Who takes Testosterone suppliments

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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I speculate that's testosterone injections what makes Peter North such a heavy shooter, seen that guy one time with Christy Canyon, didn't think he'd ever stop shootin. Couple of times he missed her face and he projectile shot nearly across the room. That had to be testosterone injections making him do that.

Testosterone therapy lowers sperm counts significantly...I realize that semen isn't all made up of sperm, but I'm just sayin'...Peter North was more likely just a genetic freak

Or I could send you all my number and say it's a great idea! Have your families call me when it kills you. I've always wanted a chalet in the French mountains. :rubhands:

There are two kinds of hypogondalism...one is primary, the other is secondary...if a person is primary, then his nuts are not capable of producing very much T anymore...in this case the guy will need exogenous replacement to get levels up to healthy levels again...if he is secondary, then he needs to figure out why his T is low...this can be various reasons, problem inside the sack, or more commonly his pituitary gland isn't working like it should...

If a man takes T-therapy, it is the conversion of T to estridiol that hurts him (this is called aromotase)...this and DHT seem to be the culprits for all the side effects...especially if the dose is just for REPLACEMENT and not super-human levels LOL...If this happens, it means the prescriber had no clue what he was doing and a good attorney like yourself would definitely be needed if there was injury from the resulting side-effects...regular labs must be done and it takes time to dial a man in to the right dose for his body...it is much more complex than the drug company ads on TV....some men benefit greatly from it with minimal effort, others may take more time, have to take an aromatase inhibitor, and might still only acheive marginal results...

Testosterone is over-prescribed and often by doctors who do not know enough to be prescribing...they are not gods...many patients know more than they do about a particular condition...they can't know everything and the drug companies drive their protocols.


Aug 14, 2012
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Shooter; good advice.

Decribes my "lost nut" situation. I joke about it but losing that nut caused me to learn alot hormone type stuff.

I'd add if your just looking for increased sex drive n related stuff, the T shot may not be what ya need. See your Dr. Or ya might need JB some day.


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Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
I dont. But I do take L-arginine and it does basically the same thing. It increases testosterone levels naturally and makes me feel more energetic and frisky.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
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OKC metro
Eating right and exercising will not increase you T count or give you more energy. Believe me, I have ate clean for several years now and cycle over 3000 miles a year, still wasn't dropping the weight. Being on T treatments has helped immensely with that issue.

I also agree go to a specialist to get tested and treatment. My family DR tested but wouldnt treat for low T. I went to a specialist who ran a $3500 blood panel to look at everything in my blood. I got an 8 page report on my blood and issues that were noted. Found I was low on Vitamin D (I don't eat much dairy anymore as part of my diet change) and that I have a genetic mutation in the way your body processes folic acid from green foods so I now have to take methyl folic acid for that and what is called a super D tablet. Found my over all cholesterol is good and DR even noticed where my high protein diet from chicken and fish comes into play, said my omega 3 results were a lot higher than the norm especially for what they see in OK. Also found out my PSA test was in the low range as well.

As long as you go back in and get retested ever couple of months to make sure you are processing the T properly then I think you will be fine.


Special Hen
Feb 21, 2014
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I never self injected but Dont think it would be an issue. Although my sister is a nurse and she could teach my wife the proper way to do it. How much does you stuff cost you?

Sent from outer space or somewhere from my mobile device

My doctor told me how and where to give it but I did a lot of research on body building forums on where to give, needle sizes, etc. When I was self-injecting in the thigh it was a little more painful, but I think that was a mental thing though. I now have a coworker or relative give it to me in the arm. I use the same size needle just shorter and I barely notice it. I was getting it from Walgreens for $120 every 4 months, I now get it from a mom & pop pharmacy down the street from where I live and its $65 and they don't make me wait the 120 days.

My friends doctor gives him the shot with B12 and you cant keep up with him. His energy has increased along with everything else. If I get half of that energy I will be happy.

I tried stacking it with B12 and didn't really notice anything.


Special Hen
Apr 9, 2014
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Oklahoma City
What is the location for that T clinic. I don't know if I have Low T or anything but I'd like to find out because I'm only 22 and I'm always tired and never inspired to do anything but pick and rattle at stuff. If it isn't oh well, the clinic made some moolah off me. If it is, well, I figured out a problem to get rid of my family horrid curse of hair loss! xD


Jun 7, 2013
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Im pretty sure I have seen some people leave with the injections but I have never asked so Im not for sure what their policy is

I self inject. the vial that was prescribed has a 6 month supply in it. Our insurance won't cover the meds, but it covers the syringes and draw-up needles - go figure.

The wife is a Nurse, so I let her do them.

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