Students suspended for wearing Confederate flags to protest gay rainbow flag

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Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Oh noes! I was near one of the gays! Can the gay be washed off!?



Aug 18, 2012
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To not extend same-sex marriage rights immediately is still denying one's rights to marriage, but we're just getting into semantics here.

I agree with you about forcing churches to marry, that's something you and I haven't really discussed, though you've mentioned it a few times. While I don't agree with the church's decision to not honor same-sex unions, I think if a church wants to disagree and reject same-sex MATRIMONY ceremonies behind their own closed doors, then so be it. However, church policies should remain in church and have no right spilling into the lawbooks that everyone else must abide by, and those beliefs definitely should have ZERO influence on the Government's recognition of MARRIAGE.

I'm not attacking you because you think chocolate milk is better than strawberry milk, I'm arguing against your beliefs because they're beliefs of intolerance and ignorance towards a group of people. Unless someone is forcing you to marry the same sex, nobody is forcing their beliefs onto you like you've previously mentioned. If you truly believe that, then take your tears to the corner and cry victim all you want to, but you're not the victim here.

I understand that people think differently from me. I'm a gun-toting atheist libertarian for crying out loud. My conservative gun-toting friends think I'm dangerous because I'm an atheist while my atheist liberal friends think I'm dangerous because I pack heat. My political views don't support enough Jesus for the conservatives and they don't support enough Big Gov for the liberals. I'm totally used to having unique thoughts and philosophies. So, if you want to personally think that homosexuality is a choice, then go nuts, dude (again, no pun intended), but when you start planting that ignorant lie into the minds of children and use those beliefs to justify the legal oppression others, then that deserves criticism.

While I'm not ashamed to be anti-religious, which isn't really the subject here, I only criticize religious teachings that are dangerous and harmful to the progression of society. If you want to personally believe in God, then so be it, you can look through my history on OSA and see that I've never once disparaged any member here for believing so. You'll see my only criticism comes from when people use biblical teachings, especially while ironically disregarding others, to promote hate and intolerance.

To tolerate means to endure something one finds distasteful. Clearly you do not understand the word.
I think teaching kids that homosexuality is normal is as offensive to me as my view is to you. I have not one time called you ignorant for believing that way but you have called me that and more for my beliefs.
Who are you to tell someone that their morality is a lie? Your arrogance is astounding and disgusting.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
To tolerate means to endure something one finds distasteful. Clearly you do not understand the word.
I think teaching kids that homosexuality is normal is as offensive to me as my view is to you. I have not one time called you ignorant for believing that way but you have called me that and more for my beliefs.
Who are you to tell someone that their morality is a lie? Your arrogance is astounding and disgusting.

noun: intolerance; plural noun: intolerances

unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own

To deny a person their rights because their behavior, natural or artificial (in this case, all evidence leads towards natural), differs from yours, is the exact definition of intolerance. I accept your beliefs in the sense that I understand that you harbor such thoughts, but I still believe they are wrong and I base that off many factors. First of which being, I never remember deciding whether to be straight or gay, I just saw boobies and I fell in love. I've never thought that way about a guy's chest. Second of which being that scientists may not have 100% bulletproof evidence of homosexuality being a biological determination, but enough evidence is there to support the claim, which any evidence proving such is more evidence than the bible has provided proving that it's a choice. So, until that's the best we have, I'll continue to put my faith in science.

I have not once called you ignorant, either, only your beliefs regarding homosexuality. You can be an absolute genius, but if you're a racist, then your views on ethnic minorities is ignorant. Don't confuse the two, please. I've even stated that you and I may get along just fine when it comes to other topics. Just because we don't agree on this subject doesn't mean we can't tolerate each other or even be friends. I have nothing personally against you and I think that your somewhat tolerant attitude towards homosexuals is better than some attitudes here. I don't for one minute believe that you, yourself, as a whole are an idiot, and if it's been inferred as such, then please accept my apologies, as that's not the case at all. I haven't directly called you any names, nor have I let your beliefs on this subject generalize how I feel about you as a person.


Special Hen
Oct 4, 2013
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I know I'm new to this forum but I thought I'd jump in on this debate.
What's the differance in a KKK member trying to force his opinions down someones throat, and a gay guy dressed in a jockstrap and fairy wings jumping around screaming "Im gay. You have to love me" ZERO differance. Keep your views, and opinions to yourself. I dont give a sh*t what you represent, as long as you dont try to force it down my throat. It's really that simple.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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This thread went full retard about 5 pages ago. Tis a shame, because it's an important topic.

