Please tell me he didn't really say that....

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
I thought he was a republican....

He is whatever works for him at the moment - like being a 2A supporter. It changes with the winds and when it is politically advantageous.

Now, it is very possible that Trump could do something to bite my b*tt for what I'm about to say, but I've venture a good guess that after the way he has been treated by the Democrats and the media, he is likely to never again be a Democrat.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2020
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Now, it is very possible that Trump could do something to bite my b*tt for what I'm about to say, but I've venture a good guess that after the way he has been treated by the Democrats and the media, he is likely to never again be a Democrat.
I bet you can sure say the same thing for Michael Bloomberg too !


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I've said this, yes.... he does get things done, but he has to continually talk to hear himself on the airwaves, and bluster and boast. It's juvenile and stupid.

That doesn't take away from accomplishments, but it does divert attention and give the press, the left, his political opponents and everyone else in the world something to harp on - the he LOOKS like a fool, a braggart and a bore.

Just my opinion, like everyone else who has one. I'm ashamed he is the best option we had, yes. I <facepalm> almost every time he opens his mouth these days. And I hope he beats Joe Biden and the left in November like a red-headed stepchild - again, because we don't have any better options, which really says a whole shiteload more about US as a country than it does even about HIM as a tool.
If Trump doesn't talk about himself who in the hell is going to talk about his accomplishments? Greatest economy in history, lowest unemployment rates among minorities and women, deregulation to create infrastructure, and I can go on and on and on.
If he didn't tweet, and blabbermouth on TV, nobody would know squat.
The greatest move he ever did was to have the daily news brief on the tarmac before taking off on Marine one. The media voices are muted and his are enhanced by directional mikes.
I agree his mouth outruns his brain at times, but his actions are what I'm voting for not the polished politician that will impress one with their prose and pronunciation in an inspiring speech that will fail in the future to perform.
Every President in the last 4 elections promised to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel including obummer. It was all political talk to influence votes and never happened. Trump made it happen.
Trumps best accomplishment was creating the greatest economy this country has ever seen. It was crushed by this pandemic that I'm not so sure wasn't mostly politically driven to take the economy down in the dims last gasp to take Trump down.
So now Trump has the job to rebuild the economy while the dims again try another impeachment.
Today Trump signed an exec order to further reduce the regulations to build infrastructure. What used to take 10 months to build a highway going through levels of government to get the same permit will take weeks now.
Workers get back to work earlier, have more work, and the economy benefits.

There is one big thing I've noticed about Trump's administration. In past times when the nation was in crisis, the government took more control.
Now when the nation is in crisis, Trump is deregulating the economy so the economy can rebuild this country without government.

I'll take President Trump's method hands down.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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For those that don't care for his word vomit style I get it, but I have one question. When he says he's gonna do something...... does he do it? While I'm sure someone will nitpick that statement, but in a general sense does he? I don't know how anyone could argue that he hasn't gotten more promises done than any other elected President I've seen. Like I said, he actually does things that elected Republicans only talk about.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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For those that don't care for his word vomit style I get it, but I have one question. When he says he's gonna do something...... does he do it? While I'm sure someone will nitpick that statement, but in a general sense does he? I don't know how anyone could argue that he hasn't gotten more promises done than any other elected President I've seen. Like I said, he actually does things that elected Republicans only talk about.

Like putting Hillary in jail? lol


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I always said he has done some good things. I've also always said he's a blowhard. He's shot his mouth of plenty of times with sh|t he didn't back up, especially to get elected.

Like all of them.

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