The guy gave us chamber flags and targets.
We didn't get any lane badges and were free to use any spot.
I didn't witness any brass on the ground rules, though the RO did have a brass picker upper thingie.
We didn't have to give our driver's licenses to them while we were there, almost 3 hours.
This was a couple months ago on a Thursday mid-afternoon.


Special Hen
Oct 12, 2009
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My name is Jay, the new range master at Canadian Ranges. I’m excited about our operation and the direction it’s headed, and thankful for our loyal customers, like the one who informed me about this thread. I’d like to take this opportunity to clear up a few things...

First, a little about me. I’m a 22+ year veteran KC-135 pilot. I got my start in 1996 in the Oklahoma Army National Guard 1/179 HHC Recon unit. I joined the Air Guard in 2003, and in 2004 I started shooting competition for the Oklahoma National Guard Marksmanhip Team. I competed for 14 years, winning state, regional, and national matches as a team member and/or individual. I’ve placed in The Governor’s 20 several times in over those 14 years in both pistol and rifle disciplines. I have also served as a team instructor, assistant manager, and range safety officer. I am an NRA certified instructor in pistol, rifle, and shotgun. I’ve also served as an adjunct CLEET Phase 4 instructor for a local vocational facility for he last 5 years. Now to the point being raised about the range...

Our customers have always been welcome to recover their own brass. If you bring it out there, it’s yours. Take it if you wish. However, like other ranges, if you didn’t bring it out there, it’s not yours. We recover the leftover steel and brass to reinvest in the range. I know this is a change to what was allowed out there before I took over the range in March, but this is a standard practice at most ranges. When I first took over the operation, there were guys showing up at the range with 5-gallon buckets headed out to the line to recover whatever they wanted. This practice isn’t allowed anymore for previously mentioned reasons.

Another point is the “no loaded firearms” in the building rule. This rule has been in place for over 20 years...if you are concealed carrying, please feel free to do so. We do have a “no holster draw” rule on our general firing line though. Because of this rule, we cannot accommodate open-carry configurations. More often than not, our customers desire to shoot their open-carry piece. Since the general firing line is not set up to accommodate draw and presentation, we had to make a range rule that open-carried firearms must be made safe (mag out, slide locked open, safe-chamber indicator inserted) before proceeding to the firing line. Other ranges have similar rules for the same reason: it is impossible for a shooter to draw their piece from the holster without another shooter being in front of the muzzle. However, unlike most other ranges, we are working on a solution - we have plans to accommodate draw and presentation practice on another part of the range. We feel that this skill is a fundamental that should be practiced by anyone that carries a self-defense piece. This skill should also be practiced in a location that doesn’t put other shooters in danger. We want to accommodate - thank you for your patience!

The other point I’d like to cover is our new lane assignment arrangement. Yes, we hold your ID and issue a lane badge. This is also a standard range practice. It greatly assists us in managing the lanes, especially on busy days. Holding the ID helps ensure we get our equipment back, and has cut down the malicious acts performed by a few of our former customers...

I’m delighted to serve our community with a safer, cleaner range. We are focused on making sure everyone has a safe experience, given the history of this facility. My staff and I are grateful for our customers and are doing everything we can to make sure everyone goes home with no more holes in them than they showed up with.

We have expansion plans that we are working toward that will make shooting at our range more accommodating for our shooters. My desire is to have these much needed range updates complete by early spring (we’re also trying to keep the range open as we work on the next phase!).

Thank you to all our customers! We really appreciate your business.


Special Hen
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
They did not ask me .
They went over the range rules with me and you need eye and ear protection if no eye protection they will rent you eye protection You do not get the rent back but you do give the glases back.

There is a range officer and you are assigned to a specific lane. It has a number on the lane and you wear a badge around your neck with lane number on it.
If you change lanes you get another badge and must go back inside the building to do so.
Flags will be issued toi you for sticking in the chamber when the firing range is cold.

The range officer calls all cold and all hot.. he stays out there most of the time.

If you shoot semi auto and your brass hits the ground I heard from a buddy they told him if it hits the ground it stays on the ground as it is now theirs.

It cost me about $14.50 to shoot there and i did not need but 1 target and no glasses or anything.

You sign your name to a paper with some information on it and they take your drivers license the entire time you are there.
You turn in the badge at the end of your trip there and get your drivers license back.

No Thanks. I went 1 time and will not go back.
It is safe and organized That is a fact and clean also.
But I am a tight wad and I like brass.
I only needed to to sight in my scope I had just stuck on my 308. Took 5 shots and last 2 were on the money. Then i left.
You are always welcome to recover your own brass.


Special Hen
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Same crowd, new owners a n rules. Better facility than before with the old owner but not much better.
Thanks for your patience. My guys have been cleaning the range for nearly 6 months, and we have more to go. It’s tough keeping the range open while at the same time trying to clean it up and give it the updates it desperately needs. However, we’re getting there. I think you’ll appreciate what it’ll look like when we’re done.


Special Hen
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
It's been a couple yrs since I have been there...just curious if there have been any updates to it over the years? How is the crowd out there around 11 or 12 in the morning? A couple of us from work are planning a trip out there...I know it the past, after 10 is when the crowd usually picked up.
The crowd during the week is usually smaller than the weekend crowd. You should have plenty of room for your group at the range in the 11 or 12 time frame.

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