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Is it gonna snow next weekend??

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Ok guys, you know the routine. Personally, I think it's just gonna be rain ... With maybe a little ice. AND in preparation thereof, I shall make sure the chickens and rabbits have enough food and water for 48 hours cuz I am not going anywhere NEAR that damned tree. 😬😬😬

😉 Not really, but I am gonna scoot around REAL close to the side of the shed so if it does attack me again so maybe the shed will take some of the blow ... 🤷🤷 I dunno if it would work like that but it's worth a try ...

AND JHFC!! 😲😲😲😲 I dunno why it just hit me but I need to seal up the door on the west side of the shed and cut a new one in on the north side of the shed!! Then I'd at least be safe(r). That is unless the whole tree decides to come down. But then that would kill ALL of us. Literally. That thing is SO tall it would take out our fence on both sides of the back yard -- north and south and probably get the north fence of the neighbor to the north of us also. It is friggin' HUGE. I need to get Grumpy's range finder out and see if I can tell how tall that MFer is ... 🤔🤔

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