Why Romney will be more dangerous that Obama

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Sep 6, 2012
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So you wanna give Obama another 4 years to screw the country up. I don't love romney but he is by far a better choice. Voting Democat or Republican just because your grandparents were democrats or republicans is insane and why we are in this mess right now. Yes I grew up a Democrat, phased into an independant and now this administration has pushed me to be a Republican. The Democrats used to be the party of the working class conservative family. Well the democratic party is not your grandparents democratic party. They are the party of Liberals, socialists and class warfare. Republicans are now more aligned with conservatives and the middle class family and what they want as a majority. Romney has vowed that his first day in office he will repeal Obamacare. That alone is enough to vote Obama out. Not voting is very ignorant. Not voting is just as bad as voting for Obama.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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So you wanna give Obama another 4 years to screw the country up. I don't love romney but he is by far a better choice. Voting Democat or Republican just because your grandparents were democrats or republicans is insane and why we are in this mess right now. Yes I grew up a Democrat, phased into an independant and now this administration has pushed me to be a Republican. The Democrats used to be the party of the working class conservative family. Well the democratic party is not your grandparents democratic party. They are the party of Liberals, socialists and class warfare. Republicans are now more aligned with conservatives and the middle class family and what they want as a majority. Romney has vowed that his first day in office he will repeal Obamacare. That alone is enough to vote Obama out. Not voting is very ignorant. Not voting is just as bad as voting for Obama.

No, they're not. I don't want to give Obama ANYTHING! If there's 4 more years of Obama, it will be because the Republican party is running a tax and spend liberal, masquerading him as the "conservative choice". He is not. If I cannot vote for Gary Johnson, I'll leave that block blank. Why? Because neither "choice" is a choice at all. The sooner the Republican party realizes that THEY are to blame, the better.

FWIW, Romney WILL NOT repeal Obamacare. You can take that to the bank. Apparently you're not aware that Obamacare was modeled directly off Romneycare in Massachusetts? He's a lying liar just like Obama was lying when he said the individual mandate was not a tax. :grumble:


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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The Democrats used to be the party of the working class conservative family. Well the democratic party is not your grandparents democratic party. They are the party of Liberals, socialists and class warfare.

Actually the Democratic party was much more aligned with socialistic values in my grandparent's day than it is now.

The Republican party was more left-leaning in the 1950's than the Democratic party is today. Eisenhower was further to the left than Obama is. Teddy Roosevelt makes Obama look like Attila the Hun.

It's funny how the Republicans think the sky is falling because of "socialists" and "lefties" and "progressives" when in reality both parties are further removed from those elements than they ever have been in modern America. My grandmother is an octogenarian Okie Democrat who grew up on a dirt farm, as were most of her peers, and they were (and are) further to the left than what the Democrats represent today.


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2006
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Del City, Oklahoma
You have some valid points, however, no president in American history has done more to tear the country apart than the community organizer. Since elected he has created more class warfare, race warfare and caused more allies to leave our side. Obama has also showed that he will work with countries against american interests....for example, the littel mic slip with the russians, wanting Nasa to quit space exploration in order to get closer to muslims...etc.

I've also read where Romney is a crappy golfer......

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