Zimmerman Protest At full force

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Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
seems even one of the jury members thought Zimmerman got away with murder. no what you call it or if it meets the legal definition of stalking. if someone kept following your child in near darkness, despite attempting to run away.

legal or not, if one cannot understand how this will be interpreted as a hostile action. then they probably think person being stalked doesn't have a right to take defensive actions.

in case you missed it ... I'm not taking up for Martin, for he probably was a total hoodlum. I just don't like someone getting away with shooting someone as a direct result of actions he initialed.

further I don't like the fact that all the MASS protest out there that could end up threatening our 2A rights.
Have you seen this juror that is saying this. She is black if I am not mistaken. So go figure. And the other jurors said they did not agree with her on anything. And they thought she was wrong for even speaking about the trial. They also said she was interested in making a name for herself. I just love how some of you think that gathering intel for the police is stalking someone. Do you even know the definition? Because what GZ was doing was not stalking. But I know you will argue that over and over again. And I don't care if he was actually stalking Martin, all he had to do was go home. But no, he had to go over there and get into a fight. That was what he wanted to do because he loved to fight. What GZ did was not what caused Martin to be shot. What caused that was Martin. He was the one who chose to go over to GZ and get into it with him. GZ had already stopped following Martin when Martin attacked him. Martin got what he deserved. And I for one don't believe GZ did anything wrong. But I know some of you disagree and that's fine. I ain't gonna argue with you over it. We all have opinions. Just some are ignorant ones.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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First of all, no, Zman would not have been justified, he had no business stalking that kid, but at least Martin would still be alive.

For you hypothetical. I find it interesting that you're first thought is to shoot someone rather than just drive away. Call and report and go about your business. You aren't the law and you certainly shouldn't intentionally put yourself in a position where you might have to defend yourself, that is a pretty irresponsible behavior for someone carrying a weapon legally. Maybe you missed that part of the CCL class.

No first thought is not to shoot as I am not seeking out confrontation simply observing highly suspicious behavior and relaying information. I'm beginning to wonder if there is ever a situation that you would consider lawful self defense outside the home. You can second guess a shoot six ways to Sunday but reality is more dynamic than any classroom will be able to teach you. That is part of the reason for SYG laws. To provide an extra layer of insulation against Monday morning quarterback DA's wanting to charge citizens exercising their right to lawful self defense.

I take it you oppose SYG laws?

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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No first thought is not to shoot as I am not seeking out confrontation simply observing highly suspicious behavior and relaying information. I'm beginning to wonder if there is ever a situation that you would consider lawful self defense outside the home. You can second guess a shoot six ways to Sunday but reality is more dynamic than any classroom will be able to teach you. That is part of the reason for SYG laws. To provide an extra layer of insulation against Monday morning quarterback DA's wanting to charge citizens exercising their right to lawful self defense.

I take it you oppose SYG laws?

Yes, if you're approached by someone that you aren't stalking.


Special Hen
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Midwest City
You aren't the law and you certainly shouldn't intentionally put yourself in a position where you might have to defend yourself

100% agree. Stay safe, don't interfere ... make sure to use your cell phone to make a video of burglaries, brutal beatings and rape - since you don't have an obligation to do anything else. You don't even have to call 911 ... ain't America great!


Special Hen
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
100% agree. Stay safe, don't interfere ... make sure to use your cell phone to make a video of burglaries, brutal beatings and rape - since you don't have an obligation to do anything else. You don't even have to call 911 ... ain't America great!

I carry a firearm for my protection, and the protection of what family and friends I have with me at the time... No one else's.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
“What if Zimmerman had avoided any danger by not getting involved at all?” Well, if the nineteen firefighters killed last month in Arizona hadn’t “gotten involved,” they wouldn’t have died either. Does that make them responsible for their own deaths? Review the case of Kitty Genovese and then get back to me with your “Don’t get involved” argument. But take a long look in the mirror, first, and ask yourself how long you’d want to live with looking in the mirror of the face of someone who “didn’t get involved” enough to pick up a phone to help Kitty Genovese, and didn’t do what a reasonable and prudent person would construe the voice of authority on that phone asked you to do.......Ayoob



Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
100% agree. Stay safe, don't interfere ... make sure to use your cell phone to make a video of burglaries, brutal beatings and rape - since you don't have an obligation to do anything else. You don't even have to call 911 ... ain't America great!

According to S4F, you are a damned stalker for videoing a private crime that is none of your business.
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