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Special Hen
Jan 20, 2006
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Mile-High City
I readily admit to being a child of the cold war. I went to kindergarten in West Berlin. My field trip that year was to the Berlin Wall.My Mom kept bug-out bags (Samsonite) packed in case a dependent evac was ordered. Our second PCS to West Germany was to Nuremburg. There, there the field trip was to the Czech border in southern Bavaria. Very scenic, except for the commie border guards eye-balling us from across the river. When we returned stateside to Ft Sill, the first tornado siren that spring freaked me out, since I only associated that sound with Russian ICBMs incoming. As much as I admire their small-arms and such, they are still the enemy. They have been playing a patient game of chess for many years and practicing Sun Tsu principles as well. They are prepped for nuclear war as a winnable, survivable event. We are not...

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