Free speech, Garland Tx.

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Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not a theologist so I can't speak beyond my current layman's knowledge of religion. That limited knowledge says Islam is the only religion that cannot(will not) coexist with any other. And yes, different factions of Islam can't even coexist. Ergo, Islam is a scourge upon humanity.

They can't be left alone but not because of infighting. They can't be left alone even if they are reduced back to stone age status because they will simply rise up again the next time they have a commodity that the rest of the world will buy from them. We have problems with them now because of all the oil we bought from them. They can afford it now.


Woody, I have 2 degrees now. 1 in Philosophy and the other in Religious studies with emphasis on Christology. I'm not a pro on Islam but I've got beyond a laymens grasp.

The nonsense I've seen posted about Islam, on this board, about Jihad, converting, infidels ect. is just drivel. There is some truth but not much.

Much like some of the Old testament, people cherry pick parts of the Koran that most Mooslims don't give much credence to. That's why most if the millions of Islamists don't observe Sharia, like a few do.

Do a little research on the Amish and you'll find they treat women, kids, as bad as those under Sharia. Plus they have a disdain of Americans, America and our Constitution much greater than that of most Mooslims. They don't acknowledge our laws or rights, in fact if it wasn't for our laws and rights, they wouldn't exist in the U.S. One thing they don't do is chop off heads or blow things up. They are our beloved Amish and they despise us.


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
True - I believe that a thing either exists or does not exist. A memory, a Soul, molecule, dark matter....I could go on and on. But not everyone is a boy or girl, some are both whether we accept it or not. God either made them that away or they evolved that way.

The other option those that practice Islam have is just to adapt to the social norms of the society in which they've come to live. Their refusal to do so does not create an obligation on the part of others to accomodate their sensibilities and superstitions.

In an ideal world, they could live here like the Amish. Personally, as I've said before, I'd round em up and ban them or deport them. I'd trample all over their rights as citizens. Do it and be done with it, like we did with the Japanese and German citizens. Like Hitler did with Jews, before he started killing them. I'd give them their own piece of the world to stay put or else.....I'd create a Mooslim Reservation, assimilate or whatever.....kill each other I guess.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
40 Miles S. of Nowhere, OK.
I'd give them their own piece of the world to stay put or else.....I'd create a Mooslim Reservation, assimilate or whatever.....kill each other I guess.

Let's just send all the undesirables somewhere else - that worked out so well for the British.

Seriously though, nothing can be done to solve a problem until there's an admission that the problem actually exists. Agree or disagree with Geller's event it may at least be a step in the direction of opening a few blind eyes.


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Let's just send all the undesirables somewhere else - that worked out so well for the British.

Seriously though, nothing can be done to solve a problem until there's an admission that the problem actually exists. Agree or disagree with Geller's event it may at least be a step in the direction of opening a few blind eyes.

I'd rather fight them in the desert of the middle east rather than the desert of Texas.

I'm not gonna admit that Gellars art show had any good come from it no more than I'd admit that Westboro wackos did some good.


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
Lurker, you just proved that you not only have a failed understanding of high school civics but given your refusal to back up anything you state with a modicum of research much less fact shares that you are a troll that really doesn’t know much about what you are talking about.

“I have 2 degrees now.”
“Now”? Considering that you are functionally illiterate that “now” is pretty interesting. Why don’t you try to redeem your integrity and provide some answers to your posts?

I'm not a pro on Islam but I've got beyond a laymens grasp.” … “The nonsense I've seen posted about Islam, on this board, about Jihad, converting, infidels ect. is just drivel. There is some truth but not much.”
Do you want to unpack that or are you just going do your troll walk and scamper away when questioned? Why don’t you give examples of what have you seen on this board that you can validate to be nonsensical about Islam? You claim to have “beyond a layman’s grasp”, then can you explain how do the “five pillars” interact with a democracy? Explain “jihad” and jihad’s significance to Muslims. Which way did Muhammad’s kids go? Take a double bump of Aricept and show us that critical thinking you have from having two degrees … now.

That's why most if the millions of Islamists don't observe Sharia, like a few do.”
You are half correct or half wrong (now) … or you think that the 300m that believe in Sharia is not a few.

