Totally unrelated, but this just made me think of pirates and how they used to be branded with a big letter P. Maybe we should start branding illegals with a giant letter I on them. Make it a lot easier to round them up in the future should they re-enter.If I was the Gov. I'd triple the number of buses sending them illegals...
.I'd have the police rounding the ones living in the state and get them to go also..
.plus I'd start sending paroles to them...get out of prison, bus ticket to chicago, NY , of san the con's can be with real thugs....
....anyone on welfare would get flyers with other states ...gibbing more free stuff...... to get them to move also...
I'd start draining and cleaning the ditches with the ones who won't work,, but want free stuff
Just need someone to say NO to the democrats and their crying kids acting out, I'd send Dad (police) after them with his belt......