What would you do? Trespassers

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Special Hen
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
oklahoma city
Yea the landowner is fine with us being there but she wants no one else on the property. I think I am just going to go with W.L.P and hope I dont have to get the law involved. I know what you mean about not knowing anyone with land. My co-worker is the only one I know and we just found out about it maybe two months ago? I have thought about knocking on doors to get permission but I don't know how to go about it. It seems like anytime I see a large property there is no door on it to knock on. Thanks guys for all the help and feedback on this.


Special Hen
Dec 26, 2008
Reaction score
From my experience the game warden will do nothing unless you are the landowner.

I hunt my in-laws property and have had the people who hunt the property to the south cut the lock and put their own lock on our gate and drive across our to get on their property easier because their road is not easily passable. The even had ladder stands facing our property 5-10 feet off the fence line in trees that didn't allow shooting in any other direction than on my in-laws property. I have caught the guys on my in-laws place numerous times and every time the game warden told me my father-in-law would have to be the one who called in the complaint and must be there when he arrived, otherwise there was nothing he could or would do.

Good luck with your issue, I hope you get it worked out.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
From my experience the game warden will do nothing unless you are the landowner.

I hunt my in-laws property and have had the people who hunt the property to the south cut the lock and put their own lock on our gate and drive across our to get on their property easier because their road is not easily passable. The even had ladder stands facing our property 5-10 feet off the fence line in trees that didn't allow shooting in any other direction than on my in-laws property. I have caught the guys on my in-laws place numerous times and every time the game warden told me my father-in-law would have to be the one who called in the complaint and must be there when he arrived, otherwise there was nothing he could or would do.

Good luck with your issue, I hope you get it worked out.

Depends on the lease wording. The landowner has to agree with the lease agreement. I've been down this road.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Just gotta love the "locals" huh? We've had 3 cabins/trailers burnt to the ground on our land in SE OK. Done by landowners who own plenty of land to hunt on. All because they think they have to have the whole friggin mountain all to themselves. We aren't the only ones either. Two very nice cabins burnt that were waayyyy back up the mountain that had awesome scenic views that only a 4WD could even think about getting to. They were setup like a regular house, with gas ranges, LPG fridge, wired for generator lighting, etc. They were owned by real nice families that spent the entire gun season up there with each other, had Thanksgiving dinner there and all.

The wonderful folks causing all the problems own the vast majority of the accessible land. There are hunting spots literally all over the entire mountain and no roads whatsoever that weren't originally cut by loggers. What I'm saying is there is plenty of land for everybody that owns and their friends and family to hunt on and have a good time "wheeling" and whatever outdoors they want to do. There's no reason to be an a-hole but they just can't help themselves. They get liquored up and all hell breaks loose.

My BIL damn near got into a gunfight with the worst one one night because they were firing AKs over our camp from about 100 yards away at 2:00AM. The belligerent prick was wearing a pistol and was thinking real hard on drawing down on my BIL who had his rifle. Said prick did this with his 12 year old son watching it all. Next day the sheriff paid them a visit. They got pissed, left, set a fire on the way out. Then the forest service pays him a visit and leaves a $1500 ticket with him but didn't arrest him. Luckily this one seems to have moved off and hasn't been around for a couple of years. Hopefully karma has caught up with him.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Maybe you and your co-worker could go talk to the guy and just let him know that you guys aren't out looking for trouble and dont want any trouble yourselves. You just want to hunt and value your hunting property just as much as he values his property and willing to keep an eye out for suspicious activity and if you see anything you'll let him know. Maybe he's just weary of the situation and needs to get to know you better and what kinda people you are.


Special Hen
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
oklahoma city
All good ideas thanks guys. I went back out there yesterday afternoon to take some pictures and an old lady pulled over while I was clearing the road. She told me that her son kind of keeps an eye on everything out here and told me where she lives. She asked if I was here to hunt and I told her yes and she started telling me where houses were. I told her we bowhunt only here and not to worry about stray bullets coming from us. I asked her if she has seen anyone out here the past week and she said no. She said her son talked to a man that was on the property and I said it might have been me. I described the man I talked to and she said no thats not my son. So anyways I asked if she could keep an eye out when she passes by. It might be a good idea to talk to the guy and see whats going on but the way he carried himself seems like he is one of those guys that don't care. He wants to make it hard on us because he was told not to come on the property. Worth a shot I guess


Special Hen
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Moore, home of the F5 Tornado!
You will have bad experiences like that, but lets hope the good ones out weigh the bad ones. I have often wondered myself, where this mindset comes from, the one where some guy owns 5 acres, and he thinks all the surrounding property is his too, and will argue with you about it. Sometimes calling a sheriff will help, and sometimes it ends up in court. The written agreement should be top priority, if a sheriff is called or you end up in court, you do not have a leg to stand on with out that little piece of paper. As many times as I have leased property to others, my and their experiences have been good ones. Good luck


Special Hen
Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
From my experience the game warden will do nothing unless you are the landowner.

I hunt my in-laws property and have had the people who hunt the property to the south cut the lock and put their own lock on our gate and drive across our to get on their property easier because their road is not easily passable. The even had ladder stands facing our property 5-10 feet off the fence line in trees that didn't allow shooting in any other direction than on my in-laws property. I have caught the guys on my in-laws place numerous times and every time the game warden told me my father-in-law would have to be the one who called in the complaint and must be there when he arrived, otherwise there was nothing he could or would do.

Good luck with your issue, I hope you get it worked out.
I've got neighbors on my property that do the exact same thing. They think they're entitled to cut across our land just because it's a shot cut. So, I've buried boards with nails any place I've seen them drive through the pasture/sand plums. Thevye cut multiple locks and fences to get though.
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Special Hen
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Native Okie stuck in OMAHA
You need to speak with the landowner directly if she/he is serious about keeping trespassers off.

Together you can get this problem solved. Some landowners in the end wont care and don't want to deal with the headache/drama of actually keeping trespassers off their place. If this is the case it is quite possible you will lose the hunting spot altogether because the landowner doesn't want to deal with any of it. Some landowners will do whatever it takes to keep trespassers off and if that's the case you cant be a significant aid in this task.

Again you will need to speak with the landowner directly to determine how serious they are and what they want.

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