Ask your state Representative to support HB 2461

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
FYI: It is looking like the BATFE will retain the ability to own NFA items in a trust but will require photos, fingerprints, and local checks by all parties of the trust as well as require CLEO notification but not sign-off but who knows what they will actually institute.

Yea that's what it sounds like at the moment. But they could go that route for BLUE states and a more strict method for RED states. Wait...what am I talking about? That would never happen from this DOJ. :hithead:


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Called and left a message with my Senator. Will email and update when I have heard back.

FYI: It is looking like the BATFE will retain the ability to own NFA items in a trust but will require photos, fingerprints, and local checks by all parties of the trust as well as require CLEO notification but not sign-off but who knows what they will actually institute.

Been trying to figure out WTH they are actually going to do. As best I can tell nobody knows for sure. Not even the BATFE. I would imagine those sig pistol braces things are going to become more popular though if they enact most of the proposed changes. Also the era of the trust will go away in favor of individual applications. Can you imagine getting prints, photos, and background checks on all parties in a trust each time you buy something NFA? Just too much of a PITA to go the trust route if you still need CLEO sign off.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2007
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Anyone have any updates on the chances of 2461, and others, having their vetoes overridden by the senate? I know the house already voted to override 2461's veto; but I can't find anything encouraging about the prospects in the senate.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 20, 2005
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Just got this email from the NRA/ILA:
Oklahoma: Urge the State Senate to Act on House Bill 2461
Posted on May 7, 2014

Contact your state Senator TODAY

The Oklahoma Senate has yet to act on overriding Governor Mary Fallin’s (R) veto of the uncontroversial NRA-backed House Bill 2461, after the state House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to override the veto last week. Your immediate help is needed to encourage the state Senate to act on this issue!
As previously reported, HB 2461 was sent to Governor Fallin for her signature following near unanimous passage in the Oklahoma Legislature. In a surprising political move, the Governor vetoed this consensus legislation. Authored in the House by state Representative Mike Turner (R-82) and in the Senate by state Senator Nathan Dahm (R-33), HB 2461 would require that a chief law enforcement officer (CLEO) sign an application for the transfer of any item regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) within fifteen days if the applicant is not prohibited by law from receiving it.
Unfortunately, this legislation was misrepresented in the veto message. Contrary to what was stated, HB 2461 would not attempt to regulate a federal agency, but instead would make an important policy improvement on the state level, designed to prevent an arbitrary personal bias from determining Oklahoma firearm policy. This would ensure that qualified, law-abiding Oklahomans will not be denied their ability to legally possess and own items regulated under the NFA.
The reforms in HB 2461 benefit law-abiding Oklahomans by ensuring that the process to obtain NFA items already legal in Oklahoma remains consistent, fact-based and objective.
It is critical that you contact your state Senator TODAY and urge him or her to follow in the House’s footsteps and vote to override the veto of HB 2461. Respectfully urge him or her to work with the NRA to ensure this popular important policy improvement does not fall victim to political games. Contact information for your state Senator can be found here.
On behalf of our members, the NRA hopes to see this issue resolved in both legislative chambers this year, and will continue to work in every way towards a legislative victory for Oklahoma firearms owners. Should the state Senate also act, Oklahoma would be the fifth state to enact this legislation this year, following Arizona, Kansas, Kentucky and Utah.
© 2014 National Rifle Association of America. Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
11250 Waples Mill Rd. Fairfax, VA 22030 1800-392-8683(VOTE)

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