Is Obamagate worse than Watergate ?

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Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Well then there you go.
Real Christians never did any of those things people pretending to be Christians did.
I completely agree. I am not trolling you
No One in the Old Testament claimed to be Christians. That word didn’t even exist before Christ came. And to be clear, I wrote a paper in college on the differences between Islam and Christianity. And I read a lot of the Quran. I’m no expert on either. But I know enough. And I sure know enough of the Bible to back up my beliefs and how I live my life. I don’t care what people did hundreds and thousands of years ago. And some will say Christians killed Muslims during the crusades. Catholics ARE NOT Christians. It another made up denomination. There is only ONE true Church. And scripture tells exactly how it is to be set up and ran. But I will agree with you that people on both sides try and believe what they want. I don’t do that. I go by what scripture says, period. If I ain’t told to do something I ain’t doing it. And if I am told to do something then I will. Sadly Christianity has been severely damaged because of people’s ignorance of the gospel and because corrupt men out of selfishness started twisting scripture to support what they want to believe. That is why there are so many different denominations. And sadly many that say they are Christians aren’t. The Bible is clear on how to be saved. And it is NOT by “asking Jesus into your heart”. That is the biggest lie ever created in Christianity. Sadly millions have and are falling for it.

Many would rather rely on traditions rather than the truth. Acts 2:38 blatantly lays out how to truly be saved. It also shows how to receive the Holy Spirit. And if a person hasn’t done that then they aren’t truly saved and aren’t a Christian. Jesus himself also told how to be saved. We have to be “born again of water and the spirit “. He is referring to being baptized”. After all, if you put these two scriptures together you can easily see what the truth is. And there are more scriptures as well. I just like to use these two because they are so easy to understand. When a person believes in Jesus they must confess and repent of their sins, be baptized to have those sins forgiven and then they receive the Holy Spirit. When we are baptized we are putting to death our old sinful selves and when we come up out of the water we are a new creation, born again. We have received the Holy Spirit at that point. So that represents being born again of water and the spirit. When a person is baptized they are being crucified with Christ and when they arise out of the water they have resurrected with Christ. Some claim that once you are saved you are always saved. That is another lie created by man. The Bible tells the exact opposite. It really is sad how many folks would rather trust in men rather than God. After all, the Bible was written with the help of the Holy Spirit. Christ also said “those that have ears will hear and those that have eyes will see”. Those that are following false teachings are not hearing nor seeing the truth. It’s all about them. Being a Christian is a huge sacrifice. We have to put to death the misdeeds is the body. Christ said that “if we love him we will keep his commands”.


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Oct 27, 2012
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OK I'm still what ?
I'm curious what he supports that a muslim would but a True Christian would not.
. First, I think we can agree that Obama is not and never was a "true Christian." He claimed to be but supported radical ideology that actually confronted christianity in an adverse manner as mentioned in my links. Now, what would he support that a muslim would? He supported his cronies in the Mideast and funded and armed them, allowed Christians to be slaughtered and overall, befriended our enemies. But, he wasn't a practicing muslim in that he supported certain lifestyles that are contrary to both biblical and koran precepts. Yet, he loved the islamic call to prayer as the most beautiful sound, etc, etc. He was a situational Christian or muslim dependent upon the occasion. That is all I am going to say on the subject and you can disagree, believe or argue all you want but I'm ending it here.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2020
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. First, I think we can agree that Obama is not and never was a "true Christian." He claimed to be but supported radical ideology that actually confronted christianity in an adverse manner as mentioned in my links. Now, what would he support that a muslim would? He supported his cronies in the Mideast and funded and armed them, allowed Christians to be slaughtered and overall, befriended our enemies. But, he wasn't a practicing muslim in that he supported certain lifestyles that are contrary to both biblical and koran precepts. Yet, he loved the islamic call to prayer as the most beautiful sound, etc, etc. He was a situational Christian or muslim dependent upon the occasion. That is all I am going to say on the subject and you can disagree, believe or argue all you want but I'm ending it here.
No, I'm not disagreeing or arguing either one, because I don't know and did not pay enough attention to Obama's religious views and actions to have an opinion. I'm actually just trying to learn from you and thanks for the inputs.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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No, I'm not disagreeing or arguing either one, because I don't know and did not pay enough attention to Obama's religious views and actions to have an opinion. I'm actually just trying to learn from you and thanks for the inputs.
. My apologies, I mistakenly thought you were biased one way or another and I do apologize.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2020
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. My apologies, I mistakenly thought you were biased one way or another and I do apologize.
No apology necessary. I am biased on lots of things, but not this topic. I'm pretty well uninformed or educated on this topic. Thanks again for your comments.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Ain’t nothing gonna happen to Obama. Now if he was a republican his life would be ruined. But since he is a democrat he is above the law. Sad but true. But oh how I wish he would go down. I wish all the corrupt politicians would, Republicans too.

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius!


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