conflicted.... Card #31

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Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Actually... it's like drinking from a fire hydrant. The volume is immense. Then take what you've learned and apply it through art, experience and intuition. Sometimes things are textbook... sometimes it's an art to figure out.

I've always said anyone with probably slightly above-average intelligence can get through medical school, provided they have the discipline to study. It's the volume that's the problem, not the complexity of the material. Everything builds on the blocks laid before it. It's about putting in the time and effort, not about "talent" or gifts.

I don't usually tell people what I do unless they specifically ask, and often I avoid specifics about that question, too. Of course, anyone in sales or retail gets a vague non-answer, lol. It's not a big deal, nothing to flaunt or to be overly proud of, IMO. It's just a job. I don't even display my diploma or certifications anywhere or take any specific pride in it. In fact, my diploma, certificates and board cert are actually in a folder, I think, slid down between the desk and the wall in the spare bedroom/office that no one ever goes in.

I don't mean to come off as dispariging, that's not my intent. I've always looked at DRs, like maintenance men. A welder can weld without a welder, if that makes sense. A carpenter can build a house without a hammer or tablesaw......ya just gotta do things different.

I always try to think back in time, kinda ask myself, how would today's surgeon perform surgery if we went back in time. A scapel could be a pocket knife, a OR could be a kitchen.....instead of an autoclave you could boil some water. A CBC can be done manually on a microscope. ...not slid into a machine that spits out results.

I guess I'm kinda saying, ya gotta think outside a box n maybe go back to very basics.....but surgery can still be performed, if ya have just a little knowledge and good attitude.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
The BIGGEST problem is going to be sterilization and then, antibiotics.
Even field medics with basics knowledge to keep the patient alive knows to control blood loss. The MASH unit will have the supplies to maintain as sterile as possible and antibiotics. Then even further evac.
SHTF scenario will be like going back 150 yrs. Lots will die that would have lived in today's modern medicine.


Special Hen
Oct 10, 2014
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SE Oklahoma
I maintain that if someone "is confused by a few steps" they have absolutely NO BUSINESS performing anything that even remotely resembles surgery. To allow them to do so will cause much, much more suffering before the inevitable. There are some things worse than death. One of them is death after suffering from the massive damage and infection caused by someone "doing surgery" who has no clue what they are doing.

So BB, if you are dying of appendicitis and the only one that is skilled has only dressed out deer for 50 plus years.... are you going to die painfully or let me cut out your appendix and probably live???? Will only shave what needs to be shaved for the surgery.... a couple of Xanax and a couple of shots of bourbon and you will be ready for a successful appendectomy.... Will also use the bourbon to disinfect.... and my trusty can shave with skinning knife to do the operation.... some fresh cat gut for the interior stitches and good stout fishing line for the exterior stitches.... and in no time you will be up among the living again....:cool:



Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
So BB, if you are dying of appendicitis and the only one that is skilled has only dressed out deer for 50 plus years.... are you going to die painfully or let me cut out your appendix and probably live???? Will only shave what needs to be shaved for the surgery.... a couple of Xanax and a couple of shots of bourbon and you will be ready for a successful appendectomy.... Will also use the bourbon to disinfect.... and my trusty can shave with skinning knife to do the operation.... some fresh cat gut for the interior stitches and good stout fishing line for the exterior stitches.... and in no time you will be up among the living again....:cool:


:rotflmao: Me and my JBT have this discussion ALL THE TIME. IF there are no antibiotics to give me post-surgery, then just let me die. And I'm going to say that if you are jacking me up on xanax and bourbon, and prepping the incision area with shaving cream and bourbon then no ... I'm not interested ... because without those antibiotics I'm gonna die from periodontitis sooner rather than later, no matter how skilled you are with the cat gut and fishing line.

Now if tRidiot is around ... Well, then, that's a whole nuther deal ... I'd be your huckleberry then ... :P


Special Hen
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
In a hotel near you

You can operate on me, Texican. You'll find me leaning against a tree thinking happy thoughts. If I don't make it don't sweat it, I found this tree to die on anyhow. Bring extra bourbon.


Special Hen
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
In a hotel near you
UMB can learn about cat guts and stuff. He's hell with a rifle but redneck medicine and food has always been my territory.

Edit: I think UMB fell into people eater camp anyways, he can carve off the piece off my ass he always kissed since I was Moms favorite!! :pms2::pms2:


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
UMB can learn about cat guts and stuff. He's hell with a rifle but redneck medicine and food has always been my territory.

Ha! Y'all sound like me and GC ... I wouldn't let that man put a band-aid on a scratch ... but if somebody had his arm wrapped around my neck and a gun pointed at my head, I'd stand very, very still and let GC do what he does best. Put the bullet where it goes ... I'd be royally pissed if he got blood spatter on me, though ... :wink2:

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