This is just an observation; granted its probably viewed as completely racist.

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Feb 17, 2010
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Broken Arrow
As you might know if you pay attention to any of my rants, my father is self employed and "owns his own business" as a plumber, specializing in detecting, pin-pointing and accessing and repairing under slab floor drainage leaks. hes a 55 year old man who has been working hard his entire life, i look at his callas swollen gigantic hands and prey my never have to look like that, and that i never seen a fraction of the tough times and hard labor he has.

since our gubberment hates small business and entrepreneurship so much, and the fact that my father would rather do the work than try to keep track of and let lesser employees made filth of his name; he simply hires day laborers when he has repairs too large and labor intensive for him to do in a timely manner alone.

the man pops skelaxin daily for a week after a strenuous job, because his muscles will tense and not allow him to get out of bed, or one minute he will just be on his knees because he cannot move. i am truly thankful for everything this man has done for me. and i hope i have it in me to be half the man he is.

anyways on to the observation:

so he has been doing this work for a number of years, and i have been helping when i am not in class. ever since i was big enough to carry a half full 5 gallon bucket of dirt/rock/mud/concrete/water, whatever. so i have seen through the years all the "laborers" he has hired from these day labor job placement services.

here is where race comes in. typically we get one of three races of men from these places. assigned to help us. the African american, the White guy, and the Mexican/Mexican American. i apologize if my choice of words offends people, i sincerely did not intend for the labels to do so, i seriously do not understand how people get so strung out on making a note of the heritage of the person and the color of their skin.

typically, and noted there are occasions where these are the exact opposite for one or the other; the hardest workers we get are the Mexican/ Mexican Americans, they are most often the ones that pay attention, focus on the task and get at it and keep at it until competed, even further they are more likely to note what the boss, is doing and jump in to help do things they were not asked to do, just to be helpful and make the boss's job easier. i have never herd of my father complaining about the work these laborers do, or how they handle themselves. they preform their tasks with no complaint and with an attitude that they know why they are here and they are thankful to be working and are there working to accomplish something or provide for themselves or their families.

i am going to lump the other two races together because their attitudes are pretty much the same. usually they will either be brought in by the day labor company, or require a ride by the boss for the day, or will drive themselves. they almost always want to know when "Quitting time" is, and when that time is met, they care less how far along the job is, what state the job site is in, or what the dead lines are, they are done and they expect to leave or will just do so, if they have not already determined that the labor was too dirty/intensive and left on their own after a couple hours. they want to know what time lunch is, and since my father provides a hot meal for free for them all every day, and he tells them he will have it delivered, they get antsy and start making demands that he call to find out why its not here yet, if its running behind. the delivery service is of course my mother, who on said day (today) had the grand child, and as you may know EVERYTHING takes longer when you have an infant to attend to. it made me laugh to come home from my own job, and hear her jokingly say to me, "why cant we just request Mexicans when we have repairs?"

apparently, he hired three guys on wednesday for this job, with the agreement that they all were scheduled to work for him wednesday, thursday, and friday. well, it sounds like we got two whites and an African american, and one of the white guys decided not to come to work today, and the African american spent more time complaining about lunch being an hour late and sitting around listening to his ipod than he did actually working. i am waiting for comments about the third worker.

do not go thinking my father is a slave driver, and these conditions are the most awful ever, thrust me, if i have done this crap since i was 12, its not that bad. he provides NEW thick leather gloves, and buckets with handles, and does not push them or start confrontation. its really just tedious and mildly labor intensive, this 55 year old man who is 6'3" is the one digging a 3x3 hole and compressng himself into it and tunneling 5-8 feet. trust me i have seen it... he asks nothing of his workers he has not or would not be doing without them.


Special Hen
Sep 17, 2010
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Valliant, OK
I've gradually come to the realization that if a person carries his/her weight on a job, I don't care what sex, race or religion he/she is, I will work side by side with them. I've also found that if a person doesn't carry his/her weight on a job, I still don't care what sex, race or religion he/she is, I don't want them around.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2007
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Well my parents live right in East Tulsa which is like little Mexico. I find it amazing that no one wants to work hard anymore including the Mexicans. Sorry the older Mexicans are hard workers, their kids aren't and are like most Americans.

I always told my kids go to college, dumb me. Both had work ethic instilled in them just as my father did to me. They make it on their own and managed a fast food chain when they were in HS, now they've moved up the latter with their work ethic and both make between $25 and $35 an hour with a HS eduction. Why? Because they work, know how to work, and are interested in advancing and learning.

My generation spoiled too many brats and have gave them the entitlement mentality. A hard worker will always make it no matter what race and the new generation of illegals have nothing on the spoil American kids. It's how your raised and your values IMO.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 15, 2009
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40 years ago I was working in West Tex. on a warranty job on some large Natural gas compressors , as a joke the plt. manager gave me an old Mexican day laborer. He was absolutely the best hand I ever had the pleasure to work with. He did more work in a 10 hr. day than anyone I have ever worked with, was an excellent mechanic, I had him for about 3 months, never late, never missed work, never complained. I have never forgot my experience with him and I gained a great deal of respect for Mexicans which I still have.


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
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why would you post this... what positive things can come out of blanket sterotypes from a couple of experiences...

This is what I was thinking.

Robert I know you meant well and just wanted to say a nice thing about Mexicans but it's probably best to just not make any kind of blanket statement about an ethnic group. Nothing good ever comes of it and it can get you into trouble.



(Just giving you a hard time fella)


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I admire you, and your dads work ethic. There are lots of us caucasions out there with the same work ethic.
Started at noon today cutting up a 50' walnut tree that blew over, at 100 degrees. Got it cut up and brush hauled to the burn pile in two hours. I'll split it in the morning.
I kind of know what your talking about. I've hired lots of folks through the years for the farm.
Urban day help can run the gamut. Illegals will work their ass off, because they are illegal and want to stay under the radar, that makes them apealing to employers. Typical day laborers have issues, or else they would have full time jobs. (I know that in this economic tinderbox that may be a factor)
Your Dad and Mom sound like the people I associate my self with.
I'm not in that business, but maybe it's time to give up a little control and let somebody else (like you) call a few shots and take the business to a new level. Maybe it's time for you to take the business to a new level by engaging social media, and build the business to the level that you could hire professional, journeyman to take care of the work instead of day labor. On my iPhone so sorry about the spelling, etc

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