Do a little research on the Amish and you'll find they treat women, kids, as bad as those under Sharia.”
You are either trolling (again) or a Muslim apologist. But given what you have said so far, you are not smart enough to be an apologist because to be one, you would have to know something about what you are talking about. Again … Instead of continuing to make blanket b/s statements, why don’t you back something you say up? How about comparing Islamic customs to Amish customs such as ... what would cause an Amish woman to get stoned (as in with rocks)? Which performs more vaginal mutilations and why? Which has more “honor killings”? Are any of the 40 some subsets of the Amish instructed to “treat women like cattle” as Muslims are? Do the Amish kill homosexuals?

“… disdain of Americans, America and our Constitution much greater than that of most Mooslims.”
Can you cite a source to this? You claim to be an expert so you should have some reference to back this up, right?

Lurker, I was trying to help you understand this issue better but if you want to act like a jackass troll, you are going to get treated like a jackass troll. Now man up and back up something.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Strange, Lurker....

I'd have to go back and find the quote, but you said something about Geller and her ilk having the right to hold their annoying or insulting celebration or exhibit. That is, until the magnitude of the response becomes a public hazard. This is illogical and not in keeping with the First Amendment. You are saying she has rights, UNTIL people disagree with her ENOUGH.

So it has nothing to do with her or her demonstration or her free expression - it is 100% totally dependent upon the response of others to her.

Curious - you have degrees in Philosophy and Religious Studies? Do you support the right of the KKK to hold a rally or a march, provided they are not actively disruptive and are not actually inciting violence? Do blacks have a right to riot in the midst of a KKK rally? Or can Jews storm a Nazi Party or Communist Party private meeting? Do you actually support the right of those with whom you disagree to peacefully and lawfully assemble and declare their views?

If the "mooslims" - an intentionally derogatory misspelling you are actively using while you advocate getting along with them and not offending their sensibilities (for which the hardcore ones would kill YOU, as well) - if the "mooslims" decided that the pornography industry was safe to attack, if it offended them enough, and they staged an assault on their filming studios, would you blame the pornography industry? If they decided eating pig was an abomination and that they should attack all BBQ joints with AK47s and slaughter anyone who dared to consume an unclean animal, would you blame the patrons? Or blame the cooks? I mean without the cooks, the patrons couldn't partake - but without the patrons, the cooks would be out of business. So they are both equally guilty of inciting the "mooslims" by publicly consuming something so obviously offensive to the "mooslim" radicals out there.

At what point does the magnitude of the response to a non-violent message become illegal or unacceptable in American society? Well... usually, the measuring stick we use is when the response becomes violent. But then, when do we blame a non-violent speaker for the actions of those responding to him?

I'm just not seeing the "rightness" of determining the limits placed on someone's rights based on the improper and intolerant actions of responders. Perhaps you can help clear that up. I don't know.

I have to point out, however... your very use of the derogatory spelling of "mooslim" is doing EXACTLY WHAT PAMELA GELLER'S GROUP DID. Exactly. Completely. Totally. WITHOUT any difference.

Just sayin'.


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
In an ideal world, they could live here like the Amish. Personally, as I've said before, I'd round em up and ban them or deport them. I'd trample all over their rights as citizens. Do it and be done with it, like we did with the Japanese and German citizens. Like Hitler did with Jews, before he started killing them. I'd give them their own piece of the world to stay put or else.....I'd create a Mooslim Reservation, assimilate or whatever.....kill each other I guess.

I stand corrected. You are less than a troll.


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
Strange, Lurker....

I'd have to go back and find the quote, but you said something about Geller and her ilk having the right to hold their annoying or insulting celebration or exhibit. That is, until the magnitude of the response becomes a public hazard. This is illogical and not in keeping with the First Amendment. You are saying she has rights, UNTIL people disagree with her ENOUGH.

So it has nothing to do with her or her demonstration or her free expression - it is 100% totally dependent upon the response of others to her.

