Son just got picked up....

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
How old is he?

One piece of advice is to not believe everything his "friend" says in regards to what did/didn't happen.

The world is full of "good kids who wouldn't do something like that" who actually did do something like that.

My oldest gets his license in a few weeks. Dreading those kind of calls. Good luck brother.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 20, 2011
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He will automatically lose his license for 180 days or more.
He can POSSIBLY get a modified license for work/school.
If he is a first time offender, he MAY qualify for a deferred sentence.
If it's Norman PD, there may be dash cam video.
Get an attorney. Total cost will be $4-5000.
As a fellow parent, I'm sorry you have to go through this......Sometimes it's all we can do to keep them alive until they figure it out on their own. I'm glad no one was hurt.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
It's going to cost. If he took FST or refused, he will have his license suspended. If he refused, it's a year. He will have to go through a drug and alcohol counseling and impact thing (he pays for). He will have to have an ignition based BAC machine put on this car that will have to be calibrated and info downloaded monthly, with a monthly cost
This will make a determination on reduction of charges or terms of getting restriction on license.
If his BAC was high, it's a bigger DWI with severe consequences. He will have to pay a monthly fee to the county clerk.
Get a lawyer and let him do his stuff. It's going to be expensive including having you license restriction and new license issued.
It takes 3 years for it to go off your DMV that impacts your insurance.
Everything cost money. Anywhere from 1,500 to 5 grand.
Good luck and hopefully you get a judge that's not a fan of MADD.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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DUI or DWI.... in OK there's a difference. DWI is .08 and below or was at one point? DUIs are expensive now. ~10K when you're all said in done here in Tulsa from what I understand.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
First of, sorry it happened to you but I raised 3 boys who "knew better" and all three of three of them wound up in some kind of trouble anyway.

There were sever nights I cried myself to sleep and each of them, during their "trials and tribulations" called me everything but a white woman. Still, I was at every court hearing with them (no attorney, but then I worked for attorneys so I kinda did have some knowledge of the system and how it worked).

One spent Memorial Day weekend sitting in jail for his "mistake". Make no mistake, I made it clear to him it was his CHOICE that got him where he was.

The other 2 (who decided there would be some kind of safety in numbers) got to spend up until 5 minutes before closing at juvie, THEN court, where the judge was just gonna let them off with a slap on the wrist because they had never been in trouble before and had good grades. By the time our sidebar was done, they got a year's probation, a 6-month stint at Thunderbird Academy, got to "visit" the county jail and let the inmates tell them EXACTLY what was gonna happen to them if they continued on the path they were on, had to write apologize letters to the judge, their probation officer, their teachers, me and the store they stole from and then had to go back to court at the end of that year with documentation they had completed their probation. (Paperwork I made them keep up with themselves. I also took their allowance away -- if they are just gonna steal stuff why do I need to give them an allowance?? -- and sewed the pockets shut on all their jeans. Why should I let them have pockets to put stuff in?? I don't have time to be taking off work for this BS.)

So far you've gotten some very solid advice here.

All three of my boys HATED me. I mean the tension was so thick at the time you could cut it with a knife. All three of them have since come back and thanked me for, and I quote "Saving me from my dumbass self."

The hardest road is sometimes the one you have to take. And even then, there is no guarantee it will work.

A couple of other things, because they are important, even though someone else has already mentioned them. Don't take the friend's word for anything. Let the attorney deal with him. He will decide if the kid's statement is credible or if it will just make things worse.

Two, while "being combative" doesn't sound like your son, alcohol and things like that that affect mood will often show you a side of someone you would never have in 100 years thought was in there. We ALL have that capacity, not just your son. So it's not a character flaw if he acted out under the influence.

All that said, I wish you the best of luck with your son. With a little luck, and a real tough skin, you can make this an experience he will NOT want to repeat, and y'all can laugh about in a few years. (Yes, my sons and I sometimes laugh at their very short, VERY uncomfortable criminal phases. Now. But God knows at the time I would have given them to the first vagrant that offered me a nickel for their dumb asses.)

Dr. HK

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Feb 18, 2008
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He is 20 years old . Just joined the navy not long ago, and is supposed to leave for basic in October. I hope this doesn't ruin that.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
What happens if I do t want to pay for an attorney? My son has a job. It no pot to wizzz in.

If he is a minor, and you can prove you don't have the resources (I'm sorry I don't know what the guidelines are anymore) you can ask for a public defender.

If he is not a minor, and doesn't have the resources, he can ask for a public defender.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
He is 20 years old . Just joined the navy not long ago, and is supposed to leave for basic in October. I hope this doesn't ruin that.

Ok, it's been a LONG time so bear with me. And I don't even know if they do this sort of thing any more BUT I worked for a lawyer who would help kids who got into trouble in the 18-22 ave bracket work out a plea deal where if one of the branches of military would take the kid (and they had to sign up for a minimum of 4 years -- that could have changed by now), then the judge would defer sentencing. IF the kid did his 4 years and stayed out of trouble the charge (usually DUI/drunk and disorderly) they charges were dropped.

I cannot remember what the Motion we filed was called to get that ball rolling. I also do not know if that attorney still practices law, but I'll PM you his name. He'll give your son his first consultation free.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
He is 20 years old . Just joined the navy not long ago, and is supposed to leave for basic in October. I hope this doesn't ruin that.

That's going to be a complication unless you get get it all thrown out or sealed maybe.

He needs to be upfront with his recruiter about it. They will find out.

Since he's an adult, he's going to have to do his own talking...but you can certainly back him up.

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