In a perfect world, a marriage certificate would not be a legal covenant, but a moral or spiritual one. Nor should a legal covenant require a marriage certificate. Anyone should be able to legally bind themselves to anyone they mutually choose, whether for taxes, insurance, property ownership, finances, etc.

If the 1st United LGBT Church wanted to perform same sex marriages, so be it. If the Roman Catholic Church wanted to restrict marriage to heterosexual couples only, so be it. It shouldn't be anyone's business what they do or do not allow, especially the courts. However, under the law everyone should have equal rights.

If you can't support that, then you're part of the problem, regardless of which side you're on. :(


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
While I'm not ashamed to be anti-religious, which isn't really the subject here, I only criticize religious teachings that are dangerous and harmful to the progression of society. If you want to personally believe in God, then so be it, you can look through my history on OSA and see that I've never once disparaged any member here for believing so. You'll see my only criticism comes from when people use biblical teachings, especially while ironically disregarding others, to promote hate and intolerance.

The whole tone of this paragraph is disturbing. I have no doub that DT is well meaning and this is NOT directed at him personally. However, the idea that I can "believe" in private and then express in my public life my most fundamental beliefs is quintessentially American. Dr Martin Luther King Jr., certainly employed this line of reasoning, as did many of our Founders, and others - should their political actions have been invalidated because they were religiously motivated? To essentially re-categorize whatever disagrees with current trends as "hate speech" - because that is what is happening - is dangerous and it is a slippery slope to depostism, a nice politically correct and high-minded sounding despotism.

The whole idea of classifying some ideas as "hate speech", "insensitive", or "intolerant", seems to be promoting tolerance but is actually designed to preempt and stifle any debate. It is, at the core, ad-hominem because it avoids the necessity of reasoning through an argument by simply saying "you are bad for thinking/saying that so I don't have to address it". It is among the most injurious of ideas that have cropped up in our body politic in recent years.


Aug 18, 2012
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noun: intolerance; plural noun: intolerances

unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own

To deny a person their rights because their behavior, natural or artificial (in this case, all evidence leads towards natural), differs from yours, is the exact definition of intolerance. I accept your beliefs in the sense that I understand that you harbor such thoughts, but I still believe they are wrong and I base that off many factors. First of which being, I never remember deciding whether to be straight or gay, I just saw boobies and I fell in love. I've never thought that way about a guy's chest. Second of which being that scientists may not have 100% bulletproof evidence of homosexuality being a biological determination, but enough evidence is there to support the claim, which any evidence proving such is more evidence than the bible has provided proving that it's a choice. So, until that's the best we have, I'll continue to put my faith in science.

I have not once called you ignorant, either, only your beliefs regarding homosexuality. You can be an absolute genius, but if you're a racist, then your views on ethnic minorities is ignorant. Don't confuse the two, please. I've even stated that you and I may get along just fine when it comes to other topics. Just because we don't agree on this subject doesn't mean we can't tolerate each other or even be friends. I have nothing personally against you and I think that your somewhat tolerant attitude towards homosexuals is better than some attitudes here. I don't for one minute believe that you, yourself, as a whole are an idiot, and if it's been inferred as such, then please accept my apologies, as that's not the case at all. I haven't directly called you any names, nor have I let your beliefs on this subject generalize how I feel about you as a person.
Sorry, but anytime you tell me that everything I believe is either ignorant or a lie we cannot get along. As long as you presume to define what my morals should be, we will not get along. The difference between us is I said other people can do or believe what they want as long as it isn't forced on me while you attack and insult the beliefs of others that don't coincide with yours.
I don't care if people are gay or not. I don't care if they marry each other or not. That is their business. That I disagree with that lifestyle and hold to Christian values is my business. I don't push my way of life on any other person nor will I let the ideals of another be pushed on me or my family. You can't just advocate the rights of the groups you agree with.
It is also my right to not be associated with the lifestyles that I don't agree with. Does that mean I won't associate with a gay person? I'd say not since I have a gay cousin that I see from time to time and we get along just fine. The thing is, we never talk about sexuality or religion because we already know we don't agree. Instead we talk about whatever nonsense come to mind. I know he's gay and he knows I'm Christian, we disagree but we don't berate each other over it.That is tolerance. That is not what you have done on this thread. You attacked my values to promote your own.
I've been saying live and let live the whole time. Why doesn't that work for you? Why isn't that good enough? I have not advocated the opposition of anyone on here but you have continually suggested I have. Why are you slowed to have your opinion but I am not allowed mine? Who are you to dictate? I'm sorry to tell you this but you are nobody, just like me.
It's funny how the people most calling for tolerance are usually the most intolerant of those with whom they disagree.
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