Curious - you have degrees in Philosophy and Religious Studies? Do you support the right of the KKK to hold a rally or a march, provided they are not actively disruptive and are not actually inciting violence? Do blacks have a right to riot in the midst of a KKK rally? Or can Jews storm a Nazi Party or Communist Party private meeting? Do you actually support the right of those with whom you disagree to peacefully and lawfully assemble and declare their views?

If the "mooslims" - an intentionally derogatory misspelling you are actively using while you advocate getting along with them and not offending their sensibilities (for which the hardcore ones would kill YOU, as well) - if the "mooslims" decided that the pornography industry was safe to attack, if it offended them enough, and they staged an assault on their filming studios, would you blame the pornography industry? If they decided eating pig was an abomination and that they should attack all BBQ joints with AK47s and slaughter anyone who dared to consume an unclean animal, would you blame the patrons? Or blame the cooks? I mean without the cooks, the patrons couldn't partake - but without the patrons, the cooks would be out of business. So they are both equally guilty of inciting the "mooslims" by publicly consuming something so obviously offensive to the "mooslim" radicals out there.

At what point does the magnitude of the response to a non-violent message become illegal or unacceptable in American society? Well... usually, the measuring stick we use is when the response becomes violent. But then, when do we blame a non-violent speaker for the actions of those responding to him?

I'm just not seeing the "rightness" of determining the limits placed on someone's rights based on the improper and intolerant actions of responders. Perhaps you can help clear that up. I don't know.

I have to point out, however... your very use of the derogatory spelling of "mooslim" is doing EXACTLY WHAT PAMELA GELLER'S GROUP DID. Exactly. Completely. Totally. WITHOUT any difference.

Just sayin'.

Well stated sir.


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Lurker, you just proved that you not only have a failed understanding of high school civics but given your refusal to back up anything you state with a modicum of research much less fact shares that you are a troll that really doesn’t know much about what you are talking about.

“I have 2 degrees now.”
“Now”? Considering that you are functionally illiterate that “now” is pretty interesting. Why don’t you try to redeem your integrity and provide some answers to your posts?

I'm not a pro on Islam but I've got beyond a laymens grasp.” … “The nonsense I've seen posted about Islam, on this board, about Jihad, converting, infidels ect. is just drivel. There is some truth but not much.”
Do you want to unpack that or are you just going do your troll walk and scamper away when questioned? Why don’t you give examples of what have you seen on this board that you can validate to be nonsensical about Islam? You claim to have “beyond a layman’s grasp”, then can you explain how do the “five pillars” interact with a democracy? Explain “jihad” and jihad’s significance to Muslims. Which way did Muhammad’s kids go? Take a double bump of Aricept and show us that critical thinking you have from having two degrees … now.

That's why most if the millions of Islamists don't observe Sharia, like a few do.”
You are half correct or half wrong (now) … or you think that the 300m that believe in Sharia is not a few.

Do a little research on the Amish and you'll find they treat women, kids, as bad as those under Sharia.”
You are either trolling (again) or a Muslim apologist. But given what you have said so far, you are not smart enough to be an apologist because to be one, you would have to know something about what you are talking about. Again … Instead of continuing to make blanket b/s statements, why don’t you back something you say up? How about comparing Islamic customs to Amish customs such as ... what would cause an Amish woman to get stoned (as in with rocks)? Which performs more vaginal mutilations and why? Which has more “honor killings”? Are any of the 40 some subsets of the Amish instructed to “treat women like cattle” as Muslims are? Do the Amish kill homosexuals?

“… disdain of Americans, America and our Constitution much greater than that of most Mooslims.”
Can you cite a source to this? You claim to be an expert so you should have some reference to back this up, right?

Lurker, I was trying to help you understand this issue better but if you want to act like a jackass troll, you are going to get treated like a jackass troll. Now man up and back up something.

If you want a college level lecture, goto college. I'll tutor you for a fee. This is a forum. If you wanna compare n contrast paper on the Amish and Talib an or Sharia, use your Google foo. Or use the search function on OSA, I explained it with some detail several years ago when we bashed mooslims.

No reason for personal attacks, I quit directing the conversation toward you a couple of pages ago.

Go play with GlocktoGo, please.

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