Free speech, Garland Tx.

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Why do you insist on blaming Geller? She did nothing to incite muslims.

Agree. Just put on a show. Everbody that attended were not required to attend. They chose to attend not putting anybody in danger other than themselves.

Its no different than the New Years celebration in Seattle where a bomb plot was discovered, yet people attended in defiance of a Jihad.

The Boston Marathon had a huge increase in attendance this year by spectators in defiance of a Jihad.

The OKC bombing marathon is in sympathy/defiance of a person that was against the US government because of Ruby Ridge, and Waco.

Two different causes.
American have a history standing up to those that would desire to take us down.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Because she put on the show with Ill intentions. She's the first mover. She caused 2 muslims to move. She moved them. They did exactly what she intended.

More fear of muslims.....

Where in the quran does it say that muslims must kill people that mocks allah....oh wait, it really does say that.

Geller did not force those two muslims to be offended. She did not force them to attend her event. She did not force them to attempt to kill in the name of allah. Those two muslims chose to be offended and they chose to take the path that they took. Geller has no responsibility for the actions or reactions of muslims and she should not be censored because a group of zealots find her work offensive.

Our fight to keep this country free may result in many deaths, but that is price of freedom. Producing and displaying offensive satire is a right and it should be respected and protected at all cost.


Aug 14, 2012
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Wow!! interesting only TRdoc can smell what Dwight is telling OSA.

Astute readers shoulda caught that early on. The real irony is the first couple of posts, defining the rules of the conversation about Free Speech. Am I the only one who caught that?

Besides if I didn't speak up, this thread would been 4 pages if Rah Rah wave the flag, tie yella ribbons, down with sharia rhetoric. Look at the views vs posts. Even if I'm on the wrong side, people check it out. That's good for business. Good for America.


Aug 14, 2012
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More fear of muslims.....

Where in the quran does it say that muslims must kill people that mocks allah....oh wait, it really does say that.

Geller did not force those two muslims to be offended. She did not force them to attend her event. She did not force them to attempt to kill in the name of allah. Those two muslims chose to be offended and they chose to take the path that they took. Geller has no responsibility for the actions or reactions of muslims and she should not be censored because a group of zealots find her work offensive.

Our fight to keep this country free may result in many deaths, but that is price of freedom. Producing and displaying offensive satire is a right and it should be respected and protected at all cost.

Yep, the old yell fire in a theater. You can do it but there are consequences. It applied to Gellar as well.
Freedom ain't really free....people must die. Building must be blown up when we wanna draw cartoons. We are at war! Our Freedom of speech must be protected from 2 crazies.

Like I said earlier, I'm all for banning and expelling the lot of them. And I wouldn't she'd a tear if muslims get Gellar....she ain't a patriot or worthy of being put in history books.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 24, 2008
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tR, You asked alot of questions of me. If you really want me to I'll answer as many as possible.

You are the only one who caught my very intentional spelling, good catch.

Here's my short answer. Her right to free speech is OK with me. Her right to choose a religion is OK with me. Her right to carry a gun is OK with me. Her right to vote is OK with me.

Her right to cause trouble, not only for people at the art show but for the homes and businesses in the area are not justified to be considered a good or right action. She had no intention of using Free Speech for anything but hateful purposes....much like the KKK. Her kind of individual Free Speech will lead to the erosion of our collective right to Free Speech. She's not furthering our Constitution or Rights, she's being divisive. Much like people who abuse the 2A. From the 2A we know that rights can be restricted or abolished or modified by people who did not have the best interest of the 2A.

Let me paraphrase Kant, if an action is good, it's always good, most of the time. If an action has any wrong, then it is wrong always, everytime.

I'll also use Aristotle, again I'm paraphrasing but for an action to be considered good or right, it must be done for the right reasons, at the right time and get the right results.

And of course I'd paraphrase Jesus or the Golden rule, which only applies to individual unto others as you would have them do unto you. That means be nice, not offensive, or mean or hateful or spiteful ect.

I'm of the opinion that Gellar put on this "show" to illicit a response. She got it. 2 people died, I dunno, couple injured. I do know this, the guy that killed the 2 muslims, he lives with it until he dies. Maybe he'll handle it ok, maybe he'll wonder if he was used as a political tool to further Gellars agenda.

Maybe next time, Gellar will fill your ER up with 500 injured....why? So she could incite some wackos into committing mass murder, by drawing a few cartoons.

You'll stay busy Doc, job security, free speech and all.

Dennis, in all fairness I should have quoted this......


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Yep, the old yell fire in a theater. You can do it but there are consequences. It applied to Gellar as well.
Freedom ain't really free....people must die. Building must be blown up when we wanna draw cartoons. We are at war! Our Freedom of speech must be protected from 2 crazies.

Like I said earlier, I'm all for banning and expelling the lot of them. And I wouldn't she'd a tear if muslims get Gellar....she ain't a patriot or worthy of being put in history books.

As has been stated, Geller only had a volunteer attendance. Nobody was in danger unless they wanted to be in that situation. The security detail was voluntary as well, and had intel from the FBI this might occur two days earlier.

Those are the facts.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 24, 2008
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Astute readers shoulda caught that early on. The real irony is the first couple of posts, defining the rules of the conversation about Free Speech. Am I the only one who caught that?

Besides if I didn't speak up, this thread would been 4 pages if Rah Rah wave the flag, tie yella ribbons, down with sharia rhetoric. Look at the views vs posts. Even if I'm on the wrong side, people check it out. That's good for business. Good for America.

No question you are an interesting read.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Yep, the old yell fire in a theater. You can do it but there are consequences. It applied to Gellar as well.
Freedom ain't really free....people must die. Building must be blown up when we wanna draw cartoons. We are at war! Our Freedom of speech must be protected from 2 crazies.

Like I said earlier, I'm all for banning and expelling the lot of them. And I wouldn't she'd a tear if muslims get Gellar....she ain't a patriot or worthy of being put in history books.

Producing and displaying satire is nowhere near yelling fire in a crowded theater.

One doesn't have to be a patriot or a hero to excerise free expression, that's the beauty of this country.

I do not fear muslims, they will attack, not a thing I can do about it. I will not change my life to avoid pissing off anyone other than my wife.

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