911 was an inside job!

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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Hey Reddog, get you a T-shirt that says 911 was an inside job and then show up for jury duty wearing it and handing out pocket constitutions and information on jury nullification.

Jupiter Fulminator

Special Hen
Jul 15, 2016
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Supposedly hit by a plane? I was stationed there at the time but was in Crystal City during the actual impact, one of my NCOs watched the plane fly into the Army wedge of the Pentagon. I saw tons of airplane debris and had some of it (airplane wall matting) rained down on me. However, there were smaller bits of airplane pieces everywhere. My boss was one of the first USAF personnel to respond and assist. There is no supposedly - a jet airliner flew into the Pentagon. That is a fact.
Facts are mere inconveniences to the conspiracy-minded. Good info, though.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Facts are mere inconveniences to the conspiracy-minded. Good info, though.

Okay I'll bite again on a thread meant to stoke controversy...the end result is what really matters when it comes to 911...we attacked saddam who was basically at war with Islamic radicals and tried to essentially blame 911 on him...then the gov't used the crisis to initiate many things that would normally be unacceptable to the American public and increased gov't power while further limiting our liberty. We then continued the same narrative and removed Mubarak, Kaddafi, tried to remove Assad, and armed and trained radical Sunni muslims while bombing and opposing dictators that were not Islamists...I saw Juliani blame Iran for ISIS last night...the American public is so gullible...Iran is at war with ISIS too...so 911 was just a major part of this plan of using our tax money to do things against our own best interest for ulterior motivations. Getting us debating about to what extent there was corruption/coverup surrounding the event is a tactic...I personally estimate Saudi arabia is the largest state sponsor of terror and was directly involved in 911...that doesn't mean that Bush was flying the planes with a Wile E Coyote style ACME remote control. Fighting over details such as the plane vs missle is just a convenient distraction to make two people who are essentially on the "same side" fight with one another...THINK!


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Did Bush and company use the 9/11 attacks to further their own foreign and domestic policy goals? Sure they did. But that is a long way from saying that it was "an inside job."

LOL depends on what the meaning of "is" is (hopefully you'll get the Clintonian reference)...never let a good crisis go to waste at the very least. But then again, have you ever heard of Bandar BUSH? Even a coverup after the fact is still a coverup.



Jupiter Fulminator

Special Hen
Jul 15, 2016
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sh00ter, how timely!! Veteran's Today, known as "The True Voice of the World's Clandestine Community", home to Holocaust denier Ingrid R. Zundel, known also for its Anti-Semitism and its willingness to lift articles directly from Iran's Press TV. Now THERE is a reliable source of information.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I do not read that publication, I was simply providing a link to tell you who Bandar Bush was...furthermore, the missing 28 pages is a well known story and is on hundreds of other sites; take your pick. Perhaps CNN or some other left-wing site is what you prefer since you seem not to like one I chose from the right wing? Attacking my source is a tactic and it doesn't change the fact that the saudis were involved...why would you run cover for the "real" largest state sponsor of terror and ISIS sunni islamist stronghold Saudi Arabia? I know you must be a patriot if you are a member of this site.



Special Hen
Jul 13, 2016
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Outside of Slaughterville, OK
I find it interesting that the same people who believe that our Government is sophisticated enough to plan, execute, and keep secret the supposed giant conspiracy necessary to pull off 9/11 are the same people who believe that our Government is composed of people too stupid to effectively run our country.

A few facts:
Jets in the U.S. primarily use Jet A fuel which burns at up to 980 degrees C.
There was lots of aluminum in the structure of the tower. Aluminum melts at 660 degrees C.
The steel in the towers changed from cementite and pearlite (strong steel) to austentite (weak steel) at 705 degrees C.
Heat from the fuel softened the steel to the point of failure.
Melted aluminum mixed with iron oxide (from rust and from heated steel) to form small trace amounts of thermite.

As far as having enough air to reach those temperatures, you seem to have failed to notice the large gaping holes in the buildings left by the airplanes that flew into the buildings. Look up "rocket stove" and see how the air feed works.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I find it interesting that the same people who believe that our Government is sophisticated enough to plan, execute, and keep secret the supposed giant conspiracy necessary to pull off 9/11 are the same people who believe that our Government is composed of people too stupid to effectively run our country.

A few facts:
Jets in the U.S. primarily use Jet A fuel which burns at up to 980 degrees C.
There was lots of aluminum in the structure of the tower. Aluminum melts at 660 degrees C.
The steel in the towers changed from cementite and pearlite (strong steel) to austentite (weak steel) at 705 degrees C.
Heat from the fuel softened the steel to the point of failure.
Melted aluminum mixed with iron oxide (from rust and from heated steel) to form small trace amounts of thermite.

I didn't make this post, but to me, "911 was an inside job" can mean a variety of things...Many Americans do not think we have the full story on Kennedy either but would debate the various conspiracy theories surrounding that event...same thing applies here. I am not obsessed with whether it is or isn't and have therefore not done the research that a debunker or believer would have. But the one thing that I do know of that stands out and makes no sense to me is building #7...lotta info surrounding that one.

But regardless of whether there was 0% or 100% conspiracy at play in 911, that the powers that be sure used it to create global chaos and change America. George Washington would not have taken kindly to having his mom humiliated while her colostomy bag was searched by pot bellied pedos on a power trip...Why should YOU have to give up YOUR rights because of what some foreign group did? The whole conspiracy is a distraction...I'd love to know the truth and hold any necessary folks accountable. But it is all that came after it that took things to the next level. A perpetual global war where you are suspect despite having nothing to do with it...Same thing to me as blaming all gun owners for Sandy Hook, etc.

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