Virginia Hands Out 6996 Traffic Tickets In One Weekend

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Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
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NE Oklahoma

In the old days, police officers wrote traffic tickers primarily to keep people safe and to prevent citizens from breaking the traffic laws. But in the new Amerika, all of that has changed. Now traffic tickets are primarily viewed as a revenue raising tool for state and local governments. For example, a federally funded ticketing blitz in the state of Virginia resulted in a total of 6996 traffic tickets being handed out this past weekend. This most recent ticketing blitz is part of a campaign code-named "Operation Air, Land & Speed". Last Saturday and Sunday state troopers were ordered to absolutely saturate Interstate 95 and Interstate 81 and to issue as many traffic tickets as humanly possible during those two days. Why? Well, it turns out that the state of Virginia has a 2.2 billion dollar budget deficit that they are trying to deal with, and so they need to find some quick sources of cash.

You see, state and local governments all over the nation are massively jacking up traffic fines and are starting to write a lot more tickets in an attempt to "enhance" their streams of revenue.

In other words, state and local governments across the U.S. are broke and so they need some suckers to prey on.

Not that it was ever a good idea to break the traffic laws. But now even a minor violation can put a massive hole in your wallet. For instance, driving as little as 15 miles an hour over the speed limit in Virginia can get you a reckless driving charge that can carry a fine of up to $2500.

So why the hefty fines?

Well, the law increasing the traffic fines in Virginia clearly admitted why they are so high....

"The purpose of the civil remedial fees imposed in this section is to generate revenue." (Virginia Code 46.2-206.1)

Are you starting to get the picture?

But this kind of thing is not just happening in Virginia.

"Sobriety checkpoints" in the state of California are increasingly bring used as revenue raising operations. It turns out that these sobriety checkpoints are far more likely to seize cars from unlicensed motorists than they are to catch drunk drivers.

So how profitable are these "sobriety" checkpoints?

Well, research done by the Investigative Reporting Program at UC Berkeley with California Watch discovered that impounds at "sobriety" checkpoints in 2009 alone generated approximately 40 million dollars in towing fees and police fines.

That is what you call a source of revenue.

In Detroit, even the police admit that the fundamental nature of police work is changing. Just consider the following quote from from Police Chief Michael Reaves of Utica, Michigan....

"When I first started in this job 30 years ago, police work was never about revenue enhancement, but if you’re a chief now, you have to look at whether your department produces revenues."

Sgt. Richard Lyons of Trenton, Michigan is even more blunt about what is happening in his community....

"They’re trying to use police officers to balance the budget on the backs of drivers, and it’s too bad. The people we count on to support us and help us when we’re on the road are the ones who end up paying the bills, and they’re ticked off about it. We might as well just go door to door and tell people, ‘Slide us $100 now since your 16-year-old is going to end up paying us anyway when he starts driving.’ You can’t blame people for getting upset."

But some localities are converting to even more automated ways of making money from drivers.

For example, "red-light cameras" have become huge revenue raising tools in many areas of the country. In Los Angeles, revenue from red-light cameras has doubled from $200,000 a month in 2007 to $400,000 a month at the end of 2009.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wants cities and counties in his state to take things even farther. He wants them to install speed sensors on existing red-light cameras. Speeders caught by these sensors would face fines ranging from $225 to $325.

Don't all of us wish we could start a business that could make so much money from each customer?

California state officials believe that these speed sensors would raise more than 300 million dollars for the state of California by the end of 2011.

All of this is enough to make one want to drive like a grandmother.

Except then they would get you for going too slow.


The reality is that you have to be very, very careful out there now because the nature of driving in America has fundamentally changed.

Whether it is rapidly increasing traffic fines or all of the toll roads going in everywhere, American drivers are increasingly being viewed as a big fat revenue source.

And as the current economic collapse gets even worse, drivers are going to be preyed upon even more by state and local governments.

If you have not already done so, now is the time to change the way that you drive. Don't give state and local governments an excuse to take even more of your hard-earned money from you than they are already.


