2000 Mules movie

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Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
Wow...those are big words. Incorrectly applied to what I said, but REALLY big words. I'll give you a big, fat gold star for having an amazing vocabulary.

Look... I like and respect D'Souza. But watching his documentary isn't going to change anything. Not for me and not for how the election went.

And, no. I don't know what every single lawsuit filed over the election was about in specific terms. And neither do you. In general terms it was about inconsistencies in the election procedures of one form or another that might've altered, illegally, the outcome of the election. And I don't care why they were thrown out. Pissing and moaning about the why on an internet forum with someone who thinks he has all the answers isn't going to change anything.
>watching his doc isn't going to change anything

well at least you admitted it.

why the hell would you ask for proof and NOT *at least* watch the documentary? YOU WERE ASKING FOR PROOF.

this is cognitive dissonance. you can get thru this. just watch it. see for yourself. yes it's cheesy. but the information you might find to be "proof" of something.

did you watch Hima's testimony? it's 45 minutes. you can do it. it's okay. it won't hurt you or change anything about you or make you some kind of "crazy conspiracy theorist" who eats horse paste and injects bleach. you'll be okay.

why would you ask for proof when it's staring you in the face?
that's the cognitive dissonance.

OK Corgi Rancher

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Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Oh... You mock me for referencing the 70s yet for you to reference the 70s is more compelling argument.

You still don't get it. I happen to believe there were many illegal things perpetrated to get Biden elected. But it doesn't matter that I believe that or you believe that. We're really on the same side here...I'm just not as idealistic as you are. That's due to more of that life experience I talked about.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
>comes into thread about doc on election fraud asking for proof on election fraud
>refuses to watch said doc, demands more proof
>cops out, says "we actually agree!" and says "oh yeah illegal things happened" which is a blanket statement, unlike saying there were thousands of mules who visited at least 10 ballot boxes and 5 ngo's, while providing said "proof" in my VERY FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD

sorry man, i'm really not following you. you've done nothing but insult me when all i did was link the video that you refused to even watch.
now YOU'RE the one making false blanket statements like "illegal things were done" when i've mentioned multiple concrete things, with video evidence.

holy crap boomers are insufferable. i'm sorry. i don't get it.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
Oh... You mock me for referencing the 70s yet for you to reference the 70s is more compelling argument.

You still don't get it. I happen to believe there were many illegal things perpetrated to get Biden elected. But it doesn't matter that I believe that or you believe that. We're really on the same side here...I'm just not as idealistic as you are. That's due to more of that life experience I talked about.
bruh i said nothing is going to happen. i don't understand where you get off calling me "idealistic" or again calling out life experience WHEN YOU COME INTO THE THREAD DEMANDING PROOF BUT REFUSE TO WATCH A 90 MINUTE DOC.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
And what if I watch it? Then what? Am I supposed to have some life-changing epiphany? I'm not going to watch it for a lot of reasons...not the least of which is IT'S NOT GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING. I don't need to waste 90 mins of my life to know that. Maybe you do.
dude no, you are totally missing the point.
it's not what you think.
i guess i don't know; are you going to have a life changing epiphany?

maybe you wouldn't continue to go into threads about 90 minutes docs and start demanding PROOF AND EVIDENCE without even watching said 90 minute doc?

like you realize you have no reason to be saying anything here: you don't have an opinion on this because you haven't even seen the evidence you are discounting.

that was my point from the very, very beginning.

OK Corgi Rancher

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
My point is that the movie isn't going to change anything discussed in the movie.

I've never smoked crack, either. I don't need to smoke crack to have the opinion that smoking crack won't do anything good for me.

There you have it. You've made your point, I've made mine. Have a nice day.


Staff Member
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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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i have not sidestepped anything.
you're asking for proof.
i'm asking you what "proof" is?

what "proof" do YOU have about 9/11?

can't ask nick berg about it!
I am and have been asking for the documentation that you have built your theory on............ That is all. Proof is that "evidence" that led you to your thoughts.
I do not know how else to explain this to you.
I am not calling you names or calling you out I just want to know how you came to your conclusion.

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