Special Hen
Apr 13, 2009
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I never would have considered that people might actually consider where to live based on traffic enforcement practices. What a shame for them to do that.

And the other thing is with orders like that, they are going to be reluctant to understand someone's situation or to write a warning. This is bad public relations no doubt. And if this is used for a revenue generator, what would they actually do if nobody was speeding?


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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You know, in Oklahoma, we call that a speed trap. That is when a municipalities main function is to generate revenue via traffic tickets. Coyle's police department was shut down a few years ago because it was a speed trap, they had 1 cop and his job was to stop every person that came into town and give them a ticket. the speed limit went from 65 to 25 with no warning. So it sounds like the entire state of virginia has become a speed trap. How do we get that shut down?


Special Hen
Sep 16, 2010
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I can absolutely see where all this is going. I got pulled over last weekend in the early AM (headlight was out). During the course of the stop the cop ran my license and told me it was suspended!! I was kinda freaking out and asked WTH for. He told me failure to pay fines, which was nonsense (so i thought).
Thankfully he just wrote me a ticket and didn't arrest me.

Long story short i called the courthouse on monday fuming because the 1 ticket i had last year i showed for court and paid on the spot. They said i paid them but needed to call DPS. Called DPS and they said oh yeah for your ticket we automatically suspended your license, we need $350!?!?! WTF!

So i paid over $200 to the Edmond courts last year and apparently needed to pay another $350? Almost $600 and not even for DUI or speeding or something dangerous!

And apparently they sent out a notice. Ticket was in july, paid in August, notice was sent in DECEMBER!! To the wrong address!!!

And now because of their failure to notify i'm going to end up with a court date and probably ANOTHER court fine that i really can't afford for driving under suspension.

It's government mandated robbery of people that can barely afford to eat and pay the rent already.
Apr 5, 2009
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Midwest City
I just wish OKCPD would adopt this - it would be win-win - cut down on the all the red-light-running, texting, speeding dipsticks around my neck of the woods, thus saving many of us from near-certain maiming eventually, and generate revenue at the same time - maybe then would could lower our outrageous sales tax rate, and I could stop driving to Norman for large purchases.


Special Hen
Sep 9, 2010
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What about those little towns sending you a notice 4or 5 years after you've had and paid for a ticket wanting you to pay agian saying you never paided it. I got one of those from Stroud OK.

Mos Eisley

Special Hen
Apr 14, 2009
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Kansas City, MO
On the Ben White (a local highway like OKC Broadway Extension) here in Austin they put up the "Construction Zone, Fines Double" sign about 3 or 4 miles before the actual construction. Even then, the construction is actually on I-35 and no lanes of the Ben White are affected. The motorcycle cops are often hiding behind overpass pillars in this zone. Clearly a revenue generator.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I can absolutely see where all this is going. I got pulled over last weekend in the early AM (headlight was out). During the course of the stop the cop ran my license and told me it was suspended!! I was kinda freaking out and asked WTH for. He told me failure to pay fines, which was nonsense (so i thought).
Thankfully he just wrote me a ticket and didn't arrest me.

Long story short i called the courthouse on monday fuming because the 1 ticket i had last year i showed for court and paid on the spot. They said i paid them but needed to call DPS. Called DPS and they said oh yeah for your ticket we automatically suspended your license, we need $350!?!?! WTF!

So i paid over $200 to the Edmond courts last year and apparently needed to pay another $350? Almost $600 and not even for DUI or speeding or something dangerous!

And apparently they sent out a notice. Ticket was in july, paid in August, notice was sent in DECEMBER!! To the wrong address!!!

And now because of their failure to notify i'm going to end up with a court date and probably ANOTHER court fine that i really can't afford for driving under suspension.

It's government mandated robbery of people that can barely afford to eat and pay the rent already.

You will never get anywhere with DPS or the courts. If you really have documentation of all this, Write it all up and contact your state legislator and ask them to conduct a formal inquiry. Ask that it be reversed and your record expunged of everything except the citation and fine, which you already paid.

If you're not willing to go to the trouble, enjoy your screwing. They keep doing it because people don't fight them. :(
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